Ford cancels Mexico Plant. Returns 700 jobs to the US

>"Make no mistake about it — Ford is a global automaker but our home is right here in the United States," Fields said at a press conference.

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oh and Ford has been merging shifts and *moving* over 1100 workers in Michigan and Kentucky to other plants for a while now with over 600 jobs on the line despite Ford's promises not to cut any jobs

Too late faggots. Your brand is garbage.

>Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) said that its sales in China were down 55% in November, despite the launch of two new models tailored to Chinese tastes.

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Lord Mr. Ford what have you done

Thanks Obama

Hooray for Trumpism

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If jobs are returning to the US, it doesn't matter to workers. It might be an issue for stock holders, but now many people have invested in Ford?

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Isn't it weird so many companies sent jobs to Mexico, but they are still pouring over our boarders?

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>It might be an issue for stock holders, but now many people have invested in Ford?
I have some stock in ford. Not a whole lot, but they are a solid company with a good track record. Remember back in 08 when everything crashed. Not Ford. I trust that they have some great people working for them, and they will always turn profit.

t: Drives an american made toyota

>1 post by this ID
> Published 11:14 a.m. ET Jan. 3, 2017 | Updated 6:00 p.m. ET Jan. 4, 2017
sage and report
jesus fucking christ look at this plebbit infested thread

>700 jobs

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Which still means mexicans will work there but now on the us soil

I'm still here, faggot

>Chinese tastes.
I wonder what that could be?

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Based Ford

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this was 2 years ago you giant fag

Now Ford can start over with low paid workers, no pensions and no health benefits! But its cars will still be outrageously overpriced! Wall Street Wins Again!

haha ford is a joke of an automobile company at this point. literally is getting rid of their "regular car" line (which included the focus rs) to sell more explorers to cops and f-150s to faggots who love a nice v6 fullsize 2wd. Mustangs are great if you wish to drive in a straight line/run into people. Buy Jap cars.

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