How often are cute cashiers hit on by thirsty guys?
How often are cute cashiers hit on by thirsty guys?
More than they'd like.
>tfw cute male cashier
>no thirsty women hit on me
Rip in peace.
As a male cashier I have some days I really don't want women to hit on me as blasphemous as that sounds.
Maybe if the job was better.
>qt male cashier mid twenties
>old thirsty women hit on me all day
>40 to elderly range
>one Albanian cougar can get it though
>why no young qt's hit on me?
>feels like I was hired just to be a piece of meet for thirsty menopausal females to drool over
>benefits are nice though
i work retail and the women i work with get hit on from time to time. not as often as you'd think to be honest
Thirsty guys usually buy drinks to rehydrate. I mean, you're at the store, why not purchase some gatorade?
Most men don't care if women make minimum wage.
Most women do care if men make minimum wage.
That's why, user. You may be cute, but you're not a provider.
Im a male cashier, im not a 100% Mackdaddy thirsty nigga but im somewhat confident
I get hit on everyday by cougars, like 40 yr old and up
But occasionally get hit on by qt young girls but im too much of a sperg to keep my cool
im a female cashier at a shitty small italian restuarant and ive never been hit on just smiled at..
all day every day then outside of work too.women are whores
id bang her
>The gays do though
>women get unwanted attention
>therefore women are whores
idk what it would take for someone like this to consider the possibility that they are the problem, and not women
But do you want to be hit on?
I worked as a cashier for 4 years and I never saw or heard of my female co-workers being hit on.
Gf works at Starbucks, talks about some of the creeps that hit on the cute teenage girls.
They all seem to get mild flirting, which is almost the nature of the job; interact with the people in the lobby ect.
I'm a fast food manager and it happens in our drive-thru all day long. Guys seem more up to it at the window because they get a free out even if they get denied.
The girls usually laugh their asses off about it once they are gone too.
not even abusive fat chicks?
I quit. Its impossible for me to work any customer facing position. Most guys are nice and polite, though a little flirty but the exchanges are quick and I think they know my smile isn't for them but for every customer and part of my job.
However, there was always one or two every day that made their interest obvious, some coming through the same line multiple times. There was one guy that seems to show up every day I was scheduled and I was working in the ladies department in a department store. He would say he needed my help with a purchase for his mother but all this ended when I went to my car and he was leaning on my car waiting for me. I went back inside quick and got security.
I had gross suggestive notes slipped to me, breathless comments about my beauty, unwanted grabs and touches, name calling and once in a drive in window a guy asked me out, I brushed it off so he spat on me.
Why is there an attractive person browsing Jow Forums?
I can't help guys find me attractive but what does that have to do with the thread? There were some guys that would condescendingly say I'm too pretty to work a drive thru or a counter but I needed a job
Would love to trade.
No woman have even smiled back at me for the past 12 years.
Obviously it is not an abuse, but it makes me feel like shit anyway.
Often, I overhear the girls I know when I walk away saying "it's just ..." To their friends.
Obviously a middle ground would be desirable, but fuck I hate being treated this way.
Why not just go to school and take a normal job?
I was in school and the jobs part time. Its not like this was my career. Maybe you don't need to work but my family is not rich so any little bit helps. I'm thinking of a job at a cosmetic counter at a department store but one of the girls that works there said guys hit on her constantly pretending they want help choosing something for their wives, gf's or female family.
Its really the worst isn't it.
When you are just a poison, and they don't smile back, don't even give you a look. Disperse when you are near. It is like you are a ghost walking among the land of the living.