Race Realism and Abbos

Post all of the information you have on race realism regarding that fucking disgusting population group we call the Australian Aboriginal.

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Don't apply human concepts to these things. They aren't poor, stupid, primitive etc. in the same way that a monkey isn't poor, stupid, primitive. The Australian government needs to downgrade their status to wildlife.

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Abbos are just misunderstood Balkanoids

Abos are the legit worst race on earth. At least Jews are evil and competent. Abos are just a waste of air

any reason why there is so much talk of abbos recently?

>fucking disgusting
Cringe. It's not their fault for having been born with such shitty genes.
>that pic
b-b-but if you just give the one on the left an education, and stop telling her she's stupid, she'll become just like the one on the right

Significant proto-human DNA.


Unless the shills really want us to be anti-abbo for some odd reason, it's simply because most people are too lazy and subconsciously conformist to come up with new discussion topics, so they just continue with the topics that others already started.

Its actually very sad whats happening to them.
They once hunter the lands for fish and food but now they have lost there ways by being brought into the citys.
Abos by law have free range over our fisher they are allowed to hunt turtles and dolphins and everything they once did but the elders are all gone and no one is around to teach the kids the native ways

>no one is around to teach the kids the native ways
Oh, they're around. Their just too drunk, stoned or high on petrol to be able to do it.

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Vae Victis

They do love their petrol, it has to be said


I think they are scientifically very interesting, since they are almost 1/5 proto-human.

We should put a few of them in real human zoos and by studying them we can learn more about us.

What's their major behavioral difference from Africa's niggers?

They like raping, they like getting high, all those things in common but what is the major difference with niggers?


They sure do.....

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Read up on Lake Mungo Man, Abo’s are a completely different species of human.

Do they still lie down in the road and go to sleep or is that a meme?

gud luck getting a jerb in abboland if you aren't abbo -

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just reading the Wikipedia now....LM3 was 6'5"!

Why are their faces so lumpy? Do most of them look like that or is it a skin condition?

Abbos descendet from Normands.

in the past abbos lived with dignity on their own terms
they were happier and more fulfilled and had to work for their survival
then white people came along and decided to try and make abbos into white people and they turned into gas-huffing savages, same story with our indians
leftists blame white people but it's obvious that the integrationists are the ones really at fault - if we'd just taken what we wanted while leaving them alone none of this would have happened and they would still have their dignity
anyway my point is that you shouldn't hate them user, they've been kiked way harder than either of us have and they deserve pity and compassion

ay white fella got a smoke? no? well fuck you white dog, this is my land you cunt
-every interaction I've ever had with an abo

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You'd rather have millions of Chinese and Indians than abos?

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boohoo. abbos are just niggers. those kids aren't human, so who gaf
>native ways
yeah, i guess teaching them cannibalism of each other would be rather useful


here is more on mungo man

a few aussies have said the african nogs are actually more violent than abbo nogs, but idk

They get angry awfully quick.

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wtf did i just watch?

95% of Australian aboriginal and Papuan ancestry comes from a source more closely related to East Asians than anything else, and then next most closely related to Europeans. they share the same Neanderthal interbreeding event as all non-Africans, because when it happened, your ancestors and theirs were the same population.

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are they erectus?

southamerican amerindians are a mix of them and siberians

I work at a court
One time we had 3 different abbos all appear for sentencing on the same day for completely different crimes.
The mum was ranting by the end "fuggen white cunts logg up my kids will ya white dogs"

30% of the prison population but only 2.5% of the population

You guys didn't quite finish the job, as you can see

>lived with dignity on their own terms
No shelter, no clothing, no technology beyond a stick, dying age 20, raping their kids. Literally no advancement at all for 40,000 years.

Now we have to drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century while they collect welfare, commit crimes and abuse and neglect their kids and we are left to clean up after them.

Australians, what is this?
An abo in the video look even whiter than average european

Jesus Christ, we only declared them human in the 1970's. Prior to that they were still fauna.

This is what happens when you give abos housing.....

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forgot video
sorry, i am retarded

If they ain't black and live in places like Sydney and Melbourne, they are lefties that "identify" as abos.
The abos were completely wiped out in Tasmania and now Tasmania has the largest population of abos of any state in the country. Not one of them is black.
Pic related is prime example of whiter than white abos.

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Bi leaf here. Our nates generally have huge dongs (depends on the tribe) like bigger than niggers its insane.

Are abos similarily equipped with their genitals?


i was planning going to australia as an illegal and live in a small remote town.. abos would like me?

I am romanian

>no technology
They were better off.

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>The Australian government needs to downgrade their status to wildlife.
They originally were

are abos safe to eat?

>an abo with a big dick

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Canadian indians are same as mexicans, right?

half white half native american

Send them to Serbia then

It's Normies first redpill. Whites are horses and Abos are mules

BP invented a Abo-proof petrol to stop the low IQ morons from getting high.


Fucking hell they literally look like homo erectus. I genuinely feel bad for them, look at those faces, how can they be expected to make sense of and compete in a western country? Can't Australia find an Island for them somewhere where they can run wild and be happy?

How dare they keep them from the Dreamtime? That's racist.

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Not even close. Canadian nates are like abos but a lot smarter desu. Ive met many intelligent canadian nates, they are truly fucked over by first nations chiefs and the system in general. Yes they often travel in loud cheap beer listerine packs but they are nice if youre nice to them.

Me, a skinny white guy has approached up to 20 nates in parks at night to try and buy drugs or chat or look for sex ( their women are 95% ugly but promiscuous and always have nice innies). Never had them be violent to me .

My friend and i did get beat up by a pack of 30 somalis tho.

Anyway my point is that abbos are a sad people and they didnt immigrate to straya they were just fauna there so i dont get the hate threads on them. So many better things to hate. Some anthropological discussion is fun but honestly makes me cringe when i see Jow Forums starting on abo hate campaigns, its so pointless.

>tldr dont hate the nate

>comments disabled

I mean, their genes are the same.
They are part white too, i can see in ther faces.
They look like chileans.
Maybe their problem is just culture

Heres what the REAL deal is. Condensed edition. Aaylmaos show up on Earth a couple hundred thousand years ago looking for gold. They find it in small quantities thru water filtration. Thats not efficient. They return with their own Aaylmao-niggers who find gold in the earth. It proves very difficult for those lazy Aays-niggers so they go on strike. The Aays decide fuckit we're smart we'll create our own slaves from the local wildlife.
The very first attempt was 95% Earth animals plus 5% Aays = ABOS. This mixture proved useless because they were to stupid to teach anything to. They Aays felt bad for the fuck up and set the Abos free on a shithole island hoping theyd NEVER escape and cross breed with the next generation slaves.
Aays second attempt was 85% Earth animal and 15% Aays. = African niggers. They were acceptable as grunts/slaves/workers but in the end the niggers were to stupid/lazy/wildly over sexualized to be of any use other than dirt dummies. The final Aaylmaos version was 50% Earth animal and 50% Aays = White people. Smart enough to run the mining opperation and be leaders of society and take charge of the niggers.
Move forward couple thousand years and look in the mirror.
Oh yah just so you know , the Aaylmaos that staryed this breeding program are still here running EVERYTHING. They are the top of the power pyramid . They give the orders to the Rothschilds, Bildaburgers, Illuminati etc...
They created us and STILL rule us as the slaves that they created.

you must have an actual micropenis if your natives (which are mongoloids from asia) have bigger dicks than you

I was friends with an abo in primary school, was heaps food as he'd steal shit from shops, light bush fires, harass the asian kids at timezone for their credits, steal marbles and basketball cards.

It was cool when we were 7, but at 17 he still wanted to be lighting bush fires. The kunt use to sleep outside under his parents broken down car, no lie, he'd be under there sleeping while we were walking to school.

He's either dead or in prison, no way someone like that kid became a functional member of society.

Ayy lmao

Radically different facial, bone structure and skull shape caused by hundereds of thousands of years worth of evolution on our part.

Aborigines are more genetically different from Europeans than the Neanderthals are.
Just a friendly reminder that if Neanderthals were alive today they would just be considered "another race" and just like us.

No he is a leaf so by big dick natives he means the moose he gets fucked in the ass by everyday.

Lefty I know posted something about some book called dark emu and black seed which is apparently meant to Debunk the subhuman nature of aboriginals. Doubt it.

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Ah look at him ....all tuckered out

as if any of you ugly white bois could fuck an abo babe

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No i mean our nates literally have longer thicker cocks than american niggers. Ive seen niggers here, one with a 10 inch hanging dick and one with a 7 inch that was thick as a pepsi can. The most extreme nate dicks ive seen were larger its crazy. And the nates i saw them on were comparable but a bit smaller than the niggers.

Obviously there are niggers with tiny tiny sub asian cocks and like i said the nates i described are cree tribe, the blakfoot and ojibwae are nothing special.

I am bi and ive been with about 4 nate and black guys each rest is me as the source witnessing locker and public displays. I never took it or gave it in the but with another guy so im not gay btw.

Ill give you a pro tip if you ever come to canada. If you have 20 dollars canuk a nate girl will do ANYTHING for it. Should help u pol virgins get laid.

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CUNTS HELP OUT JUMP INN HERE my thread is being slid

It's not a meme. The government makes a big song and dance about protecting minorities this and that, but the reality is that as a foreigner visiting Australia, the reality you will see is:
>all spokespeople for the Aboriginals are mixed race
>all of them, no exceptions
>barely even look Aboriginal, the large majority of them are at least 80% white
>there's a bunch who look completely white, the 1/16th Cherokee princess deal you get with burgers with a midlife crisis and blond rat tail hair.
>the only very dark skinned people you see will be passed out in the street
>you can barely tell if they're dead or alive
>everyone acts as if they don't exist
>Like they're furniture put out with the trash

Two of those students on the far right looks part Abo.


AKA a half-fag.

You should be hang and your body should be used as target practice in a gun rage, half-fag.

Not a meme. My uncle was a copper out in Western Queensland. He had to hose an abo off the highway at least once a month because they'd get pissed and fall asleep on the highway and get run over by road trains. They still show PSAs out there telling them not to sleep on roads.

>ive been with about 4 nate and black guys each
> im not gay btw

Hope you die from aids faggot.

Strange to see no one remembered this, not even Aussies

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Don't forget the whistle cocks

Aka Penile_subincision

full blood ones all look like that

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brb dreamtime.

don''t be rama rama m8

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that was obviously concocted by racist drumpf supporters, abos are the peaceful true custodians of the land

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Sure she is qt, but she still looks like her face got stung by bees.

Cool, now find a 100% pure Abbo that is even remotely attractive.

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woah. it must smell like piss from a mile off


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u make a good point this board looks stupid with posts like

"heres a cherry picked sexy pic of a white girl.... and an ugly black girl.... how can blacks even compete"

fuck off with this shit pol it makes u look stupid.

Because they are an entirely separate hominid species.

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>>no advancement for 40,000 years
>>drag them into the 21st century

That's the problem user -- they aren't ready for it, they can't manage in the modern world. It's pretty obvious you can't turn a subsistence hunter gatherer into a businessman in a few generations.

what the fuck is that thing on the left.

jesus. are these male? or this is an abo female?

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australian aborigines are unique among human races.

their brains contain a structure that dosnt exist in any other human race.

it exists in orangutans tho

source : "race" by john baker

look it up

The one on the right actually looks like a 1920s racist cartoon stereotype. Fucking hell.

Half of them are obviously mixed.

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Agreeing with canadabro for once here

It's like ripping into a orangutan for being a orangutan. Yes it is 'less evolved' and not as smart but orangutans evolved to be perfectly adapted to their environment. The forest

You can't judge them for not fitting in. They are not the same species as us. Ideally they would be left free to roam and you could visit them on a wildlife tour