Daily reminder that

Daily reminder that

>Bump stocks are an accessory, not a firearm
>Bump stocks are not useful for hunting, sporting, or self defense. They are a fucking toy.
>No one gives a shit about bump stocks. Anyone saying otherwise is a concern trolling demshit trying to sow dissent from Trump
>Compromise is sometimes necessary to win the bigger war.
>This ban is unenforceable anyway

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Not an argument.

>imagine needing a cuck stock to bumpfire.


I don't disagree with you OP. However, I am waiting for this to play out in the courts. I think GOA is suing the Administration over this, as well as a man from Illinois. The BATFE has declared bump stocks to be "machine guns" capable of automatic fire with one trigger pull; but that is not the case. They are not "machine guns" in any sense of the word and you still have to pull the trigger for each shot, the bumping just makes the trigger reset quicker for next trigger pull. Maybe this will end up with the NFA of 1934 and the 1986 laws on the books overturned. You are right, though OP, and not a faggot.

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>>Compromise is sometimes necessary to win the bigger war.
Nigger we've been doing nothing BUT compromising for over 80 years. Any firearms-related ban at this point is definitely not a compromise.

Mitt Romney bans AR-15s
John Kasich vetoes stand your ground law
Marco Rubio pushes red flag confiscation
Rick Scott bans 18-20 yr olds from buying all firearms
Trump backdorrs congress to classify bump stocks as a machine guns that were approved by Obama

Why do we pretend cuckservatives care about the 2nd amendment again?

>Bump stocks are an accessory, not a firearm
i don't care.
>Bump stocks are not useful for hunting, sporting, or self defense. They are a fucking toy.
>No one gives a shit about bump stocks. Anyone saying otherwise is a concern trolling demshit trying to sow dissent from Trump
i care about the slow erosion of the 2A. i care a great deal about that.
>Compromise is sometimes necessary to win the bigger war.
no. there was no reason to cave on this. none whatsoever. what, exactly, was the compromise? we gained nothing from this.
>This ban is unenforceable anyway

>Bump stocks are not useful for hunting, sporting, or self defense. They are a fucking toy
Debatable but I doubt you own guns.

>Any firearms-related ban at this point is definitely
Fucking useless because there are still murders every day

As a very pro 2A supporter, I agree with you OP. The counter-side of this are trolls trying too divide the right.

>i care about the slow erosion of the 2A. i care a great deal about that.

You never supported so drop the act. You are a kike doing kike shit.

they're very useful for self-defense: are you going to attack someone who's holding a rifle with a bump stock? no? why not? because they might defend themself with it?

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bumps are necessary for civil war and war against tyranny from government

An executive order has been issued giving permission for federal agents to kill American citizens for non-compliance. That is literally how laws are enforced. Get out of here with your tyranny.

Every guy you posted was a Republican and a jew.
Republicans are not conservatives you fucking mong.

It's a matter of principle. I could agree with this ban if it were the last one ever and congress made it a capital offence for any Congresscritter to speak about banning weapons again. The gun-grabbers must pay a price for their anti-Americanism.

Banning bumpstocks is stupid because things should only be banned if they present an actual, clear danger to the public at large.

One person used a bumpstock to "turn his assault rifle into a machine gun" and killed people. However, following this attack, there have been NO major (probably no minor either) crimes committed using bump stocks. If they are so deadly, why do NO criminals EVER use them to commit crimes?

No, banning bump stocks does not save a single life. It makes it look like you're doing "something" though and that makes the dipshit gun grabbers feel good for a few minutes before they hop back on the AWB again.

you can eat a bag of dicks.
if i had my way the nfa and the gca would be repealed yesterday.
in a compromise you gain something; we gained nothing from this supposed "compromise".
i never thought i'd see the day that fucking trump passed more gun control than king nigger.
what's next? optics are accessories? magazines are accessories? this is the dumbest fucking retard-tier precedent to set ever.

Trump is the President. If you are trying to go to war with the government you are probably a commie antifa shit and I hope you get killed.

You don't even own a bumpstock, faggot. Stop with the concern trolling. The ban has zero effect on you.

Bump stocks turn a gun that you can aim and shoot with deadly precision into a retarded spray and pray shitpiece. They are of exactly no use for anything except "make a whole lot of noise and waste a whole lot of bullets".

>we gained nothing from this supposed "compromise".
It placated the left and gained Trump support with moderates.

you can never placate the left, faggot.
this only emboldened them.
you think they won't want more now? do you think they aren't waiting for the next bullshit shooting to happen to further erode the 2A now that they know they can?
we lost something and got nothing in return for it.
worse, we have idiots like you parroting that "it's an accessory", so now they'll start saying everything is an accessory.
>bullets are accessories
>slings are accessories
>pistol grips are accessories
>everything except the lower receiver is an accessory

Fuck off, kike. Write Hillary in for 2020 if you truly care that much and see how far it gets you.

>Compromise is sometimes necessary to win the bigger war

What compromise was made? Bump stocks and gun rights were handed over but what did the people get in return?

>Bump stocks are an accessory, not a firearm
Bullets are ammunition, not a firearm
>Bump stocks are not useful for hunting, sporting, or self defense. They are a fucking toy.
And full auto would just result in peppering the trees around the target or put a bunch of holes in your wall
>This ban is unenforceable anyway
So are all of them.
>Compromise is sometimes necessary to win the bigger war.
Except our side keeps giving things up while the left is getting their way via the slow boil method.
Never give a mouse a cookie, never give a gun grabbing kike a justification for their actions.

Now I've never been one for the 4d chess argument. But all I'm saying is that banning bumpstocks now won't really matter if we somehow manage to make actual fully automatic weapons legal.

You got to keep the rest of your guns. Libs were coming for everything.

>This ban is unenforceable anyway
Actually non of this shit is enforceable in Alaska.

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>bros we just need to compromise, this is 4d chess you fucking JIDF idiot cuck shills
Do you even know what compromise fucking means? It means sacrificing one thing for another, I don't say anything being given in exchange for bump stocks. This shit is unconstitutional, just like all the other weapons bans for the last 50~ years

ZOGnald hasn't done shit for America. Your vote never fucking matters, nobody's does.

>still believing that the slippery slope is a fallacy after 2018
kys, faggot.

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That's been the story for every last gun law since we lost our cannons. We aren't compromising, just caving in where it would hurt the least.

>>Compromise is sometimes necessary to win the bigger war.
They've spent over a hundred years now taking large chunks of the 2nd Amendment cake. Fuck you.

At one point 2nd Amendment meant All Military Hardware was constitutionally protected for US Citizen ownership.

Fuck placation. The "gunshow loophole" (private transfers) was the "compromise" the left gave in order to enact background checks in the 90's. The left is now salivating to erase this, too.

>It would tell citizens that they had more power than the feds.

I'm so fucking hard reading that. Lmao that Huffpo wrote that sentence and unironically think it's a bad thing rather than a great thing.

>It placated the left
I'm sure it did, Chaim.

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>amnesty doesn't work without a wall because they'll just keep coming
>banning bumpybois is a good idea because it keeps grabbers happy

The left doesn't care and won't stop.
Look at the left, placated.

Said by someone who has never actually shot a rifle

Not knowing about suppressive fire. 5.56 doesn’t hav a lot of recoil retard.

>Maybe this will end up with the NFA of 1934 and the 1986 laws on the books overturned.

The "Bump Stock Ban" will be overturned in the courts since a bump stock does not fall under the definition of a "machinegun" since the trigger is pulled repeatedly with a bump stock.

The only way that the NFAs could be overturned is if a bump stock was found to be a "machinegun", and that they were so common and ubiquitous that the NFA infringed on the second amendment right to bear arms for self defense, like nunchucks.

Since bump stocks aren't under the control of the NFA laws, the courts will overturn the bans that way.

t. lawfag.

according to the atf bump stocks are machineguns now

>The only way that the NFAs could be overturned is if a bump stock was found to be a "machinegun", and that they were so common and ubiquitous
Like string?

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How was my post anything other than factual? You can't even argue. Dumbass Trump said in his campaign he doesn't know what 2nd amendment supporters would do if their rights were infringed. He'll know for sure after federal buildings get blasted apart after alphabet soup starts to raid houses trying to enforce his garbage order. Welcome to reality.

>pure evil

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Should have stayed the fuck out of ruby ridge.

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is it possible to argue that if it were not for the NFA and GCA that machineguns would be common and ubiquitous, since that's what infantry uses and people tend to go with what they know?

Placating the left is stupid. It's a cold civil war that they're waging against you and they won't stop until they think they've won. The only good leftist gun-grabber is one who's dancing the mid-air two-step beneath a lampost.

>>Bump stocks are an accessory, not a firearm
Okay, so? So is a forward grip. Who cares what it is, a ban is retarded in any scenario.
>>Bump stocks are not useful for hunting, sporting, or self defense.
So what?
>>No one gives a shit about bump stocks. Anyone saying otherwise is a concern trolling demshit trying to sow dissent from Trump
Not a democrat, but I care about them. Why should the government have the authority to regulate a hunk of plastic? God forbid there's any wrong think, Mr. Thought Police Officer.
>>Compromise is sometimes necessary to win the bigger war.
We have compromised away our rights away for almost a hundred years with the NFA, GCA and Hughes Amendment. I'm done with compromise.
>>This ban is unenforceable anyway
>Own bump stock in rural area
>Neighbor hears "machine gun fire"
>Calls police
>Investigate and be found with bump stock
>Get thrown in prison
>Law enforced.


>if it ain't plastic it ain't freedumb.

I am willing to believe
that the author of that post has no idea how true his statement is

shut the fuck up, wafflefaggot.

unironically kys

Nice larp, but it is.

What is a gen 3 binary trigger for 500 alex.

>They are a fucking toy.
imagine banning a fucking toy
oh wait

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Is this an accessory?

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Bump stocks are nothing but a fucking workaround. There are perfectly fine methods of firearm manufacture for fully automatic or burst fire, but GAY ASS POLITICIAN FUCKS have decided that only the fuckpig po-po are allowed to have those, otherwise all us plebeians are too hard to oppress. There would be no market for weird stocks with springs and shit in them if we were simply allowed to have trigger mechanisms that perform the task we want them to.

Bumps are necessary for shooting rounds fast and having fun. Apparently they also worked for a mass shooting. They aren’t good for much, though.

The issue is you cannot write a law that bans bump stocks without also banning semi-automatic firearms, so fuck that

This. You can do the same with a string and keyring. Or a stiff finger. They just waste ammo anyway.
Besides. Civil war breaks out. If I want a full auto rifle. I can veru easily make a full auto rifle...or handgun if I wanna be funny.

Where is “Fire” in the second amendment? “the right to bear arms” means swords and basically anything, it’s saying the government can’t outlaw freedom.

The fact of the matter is that the banning of bumpstocks will be generally overlooked by the majority of gun owners in the US.
Overall, the bumpstock is a generally unpopular mod, with only a small fraction of gun owners even having one. Hell, most people didn't even know what the fuck a bumpstock was until Las Vegas.
It's also been known to be somewhat useless, as while it helps with recoil, it fucks over aiming by a lot, which just adds to its initial unpopularity.
Finally, the biggest thing bumpstock have going against them is that the NRA, the largest gun rights organization and lobbyist group in the US, has stated it has no issue with the banning of bumpstocks.
So yes, while the PRINCIPLE itself isn't very good, one must consider how must people, and most gun owners, really feel about the whole thing.

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You can’t make a useful one like the gestapo will be using against you though, not easily. All you can do is make force a shitty firearm malfunction.

>I can very easily make a full auto rifle
This. It would take me about 2 minutes to pull the trigger pack out of my m14 and break the reset off. Full auto achieved. How do they expect this type of legislation to actually reduce crime? It's simply banning one of the few remaining LEGAL ways to increase your rate of fire. It's already illegal to shoot people.

This. Republicans are left wing. Democrats are extreme left wing. We have no conservative option at all.

>Bump stocks are an accessory, not a firearm
Everything except the lower receiver is just an accessory too then. Might as well ban barrels, magazines, ammunition, sights, uppers, and all stocks.
>Bump stocks are not useful for hunting, sporting, or self defense. They are a fucking toy.
Don't give a shit, irrelevant.
>No one gives a shit about bump stocks. Anyone saying otherwise is a concern trolling demshit trying to sow dissent from Trump
Unlike you, others don't want to give them any ground at all, since they deserve or need none. No reason whatsoever to give in to them and ban this if it's so innocuous.
>Compromise is sometimes necessary to win the bigger war.
Compromise? What fucking "compromise"? They give up nothing, and just take more and more.
>This ban is unenforceable anyway
Then why have it and defend it in the first place, brainlet?

all gun laws are illegal gun laws

>no one cares about bump stocks
Why aren’t they turning them in then?

As a non-american, this is basically my understanding and interpretation of the 2nd amendment. It's purpose seems pretty clear.

That's it.
There is a store down the street that sells them.
I'm going to go buy one.

Oh hi NRA.
Listen just accept that you done Fudd it up and go away. No one likes you anymore not the gun grabbers and not the gun enthusiasts either.

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>all this cope

>Support the NRA so it can pass “reasonable gun control.”
Bizarro world.

The "gestapo" wouldnt be using a bump stuck dumbass. And neither should you. Not for a firefight.

Because Fox News said so. They're /yourguys/, Goy, don't question them.

Ultra corporatists pretty much can't be left wing by definition. They're hyper liberal centrists.

Daily reminder that the NRA has transformed from gun rights activist to “reasonable gun control platform,” the NRA is a Trojan Horse against gun ownership.

They've always been doing that and as long as you faggots compromise they realise that they can geta away with slowly wittling away the 2A.

Stop being dickless faggots!

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>no. there was no reason to cave on this. none whatsoever. what, exactly, was the compromise? we gained nothing from this.
Exactly. Nobody asked Trump to ban bump stocks. It was his idea.


Libtards BTW by a piece of wood or finger or belt loop.

Until recently it was the best legal option to increase rate of fire in a firearm for cost. If it’s ineffective the state wouldn’t ban it using fear of a mass shooting as justification. It’s true the state has ensured only it can legally own modern automatic fire weapons, which i agree are superior to a bump stock. That doesn’t justify banning the only reasonable and safe means we the people have left to have a fast rate of fire.

I’d agree with this. Bumb stocks just waste ammo, it’s only a for fun kind of thing.

That might be true on a .50 but it’s not on a lower caliber rifle. You can still group easily, just with a higher rate of fire.
That’s WHY it is being banned, retard.

If there is no demand there’s no need for a ban, so you’re a shill.

fuck off kys kike etc.

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Have you ever used one?
They are a novelty at best. They do not produce effective fire, and just waste ammo.
Again. A keyring and string, or stiff finger achieves the exact same results for far less money.

Dumbass, they're talking about manufacturing their own machine guns vs the professionally built ones the Goonsquads will have.

You cant group shit with a bump stock. By its nature it makes effective fire impossible. Its a fun spray and prey device. And once again. If I want a full auto rifle I can make any rifle fulk auto if I wish. And with better control than what a bump stock offers.

doesnt this not actually apply since its actually multiple pulls of the trigger?

it will be useful when a horde of niggers are breaking into your door and you need to dispatch all of them at once. Only issue I see with this is a low capacity mag. To use it well you'd need something that holds 100+ rounds

>Anyone saying otherwise is a concern trolling demshit trying to sow dissent from Trump
You're literally a shill for Trump, faggot. Defending encroaching on the 2nd amendment.
>anyone arguing against a democrat goal is a democrat shill
What a moron.

You really don't though, rubberbands can work and they're like pennies. They can't ban rubberbands either. ymmv depending on if you have/bought a heavier/lighter trigger and the design of certain guns. Just gotta train to fire a new way.

>Bump stocks are not useful
>Government gets to decide what I have a use for
Trumpniggers' support of this ban is pathetic and extremely blackpilling.

They do whatever daddy says

>bump-stocks ..


>Bump stocks are not useful for hunting, sporting, or self defense. They are a fucking toy.

Why the NFA then? Could it be you are a faggot shill?

>Bump stocks are an accessory, not a firearm
Great, then the ATF has no right to regulate them
>Bump stocks are not useful for hunting, sporting, or self defense. They are a fucking toy.
Irrelevant to anything
>No one gives a shit about bump stocks. Anyone saying otherwise is a concern trolling demshit trying to sow dissent from Trump
Piss poor attempt. Controlling the narrative while playing both sides. It's not about bump stocks it's about not having a nanny state tell you what you can own. Blah blah blah, Trump. Who gives a shit.
>Compromise is sometimes necessary to win the bigger war.
Giving up more and more of something with nothing in return isn't compromise.
>This ban is unenforceable anyway
Well no shit.

Don't forget Mary Fallin pocket vetoed a veto-proof majority approved concealed carry law.

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Hey look. Shills are allowed to say kike now.
Say "nigger" now.