Another day completely wasted. How the fuck do I get the motivation to do anything with my life in my free time...

Another day completely wasted. How the fuck do I get the motivation to do anything with my life in my free time? People who can work hard on stuff under their own initiative are aliens to me. Tonight I'm also suffering the feels of a beta who has had no social life in my 20s when everyone else is living it up and travelling around the world.

I'm a 28 year old ugly beta meek charismaless loser with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, and I've never been to a pub, club, or party, despite going through university.

I will start a respectabe and kind of prestigious job in London later in 2019, though it's not high paid. I have failed over 50 graduate job interviews over the years, due to ugliness, autism, etc.

For the past 5 full years my everythingstential crisis has intensified so much. I waste all my free time on the internet instead of learning programming, maths, and other stuff. I binge on junk food and coffee almost every day.

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Try modafinil fren. Then start working out, start with a bodyweight program. Things suck now but if you just do a bit each day, things will be better

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I see this same post a lot.

Also your 20s are vastly overrated. You are faced with a choice, however. Do nothing and be in the same situation 10 years later, or start making changes now.

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Work on things a little at a time and if you stick with them you'll have something you're proud of.

Your life now is the product of doing many small things all the time - if you're not happy with your life change the little things that it consists of.

Dig mother fucker, dig

Download the torrent. Open Layer 1 file using Veracrypt with this key



What will I find here user?

Would also like to know whats in 911_archive?

Do Americans boil water in the microwave?

Yes, we do

Work out, eat well, sleep early, get up at dawn, make things for yourself, and most importantly: DON'T PITY YOURSELF.

While those things help they will never solve your problems.
Its a constant fight.
>And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
>I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
>Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Get right with God!

Your friends: You are not them, nor are you supposed to be. They found or are finding out about self discovery and you are too. No more comparisons, champ. . .
You: Take walks in nature first to rid of the hums of computers. Clear your mind. Fill it back with what you have in mind of doing. The trip will be good.
Set goals: first write them then overtime, hold to memory. . .but write them out first, champ!
Today, I bought a suit. I should have had one years ago, but today. . .i got a suit, and you know what doesnt matter anymore? Why I didnt have one yesterday.
Keep the path, champ, its yours, and no one elses.

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Motivation is a false god. Self-discipline is what is needed. The willpower and determination to burn through things that need to be done even if you'd rather be off doing something else or not at all is the attitude you need to cultivate.

Motivation will come when you've accumulated enough momentum to see that your project is taking shape. Motivation is like a temporary power-up to add to the force of your will, but not to be relied upon all the time in and of itself. Willpower should be your main source of energy.

To start, just start. There's no other trick to it than that. Just start doing something and keep doing it until you succeed. Start with small steps, and make yourself do something every day. Don't fuck around waiting to get inspired or falling into the mental trap of preparation. All too often you can fool yourself into thinking you're doing something, when in reality you're only thinking about doing something.

my infinite anger against jews and pedo satanists is the only reason I go on.

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for real? you exagerate.


It’s the paradox of simultaneously preferring to do nothing over something, whilst doing nothing will make you unhappier and perhaps even suicidal in the long run.

Learn to force yourself to do things. Discipline indeed. The amount of laziness us white males can generally afford in the modern world is a curse, just like the ease of being socially isolated is.

Thank you

If you were American you would have shot someone, anyone, by now.
Man up!

As long as your not a bolshevik commie or white hater you have great reason to live!

>I will start a respectabe and kind of prestigious job in London later in 2019
Why aren't you preparing for that then faggot?
The Chinese are fucking degenerate.

Better wasting time than working for your enemies.

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working is for plebs. just be neet and play vidya whole day

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Read this book. If you understand how to build a habit then you can make a habit out of anything or break any old bad habit. All of human behavior is habitual. Understanding how habits are made and broken is the key to everything.

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Keys for other layers?

Kys nihilistic pessimist piece of shit. Things will get better, pussy.

join the army. stretch out those inner places
with adventure.

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You probably have low testosterone. Go get checked out.