Wayne Madsen at Alex Jones show today

Did anyone listen hour 3 today?

The way Alex shut him nervously down was very strange to me.

Attached: 220px-Alex_Jones_Portrait_(cropped).jpg (220x271, 13K)

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Nice link faggot.


Video here

Ok so yesterday I heard a theory that AJ was actually a guy named Bill Hicks can someone redpill me on this theory I have no idea what that even means

AJ is all in Trump. But he does allow differing opinion on his broadcast. Peter Schiff was on this same week badmouthing Trump for nearly the full hour and AJ kept asking him to stay over through the break. So...not that out of the ordinary. What do you think AJ was trying to shut down?

Just in a way that he did not let Wayne formulate his thoughts at all and went directly attacking him. But I guess he is all in on Trump and maybe we should be too. But still.

I wish Alex wouldn't turn into such an interrupting mess when he has a guest on that doesn't agree with everything he thinks. That's very poor interviewing practice. Let the guy fucking explain himself and the go back in. Use a pen and paper if you need to.

Not that I found Wayne's lines entirely convincing, but it was just nothing but Alex talking over him and changing the subject the whole time, so I can't really give it a fair shake.

The accusations by Wayne are serious in a way that you don't just accuse someone being pedo without risking the consequences.

It reminds me of the way Alex started getting with Dr. P where Alex was so frazzle-brained he couldn't just let Dr. P finish his point before yelling about something else. I don't blame Dr. P for moving off to Owen's show and doing his own videos. How are you going to be interviewed if you can't get five words out before Alex starts yelling his head off about whatever again without even letting you get a complete thought out?

yeah i listened earlier, i wanted wayne to keep talking about epstein. i love alex but he kept detracting


Something something cia got to him to fake a death and make him be in control of crazy right wing conspiracies

Watching now and even though he disagreed with Schiff, he is much more frantically disagreeing with Madsen. I'll see if I can find what it might be...

I hear this all the time. Now, he won't call out Jews. He has had falling outs with people because he won't call out Israel at all (Michael Rivero). However, he is still the best single source of information that exists. He has redpilled more people than anyone ever and a great deal of those people eventually have figured out what is really going on. So, if AJ is owned, it has backfired in my opinion.
AJ's General Message: The elite hate you and want you dead.
AJ's General Show: Eat right, avoid vaccines, filter your water, don't trust government or corporations, on and on.

He has drastically improved the lives of probably 10-20 million people easily and that's conservative.

If Madsen is wrong here he discredits himself completely.

I haven't read his article, but I thought I heard him try to say, in between interruptions, that he was merely trying to report on documentary evidence, right or wrong. I think that's why at the end he switched the conversation to these other high-level funders as his next target.

I kind of get the feeling Alex had him on to grill him about thinking Madsen was some total anti-Trump shill, while Madsen was thinking he was just going to present what his research had turned up and leave the rest up to the listener.

>alex hosts a guest who is slightly nuttier and more longwinded than him
>typical "yeahyeahyeah... but let me say this" interview style to punctuate ads for supplements

I see nothing notable and Madsen is boring as fuck

So, in other words, first of all I don't think it was a fair interview to make a good determination based on. The problem is that Wayne was not able to make the jump from his data points to his conclusions. Whereas Alex was attacking him on the conclusions.

So how do you argue about that? Alex needs to turn the brain force down a notch so you can look at conclusions vs. conclusions. And then after Alex can decide to take up half the time throwing counter-evidence around that really had nothing to do with the conversation. Alex is really getting insufferable as he gets older.

great analysis user


The story behind jones is, he's under fbi div5. Our us gov is in league w/nwo.
I'm sorry to bring this to your attention, frens.

can people get that fat on adderall? and whats up with that pot smoker cough?

I mean, Alex has good instincts about what might be wrong with something, but it didn't sound to me like they had a productive discussion about why they didn't agree or what even was they didn't agree about. Forget about what the audience was supposed to make of it.

If you have somebody on who you know disagrees with you then try to have a little bit of a proper debate. Jesus.

I guess Jones used a bit of lefty tactics here ( yelling nonsense while other is trying to talk ) so that made me a bit uncomfortable about him, even though his intuition might turn out to be correct. I will be following where Madsen continues with his work.

>be alex jones
>talk about how degenerate trannies are
>secretly infatuated with trannies and jack off to them on a daily basis

Attached: Alex Jones Tranny Lover.jpg (3380x3780, 1.02M)

I suspect one of the differences these days is that Alex has a large group of people around him that pretty much agree with with him, so maybe he thinks he's talking to them all day and not his radio audience like back when it was just him and a microphone and a camera man and the callers or somebody to interview.