Robert Mueller has no problem convincing a judge to grant his Grand Jury a 6 month extension???? If there is no “there” there as Trump says, why is this investigation that began months before his presidency even began still going on? It’s produced 37 or so indictments of Americans very highly placed in his campaign as well as his administration along with 13 Russian GRU intel operatives. What’s up Jow Forums? Is it possible this guy is really a traitor to our country?

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Other urls found in this thread:!/articles/1/essays/17/trial-of-impeachment

He voted and supported the Iraq war.

He didn't mean to. He thought he was doing what was best for himself, and also maybe some of his rich friends. He had no idea that he was actively playing into our enemies' hands.

Israel did 9/11
Obama and HRC approved the sale of American uranium to Russia
70,000 sealed indictments

But yes please continue to try and convince me that Trump is a traitor because of a fake pee pee tape.

Mueller’s never been in a position to vote for anything. He’s never held elected office.

hes just trying to pocket shekels by drawing it out longer

Blormph is finished.

All of your points are fictional of course because if any of it was even slightly true...Trump would have the Justice Dept investigating and prosecuting those claims. It’s all BS from Sean Hannity for his retarded listeners to absorb and be distracted by.

I thought his report was being released this month? Why does he need an extension?

No one knows when his report will be released. It’s been reported that possibly mid February might be a possibility but it’s anyone’s guess.

He will keep extending until 2020 so he can release the report right before the election in the hope that it will tank his numbers. The report will be a political hitjob.


Sorry rabbi Ive read the dossier, I've read the text messages, I've read the redacted FISA applications. I know the FISA judge recused himself. I know misfud is western intelligence and I know why Obamas last act as president was E.O. 12333, and I know why he did it. Robert Mueller is fighting for his own life. He got dirty in uranium and now he’s trying to save himself. He will fail.

But he was appointed by a Republican who was appointed by Trump. Mueller is also a life long Republican. Why would all these Republicans want to crash and burn their own party? Wouldn’t they want to vindicate Trump instead?

Hm...if all that’s true then why isn’t Trump’s Justice Dept all over it? It would totally vindicate Trump.

How do you know that they're not?

He's not even two years into his term yet.

If there was even the slightest evidence of any of that that was actionable...Trump would be putting out a tweet storm every single day and he would make sure the entire world knew that the Justice Dept was investigating HRC, Obama, Mueller etc. He couldn’t stay quiet about it.

the jews need white people to die in wars for israel and to bring in millions of niggers to destroy america. as long as trump resists the jewish supremacist world order, they will keep on trying to find ways to remove him.

We need the civil war to start now while we have our president in power. if it starts under a democrat president the war will be harder to win

he also worked for Bush jr. and helped to cover up the jews doing 9/11

>Mueller's report
>releasing this century

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Of the Jews need America to fight their wars then wouldn’t it be counterproductive for them to simultaneously want America destroyed by shitskins?

Why would a civil war under Trump be different from one under a Dem?

Bill Krystol was a lifelong republican to, but he was still a currupt jew ad put israel before america. what is your point?


because it is a timing thing. they are doing it in a way so that white people, europe and america are destroyed while fighting israel's enemies. After us whites are genocided Israel will emerge as the world superpower

and... meuller is a corrupt peice of nwo shit.

Krystol is a never Trumper with an agenda. What agenda does Rosenstein& Mueller have? Why did Trump appoint Rosenstein in the first place? Why doesn’t he fire both of them if they’re corrupt?

I see...LOL!

I see...LOL!

How do the lizard people factor in this equation?

Hm...he seems very pro Russian. You know who “he” is...right?

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im done with you jew

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Probably a wise decision.

Pic self explanatory

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You think they aren’t? There are currently 2 active investigations. One from salt lake coty and one from little rock field office. The only thing the faggot left has been right about is their assertation that investigations of this magnitude take time.


Pic relevant...

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LOL! WOW! Post some links to confirm that nonsense.

Dumpy’s new overlords.

Pic relevant...

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look at how they show their true hatred for the public. we should only ever vote for leaders who have never been politicians before

I forgot his ultimate overlord...

Pic relevant...

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Name a POTUS in history that’s more hateful than Donald John Trump.

Mueller was appointed head of the FBI one week before 9-11.

Pic is correct

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Pic relevant

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Pic depicts the future...

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Truth sayer...this happened.

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Soooooooooooooooooooo Noam says Trump is an Israeli operative? The truth is Trump is owned and operated by many countries...he owes Russians hundreds of millions of not billions. He owes the GDB $300 million alone which could be entirely Russian money. Trump owes everyone. His net worth is probably less than mine in all reality.

Individual one...

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The Mueller investigation is, as Strzok's text message said, the deep state's insurance policy against a Trump win.

They'll let him have the Presidency, but he can't actually do anything while he has this hanging over his head. The GOPe has promised impeachment trial in the Senate if he fires Rosenstein and Mueller.

The entire point is to derail and neuter populism. It is working.

>49 replies
>28 posts by this id
wew lad

Mueller helped with the cover-up of 9/11 in exchange for the career bump. Because he is complicit, they have everything they need on him to destroy his life if he doesn't play ball.

FBI command center for NY was in WTC building 7 which was mysteriously demolished even though no plane hit it.

Mueller's wife held fundraisers for HRC's campaign.

> why is this investigation that began months before his presidency even began still going on?

Because the Kikes want to drain us of all our money while complaining that there is no money for a wall (except in Israel).

In any case, no wall 4 u pig boy.

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There already is one, between reality and his supporters.

1) There is no such thing as the, “Deep State”...that concept came out of Sean Hannity’s ass attached to a smelly turd one morning.

2) Who is, “fhey’ll“...the fictional Deep State or someone else?

3) If the House impeaches Dumpy then the Senate has to hold a trial whether they want to or not. They will remove him if there are extensive credible criminal charges made by Mueller. They won’t have a choice.

4) So a billionaire playboy from NYC is one of you guys? Really?

“Lad” is such a faggy sounding word. So overused on Jow Forums...why? It sounds fake, gay and retarded. Are you retarded, gay or both?

((((((THEY))))))...who the fuck is they? What was the conspiracy about? What was the objective? Do you realize how many people would have to be involved and how hard (impossible) it would be to keep some of them from blowing the whistle? Ever been a conspiracy theory you heard that you didn’t beleive?

British, maybe.

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Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat da fuck?

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You should change your flag then huh?

Why did they rush to install demolition charges in building 7 the morning of 9/11 amidst all of that death and chaos so they could "pull it"? The owner of the buildings said they needed this done. What company installed the demo charges that quickly?

>If there was even the slightest evidence of any of that that was actionable...Trump would be putting out a tweet storm every single day and he would make sure the entire world knew that the Justice Dept was investigating HRC, Obama, Mueller etc. He couldn’t stay quiet about it.
>the decabillionaire is just a mean dumb bully guys, no way he can control his emotions when he wants to
>all of those stories of him being a great guy are lies, cnn says hes mean and dumb

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Whatever you want to call it, there is a class of people who consider themselves the permanent government of the US. It's more than civil service workers, it's law enforcement, the military, the high priests of globo homo, Shareblue, etc.

One, whom Trump hired, even wrote an anonymous (!) op-ed for the NYT bragging about being in the "steady state" and thwarting Trump's will.

It's not fictional. These people all have names and addresses.

>If the House impeaches Dumpy then the Senate has to hold a trial whether they want to or not
This is categorically incorrect.

- In addition to the requirements in the Constitution's text, three significant questions have arisen about Senate authority to try impeachments. The first is the minimum the Senate must do once the House impeaches someone. This question arose after the House's first impeachment in 1797. One day after the House impeached Senator William Blount, the Senate expelled him by a vote of 25–1. Blount claimed the Senate lacked authority to try him because Senators were not impeachable and, in any event, he no longer occupied an office from which he could be removed. The Senate voted to dismiss the impeachment resolution against the expelled Blount for lack of jurisdiction. Subsequently, many Senators have construed this vote as supporting their authority to dismiss an impeachment without a full-scale trial.!/articles/1/essays/17/trial-of-impeachment

What the fuck even is this? If this was real everyone would have reported it.

Quit fucking repeating this. He’s an establishment fuck with dick skin in the game. Same with the “Republican” who appointed him.

This but it will fail.

The fact that he's extending the grand jury should tell you that he has NOTHING and has to go looking ever deeper to find something.
"J-just 6 more months your honor, I s-swear!"

American judges are scared shitless their corrupt practices will be corrected, they're not neutral in the least. Pretending that the judiciary is bipartisan is just a massive lie, they're basically the most corrupt part of the US government and the one which Trump is doing his most important job in fighting.
Having a corrupt judge to do you bidding isn't worth much.

You’re simply parroting BS you’ve heard from conspiracy theorists. You have no first hand knowledge of any fucking thing you’re spewing forth. You’re simply a parrot.

Name them, list them, when & where do they meet to conspire and pull the strings? Show us the documentation, the emails...don’t cite some anonymous bullshit that my dead grandmother could have written...or Sean Hannity. Just because you and other rētards believe something it doesn’t make it so.

>It’s produced 37 or so indictments
But were any related to the trump campaign working with a foreign power as defined by the scope of the investigation?

Those "37 or so indictments" are jam packed with Russian facebook ads and Manafort's activities before being a part of the Trump team. You fucking shills really need to get your shit together if you're going to come here and piss down my fucking leg. This investigation is clearly not yielding ANYTHING that links Trump or his campaign to RUSSIA.


Sorry ass monkey but “many senators” and their opinions don’t carry the day. Just as the House impeaches Clinton...the Senate held a trial and the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS presided over it...the same will happen with Trump if the House impeaches him and they will eventually.

Trump appointed that Republican (Rosenstein)...everything I said is true. If Trump’s down with all this establishment Deep State shit then why wasn’t he smart enough to not hire them?

Mueller's a bag man for the establishment; to the extent he has an agenda, it's theirs.

I doubt a federal judge would give him an extension if he clearly had nothing to go on. He has indicted 37 people for 100 felonies so far...several are headed to prison after pleading guilty. If there’s nothing there then what is it all of these former Trump men are cooperating about? Wouldn’t they have nothing to cooperate about? Why did they lie if they weren’t trying to hide something?

17 underway user...those investigations are not over.

The questions you should be asking are: "Why is Mueller landing on Trump people for stuff they did before their professional associations with Trump?" and "If it's not Trump proceedings, why are they cooperating?"

>ignores the FACT that the DOJ and FBI have been leaking documents pertaining to the investigation solely to negatively impact Trump

You know goddamn well that if there was anything, it would have leaked already. Take care, buddy. Shareblue shills like you get the rope too, remember that.

What a complete fucking joke you've become, USA.

Fine talk from the peanut gallery.

>Ever been a conspiracy theory you heard that you didn’t beleive?

Actually, yes! I pooh-poohed the absurd idea put about in 2002 that Saddam's WMD's were a fiction created by neocon warhawks, lent undue legitimacy by a mendacious and compliant media in order to advance the Greater Israel long term geopolitical strategy. Glad I wasn't dumb enough to fall for such twaddle.

Trump didn’t do shit and you all know it. He wouldn’t be doing the things he’s doing if he was in any sort of shit. All the investigation has done is brought out a fucking porn star that was paid to stay quiet.

But the Senators' opinions, or at least the majority leader's do, in fact, carry the day in their own chamber. What the fuck are you going to do when the House impeaches Trump and McConnell doesn't even bring it up for consideration? All you can do is sit there and sputter incoherently in your cuck corner.

They don't meet typically. Most of them carry on in their jobs, doing whatever they can to throw wrenches into the works and disrupt the Trump agenda. They don't need direct orders. They read their New Yorker and Slate and all the rest and get the idea of what their job is now. They memory holed this pic related dumb bitch, but I remember her.

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How many extensions can he have? Unlimited?

Mike Flynn’s problems were all during his time with the campaign and administration as National Security Adviser...Papadapolous the a foreign policy adviser. Some of the charges against Rick Gates were related to his time with the campaign and early into 2017 so you’re simply wrong.

how many of those indictments are for so-called collusion and how many are for completely unrelated bullshit that was conjured up?
how many, user?

Mueller has leaked nothing. All leaking has been done by those facing indictment...most recently Roger Stone, James Corsi & Dim Don Jr.

Precisely this. Shills are dependent on the ignorance of their audience. A little bit of light reading BTFO's the shill. Here, I'll post a link to the IG report.


Just read the summary, no deep dive required. This kills the shill.

According to people believing in the collusion bullshit, Trump is the dumbest motherfucker alive.
Yet somehow, Mueller needs even more time to investigate because apparently Lex Luthor hasn't got shit on Trump's super villain tricks to hide stuff.

So yeah, you're a fucking joke for allowing this farce to go on. Shit or get off the pot.

But you are dumb enough to fall for the 911 dribble. LOL!

hourly reminder that TrumpOrg employs illegal immigrants at their golf clubs

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Mike Flynn was told by a judge on television that he no longer had to plea guilty to the things of which he was accused, and kept with his guilty plea anyway. Something's rotten in the state of Denmark, but I don't think it's what you think it is.

It's 15 million dollars to keep the peace in a much more direct way than 15 million dollars worth of cops, guns, or milsurp would do. It'd be cheap at twice the price what do we make of 37 indictments on 100 felonies? Nothing to do with Stormy or any women. 13 Russian GRU agents?

do you really believe that? are you fucking stupid or just misinformed? perhaps you're incredibly naive and refuse to question the things you're told.

By the way dick cheese...the day of the rope is made up BS from the poorly written, “Turner Diaries”...fiction. Fuck off pussy.