The US needs to be the global police

Jow Forumsacks claim that we're just fighting wars for Isreal, but I can't find any proof of that. I'm convinced it's a psyop from /sg/ muzzies. Change my mind.

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I was thinking maybe Israel was a beach head that back fired on the American imperialist vision. The creation taking over the creator sort of thing.

Who are you claiming to be the creator?

The "free world" versus the communist countries during the Cold War.

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yo fuck da police. me and my boyz always getting up to some muuuuunky biznus

Nigger I hate jews as much as the majority here, my stake in this is that I sacrificed a large portion of my youth to fighting wars for this country, and I know guys that sacrificed much more than that.
I just want the redpill on this so I can wake up the boomers and self described patriots I'm surrounded by.

Can't find evidence kek are you blind or just retarded, it's written in actions not on paper

Were fighting wars for American corporate interests: the petrol industry, the steel industry, the weapons manufacturers
Someone has to keep the machine going

I'm not denying this
It can't be that simple, there's plenty of non kikes that have vast stakes in those industries.

>I sacrificed a large portion of my youth to fighting wars for this country
Oh, you're upset you were brainwashed into fighting wars for foreign interests. It's understandable, you should be angry. But you should be angry and want no other citizen to suffer the same fate not want them thrown into the same worthless bullshit you were.
>self described patriots
There is nothing patriotic about fighting for foreign and corporate interests against the needs of the citizenry. It is the opposite.
Don't forget the agricultural and pharmaceutical corporations, the reasons we were in Vietnam.

We can't afford to keep buying peace for Israel by spending American blood.

I think if we weren't there China and Russia would be

I think you guys give America too much credit. Those wars would have made more sense if they benefited from them like you're implying with the corporations. The reality is that America gained literally NOTHING, but payed everything. I love American foreign policy.

You obviously haven't been here long enough to remember a time before /sg/.

No, not the global police. The global exterminators.

We need to step up our game and make genocide a policy.

>But you should be angry and want no other citizen to suffer the same fate not want them thrown into the same worthless bullshit you were.
I am angry, we should have nuked mecca and medina.

I agree, that's where all the support for the GWOT came from in the first place.

No, it needs to take over the world like they were supposed to do back in the 19th century

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This is OP by the way, the first few posts were from my phone.

You're almost right but you're attributing that psyop wrongly. The whole Israel thing is the century long psyop by the Russian secret police.
They have been doing it since the Protocols of Zion.
They keep doing it because that shit was the most successful psyop in the history of mankind. It contributed to the WWII for fucks sake and Russian government wants a similar war again to gain imperial status and own the world like it almost happened after the WWII.

the united states has been pretending it was the global police. its caused more problems than any other country on the planet

nobody trust america to do anything right. its time for every one to stop pretending america should be the global police and stop wasting money on the military

You are most likely correct. I wish I had the means to break that shit down into little pills for normies though, that's why I made the thread.
Isn't this what the Yuriy guy that's a meme here was talking about?

What's the irony of a Russian Psyop story becoming real life though?
How unlikely is that? The entire goal of the Protocols is to recreate Israel and then take over the nations using Dialogues in Hell as the outline.
And it's pretty well done. And now, despite it clearly endangering everyone in their nations, the european nations are taking in people that will turn them into brainlets, if not destabilize them permanently. And meanwhile, the only nations able to throw people out, are Jewish or Chinese (who are operated by the Chinese central bank).

Why would you want to be the world police???

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We were the global police, that's what the entire cold war was about, in theory.
Now, it's difficult to say. We're still leaps and bounds ahead of other nations, but the jews are helping China for the shekels and the bug-people slaves, and are actively destabilizing everyone else.

Because it beats being pulled over by the asshole bug-people for driving 52 in a 50.

Apparently the Protocols of Zion have been (((debunked))) user's, where can I find a good rundown?

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They are mostly cut paste from Dialogues in Hell. Read that first.

Just use this my dude:
"Excuse me PEACE-officer. I was TRAVELLING on this FREE-way. I am a BOAT CAPTAIN, I outrank you."
Always works senpai, no trouble.

Looks like it too has been kiked

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Why, why should what goes on across the ocean be our concern? What does any of this foreign bullshit have to do with us?
This is what you traitorous un-American warhawk bastards can not answer. How is it our problem?

>He thinks global machinations coincidentally benefit a country over and over again.
How fucking stupid are you? Like legitimately have they tested you for retardation? You may be able to just collect social benefits - but you definitely shouldn't be allowed to operate a motor vehicle.

They did 9/11 retard

I agree with you completely.
But playing devil's advocate would it be alright if a middle eastern country started developing nuclear weapons?
Should terrorist attacks simply go unanswered because the perpetrators live too far away?

It's been your problem ever since the koran

Americans literally cut off part of their childrens penises because Israel tells them too
Americans follow this order without question and defend it when others say its wrong

Then invade Israel

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You are watching too much hollywood movies, ameriburger.

>would it be alright if a middle eastern country started developing nuclear weapons?
No, nuclear non-proliferation is simply a way for nuclear states to bully non-nuclear states and maintain the ability to wage war against them. The only path toward peace is nuclear proliferation. If all nations maintained nuclear stockpiles war would become impossible. You think the status quo of constant involvement in foreign conflicts is desirable over true lasting peace?
That was the Jews, you retard.

In their defense, it was the (((doctors))) that convinced our parents to mutilate us.

>a way for nuclear states to bully non-nuclear states
Exactly it's a way for us nuclear states to stay dominant.
>You think the status quo of constant involvement in foreign conflicts is desirable over true lasting peace?
Nope. Like I said I agree, interventionist strategies aren't working.

I don't understand? Joly's vision is basically recreated in Protocols, some of the text is ripped verbatim. But what does either have to do with them being used for an end?
Do you think that a murderer is out there going "Sheeeeitt, I was gonna knife that nigga, but that was already done by my homie Noggs last week and sheeeitt..."?
It's like the blueprints to a cabin, or the US Constitution being copied all over the world. If the shit works, why recreate it?
Why should we nuke Mecca and Medina during the Haj?
I can dig it. The chinese always respect laws and shit.

shillie shillie go away get your gibs another way

chants make me sound like a libtard
spergspergspergsperg saged

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This is easy mode:
Saddam Hussein threatened Israel and fired scuds at it.
Syria is a conduit for weapons to Hezbollah.
Iranian influence is the reason Israel cannot expand into Shi'ite territory.
Iran funds Palestinian resistance factions.

>No, nuclear non-proliferation is simply a way for nuclear states to bully non-nuclear states and maintain the ability to wage war against them
Daaaaamn Ali, you must think we haven't read the Hadiths and shit.

>Saddam Hussein
Was sitting on oil and invaded a puppet without our permission at a time when the US had just about finished up the USSR. Then he put out a bounty on Jr.'s Pappy, and that sealed his fate according to Pappy and pals.
Syria is in the way of a pipeline that allows Europe to be free of Russian NG.
Iran isn't sheeeit. Everyone funds Palestine.

It's indeed really hard for people to understand that shit. Normies can't contemplate serious geopolitics which is based on a lot of historical and cultural background.
It's pretty much what Yuri Bezmenov was talking about. But the common mistake is a lot of people especially here are focusing too much on his talk about ideology, about left and right-wing divide, communism, conservatism, etc. The key to understand him is to learn about the playbook, not about ideology.
Russian imperial project is not ideological. It's dominational. That project has used communism as a psyop, but that failed. Nowadays it is using other ways which is closer to the old Czar's playbook.
Basically all Russian historical and Orthodox religious education is based on an assumption that Russians are the only rightful owners of the world. The Marxist/Soviet/Communist/Socialist project was a way to try to realize those ambitions but that failed. That's why nowadays Russian government is using nationalism with exactly the same playbook.

why is the flag US but the candy is jap?

strictly speaking not for israel but for the international jewry. /sg/ is more Jow Forums then the rest of the board.

I can't believe how weak you game is JIDF. You gotta get the retards out of the ops room.

maybe, if we had some kind of neo-british union the U.S could be the enforcement. The member states would have to pay for the protection tho. This would include gas chambers for the shitskins, of course.

Read the thread faggot

>but I can't find any proof of that.
The Office of Special Plans under Richard Pearl.

End of discussion. US foreign policy is LITERALLY about fighting wars for Israel because a bunch of Jews decided it was.

>alleged assassination plan
The theory that the US would go into trillions of debt because of an alleged failed assassination plot that happened 10 years before OIF is fringe.

Transit fees would make this more expensive than Russian gas. The US Government's motivation in attacking Russian gas is motivated by a need to open markets for its own, rather than it's vassal states.

>Iran isn't sheeet
We are now blaming Iran for 9/11 and trying to provoke a war with it. Iran also provides training and weapons to Palestinians and no other Muslim country, or any country, does.

fuck you

>The Office of Special Plans

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Go to bed, Schlomo.

>I'm convinced it's a psyop from /sg/ muzzies. Change my mind.
The middle east has been at war since before recorded history. Do you think in 50-60 years that the USA has an ability to stop them from acting like they have for 20+ generations? Let them have their wars, and keep our citizens out of it. Everyone would be happier this way.

Don’t necessarily look up physical engagements. Follow the money, AIPAC, Israeli voting records in the UN, Mossad, the caliphate, Israel’s military deals with the US, Churchill’s Middle East shit, Hitlers Middle East shit, Zionism dating back to the French Revolution. There’s a lot of reading faggot, get to it.