Jews don't force degeneracy

they cater to demand.

>but they are merchants
Merchants requires customers.

>Jews manufacture demand
The 1950s called, they want their pseudoscience back.

The truth is that Jews didn't have to create degeneracy in order to profit from it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Cut your dicks off goys

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Wow, if it was all for money I guess everything must be okay, huh?

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Wow, 3 threads at the same time man?
You getting paid for this?

Free porn sites don't mean they don't profit from it.
Turn off your ad blocker, and you'll see that they're selling subscriptions.

>getting paid for this
"Money is not the only currency."
-Ayn Rand

Every action is a transaction, regardless if money changes hands.

>Jews don't force degeneracy,
Some yes some no

Attached: 56uju.png (348x425, 10K)

if only her nudes would leak...alas it will never happen

You cannot force the mind.
They can keep degenerate actions as possibbilities for people (by selling them), but it's the person who chooses a specific possibility.

Ms. Gray would never be lewd.

Jews lose profits from race mixing propaganda. So, your point is valid with some things like running pornsites; however, micro- aspects such as recent content the point is invalid. You have been subverted by Russia to do propaganda which has been hurting Hollywood's profits and has been recently going to towards Japan.

>muh russia is having you do its bidding

JIDF hired new meat I see

>they cater to demand.
You afraid of whites wrath, niggers and shitskins will buy just as much and are less likely to rebel or desire freedom

>Merchants requires customers.
Whites aren't good customers since they tend to become deeply nationalistic. Very bad for business

>The truth is that Jews didn't have to create degeneracy in order to profit from it.

The truth is jews crated degeneracy to destroy white race. And the fact that hedonism is profitable to service providers is just positive side effect

Now get the fuck out JIDF

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based. It's like i have my own rabbi now.

that amount of damage control, own it you fucking kike schemer

No one says you force it. But you promote anything antiwhite and antichristian, to an extreme. And you do manufacture demand, through your complete control over the media.

Think about it. Does lowering the IQ of the United States help jews or Israel at all. Is a one world government feasible with Russia and China existing. Russia has been infiltrating cultures and religions the past hundred years. Your group would be the easiest to infiltrate as anyone could just simply pretend to be a jew.

Whites are destroying themselves.

Dumb people, left to their own devices, do unhealthy things. Encouraging these unhealthy things for profit is toxic to society at large. This is the simplest way to explain why Jews suck.

Pay Reparations.

>as anyone could just simply pretend to be a jew.
imagine being this naive

Nice argument faggot, always nice to see famous jewish intellect.
Now get the fuck and suck some palestinian cocks

>Whites destroy themselves
>blame it on jews
>jews defend themselves, but shouldn't

you keep making this thread everyday, which makes me believe that jews do infact force degeneracy

You manufacture demand by exploitation. Nice bait, Moshe.

>Jews try to defend themselves, through satiating Whites
It's called self-defense

What is stopping a Russian agent from learning the Jewish religion and pretending to be a rabbi and opening a synagogue? ill wait

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>Russia and China will take over world
This is only possible when the conquered are inferior- until the USA average IQ is 80, it will be able to defend itself.
>that's when they'll strike
They aren't planning an attack for 50-100 years in the future.

>What is stopping a Russian agent from learning the Jewish religion and pretending to be a rabbi and opening a synagogue? ill wait
Ethnic Jews have an in-group preference and they're quite clever, your proposal is pretty dumb as it would accomplish nothing at best

It's not exploitation is not consentual.
>I don't directly consent
With your actions, you do.

I guess they dindu nuffins, huh?

No its an attack. Also your satanic "religion" says you have to destroy us, amalek. Why do you think your inbred pedophile lies will work here?

Jews pushed degeneracy hard. A jew was the first tranny dr. Jews attacked our obscenity laws through their kike law fare using our first amendment. Fuck your Talmudic logic.

no one is saying they force anything, retard. fucking hell ... are you that stupid?

how about i rape your face and tell you "i couldn't have raped your face if you didn't leave the house today. rapists require faces for raping"

show yourself to the gas chamber

Attached: billy_trump.jpg (1600x1297, 1.94M)

>Jews are a scapegoat
Couldn't say it better.

>They aren't planning an attack for 50-100 years in the future.
Russia is using the same tactics on us (and perhaps you as well) as the CIA does to third world countries. Subvert cultural groups, fund and push extremism, cause societal instability, buyoff whatever rushed leader is presented, and slowly take over the country's politics. The pattern is the same at the moment, and most jews are being blindsided into being useful idiots for doing so. Is an issue you guys need to look for into your communities otherwise the blowback from goyim is just going to get worse along with detrimenting the society many of your people reside in.

Ben Shapiro looks like THAT?

It is an evil thing to profit off others moral weakness.


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You are using Ishmael to destroy Edom and put an end to the 4th empire in order to bring back your messiah. That's what your rabbis are openly saying.

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>assigning natural changes to the work of a group interested in said natural changes

>It is an evil thing to profit off others moral weakness.
t. weakling

>Ethnic Jews have an in-group preference and they're quite clever
So are intelligence agencies. Even then they might interbreed with ethnic jews to fit in to complete subversion. Just look at the CIA and creation of Barack Obama.

I think i am. Via taxes. Somehow.

>The CIA may become Jewish!
>Jews BTFO!

All am saying is consider the possibility. Decide on your own based on how exactly, and realistically, your people would benefit from certain policies. You may come to find out a lot of them are not.

So you're saying Jews push degeneracy on everyone for a profit...

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I don't understand why you're intent on lessening the quality of everything. For example sports, pumping Michael Jordan and LBJ through Nike to the point they get calls and favorable treatment out the wazzoo. And even LBJ's teams are so less team oriented than MJ's so it's a downward spiral. Same with NFL, adjust rules to protect largest assets (QBs) and run up scores because fag boys like that more. But the game isn't as fun to watch. It's knee jerk reactions to everything in the name of maximum profit and it lessens quality. If you produce the highest quality things, how come most of them come from places like France, Germany and Japan and their companies are long lasting?

>don't you see goyim? all we do is put it out there


whites are degenerate pigs who blame jews for their own behavior

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We simply cater to demand goy. We have nothing to do with ruining your nations shegitz.
>but they are merchants
Merchants requires customers goy, It's not our fault we have customers shegitz. You believe in the American dream and the pursuit of profit goy right?
>Jews manufacture demand
>The 1950s called shegitz, they want their pseudoscience back. It's not like we have a massive Holowood propaganda machine that we use to promote degneracy.
>The truth us Jews didn't create a massive propaganda campaign to promote degeneracy in order to profit from it. We're innocent goy.

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1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Attached: KingJamesBible.jpg (640x480, 37K)

>The truth is that Jews didn't have to create degeneracy in order to profit from it.
The truth is that Jow Forums cannot get enough of Jewish woman. It's at the level of obsession now.

Attached: Hot Jewish woman reactions.webm (742x718, 2.8M)

Part of European spiritual consciousness was acknowledging things that were degenerate, and rejecting it. Jews didn't create degeneracy. They manipulated people through promotion and acceptance of degenerate shit. One thing for sure, is you Jews are great at objective moral nihilism. With a horde of Jews in Hollywood pushing it, it's almost impossible not to consume it.

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Judeo-Christian values my ass.

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They cater to the need they created when they began dismantling christianity in the west.

I-I don't have a problem user. I can quit any time.

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A nation has the Jews it deserves. We must kill the Jew within ourselves, before the physical manifestation. It is easy to point the finger and place all blame, but as Jesus once said we must first cast out the beam from our own eye.

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This is true, and a good thread.

pic unrelated

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Cat looks tasty

It's not Jews, it's a couple of gay Jews from Harvard who started the move toward degeneracy.

I believe there are Jews with moral standards who do not support what is going on, but a divide and conquer strategy will distract people from the real threat.

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Sauce on these men?

Listen to him goys.
It's for YOUR own good that we give you Sackler opiates.

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The real threat hands down is the gay agenda. The agenda to use the media to promote gay behavior and thought patterns throughout all of society.

That way you can't judge someone who is gay, if you are more degenerate than they are.

Attached: Conversion_AfterTheBall_p153.png (850x901, 1.25M)

A psyops propaganda campaign has been going on for 30 years

Attached: Propaganda_xxviii.png (519x347, 328K)

People say lots of things- and someone is bound to be right.

And how can one tell if someone made something happened, or was simply documenting its course, albeit before anyone else?

Read the image. And this one.

Attached: Principle5_AfterTheBall.jpg (318x512, 147K)

Most universities have this book in the library, if you have access to one.

Attached: 21P7PCYKKXL._SL1500_.jpg (93x140, 7K)

If you actually read the book, then you can see each strategy being played out.

Attached: AfterTheBallp227.png (1046x804, 961K)

If the Jews don't force degeneracy, then why are the Hollywood Jew, the Media Jew, and the Porn Jew constantly shoving it down my throat?

What do you see when you turn on the Electric Jew? A constant barrage of degeneracy.

So, you're not ashamed of posting the same thing every day?

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence gentiles who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: jewess.png (1003x612, 548K)

The jew doesn't realise that profiting from degeneracy IS degeneracy. It's a concept totally outside his kike moral intelligence.

Do you support this agenda?

An agenda where we return to ancient Greece so men can fuck boys?

Are you gay?

Attached: Greece_AfterTheBall-p367.png (1047x833, 1.27M)

I'll look into it later.


Because we need something to lead us, before it was fear of God, now it must be something else.
Freedumb and liberty are memes invented by neoliberal jew that just wants to sell more shit to mindless masses.

He’s not completely wrong, but it doesn’t mean Jews don’t accelerate the degeneracy.
Both sides are right and wrong, we’re all fucked.

I believe the while SJW movement was also started by the gay agenda because they don't want anyone to be able to joke about gays or criticize them. They call that "homohatered."

Attached: Humor_AfterTheBallp98.png (506x831, 625K)

Download these excerpts from this book

It really does explain why degeneracy is consuming or societies.

Attached: NAMBLARef1Snippett.jpg (471x407, 126K)

range ban mossad agents please

Attached: 1544251093662.jpg (1021x734, 105K)

Way to absolve yourself from any responsibility for your actions, kike.
Did the rabbi teach you those mental gymnastics?

Better pic. The book was published in 1989.

Attached: after-the-ball-how-america-will-conquer-its-fear-and-hatred-of-gays-in-the-90s.jpg (264x400, 33K)

The truth is Europeans are perverse animals by nature. Remember their pagans days? It was all ritualistic murder, lust, greed, violence and savagery. Chrisitianity thought it could suppress these urges and keep us out but it doesn't matter the savagery in the European soul found it's way out and the Jews moved in.

It wasn't even their pagan way of life that made them savage they are the same savages without having faith in anything. Money is not an end in itself it is a means to an end we cater to your perversions because we can but you do this to yourselves.

You can easily manufacture demand. Deodorant existed for tens of years and nobody used it until a marketing campaign convinced women they smell. Also

>Stop watching porn.

Attached: 326A0997-B8A8-4C3E-9CBF-B4C8D730F88E.png (608x653, 487K)

sure fake jew kike amalekite, blame the
children you rape, good idea.

Attached: the-monkeys-choose-to-be-alone-with-cocaine-history-1248690.jpg (500x383, 141K)

>You cannot force the mind

You can if you believe in the assumption that Free will doesn't exist. Which btw, seems to be the most logical conclusion to make, once you take into account all the immutable influences that you're subject to, and or are the byproduct of.

Attached: Double digit IQ (you).jpg (480x470, 23K)

John Podesta is Italian or something, and he's known on here for child rape. So knowing this, you can safely say that pedophilia isn't exclusive to Jews.

Attached: Failed abortion (you).jpg (125x125, 3K)

Jews do these shits because they're cursed to do it. Not because of the money or world domination.
Corrupting people's souls is the only way to relieve their pains. They're cursed people.

Attached: Leech.jpg (220x165, 7K)

Janny sticky this you subhuman filth!

there was zero demand for sodomy and interracial bestiality, you force it onto everyone until it becomes normalized due to tolerance. Which is why tolerance has never been a virtue.

>Jews don't force degeneracy
Hey rabbi.

Anyone notice JIDF have suddenly stopped using meme flags and are now showing their geo flags and are trying to engage with the board? Israeli flags are up over 500% in the past month.

Also notice the increase in all the "not all jews", "X jews are different from Y jews", "Israel is your friend" etc. posts and how they're now trying to "banter" and be accepted?

What's going on? Why the change in tactics all of a sudden? Are they freaked out about the rise of JQ awareness among normies? Just tired of getting BTFO with their old methods? Something else?

Attached: JIDF operations.webm (480x438, 987K)

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video

Attached: JIDF_articles.jpg (3666x3284, 1.12M)
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: JIDF paying shills.jpg (595x870, 121K)