I live in the Midwest and have never seen a Jew

>Be me
>Pick up my kid from Elementary school
>See this
>What do?

Attached: kikes.jpg (3653x2727, 1.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:


The brainwashing is unbelievable.

they did this with me as a child too

Only 5 bronze, 1 silver, and 1 gold? Lmao. Losers.

>"dead sea lowest point on earth"
Jews literally the devil confirmed

Vote out the board of education. If civil war breaks out, take advantage of it.

Check behind every lamppost, you’ll find them eventually.

>mfw the same
>mfw in elementary school almost double digits years ago now
>mfw they made us make a star of david out of popsicle sticks for the holidays
>fast foward
>get redpilled
>mfw I'm also circumcised

Attached: help.png (641x651, 716K)

at least it was not the "pillars of Islam"

shut the fuck up christkike

Is it possible that groups in the class were given random countries to make presentations on? I remember having to make something like this in primary school but for Fiji

Fucking kek, it's almost laughable how far circumcised Jew cock is down most Americans' throats.

As for what do, I'd submit a complaint to the school and the teacher that they're pushing a political message onto the children, although it might be have no effect because no where does it say anything positive about Israel on the poster board.


>what do
Tell your kid the truth.

what did they mean by this

Attached: wut2.jpg (489x323, 19K)

>In Israel they do no call it Christmas instead they call it Hanukkah

Attached: 1414180618860.png (680x1071, 211K)

This is what I thought. I got Australia once. Pretty funny to look back on now after Jow Forums.

>fun christmas facts
>pentium mmx designed in israel
>only 1/6 of 1% of middle east
>hebrew AND arabic
>israel owns the whole dead sea
>mcdonalds fuck yeah
>kosher?? fuck
>celebrate hannukah and get presents for like a week or some shit goys
>only 2.5 % of israel are jews user
>but we will subvert christmas and turn it into hannukah anyway so your loss
wow that's some pretty good propaganda user

i still dont know if the most worrying thing about this drawing is the phallus-shaped building. but yeah the shilling is pretty disturbing

Northern Ohio here. Some Jew managed to slither into my kids preschool class and give a Hanukkah lesson. Came home with a dreidel. Promptly threw it in the trash.

Did you inform the principal about this?

>Son, what you see here is all true, it's just that your dad is anti semite.

this too they gave me a dreidel and chocolate fucking shekels
anyone saying its fake is a jew they really do this shit to midwestern kids

look the kike even came in the thread to try and damage control

beside the only the stuff about Hanukkah ant Ch*istmas

homeschool your kids. Public school is where the youth gets endoctrinated

I grew up in Ohio and my best friend was half Italian and half Jewish. What was funny is he was obsessed with The Roman Empire and Nazi uniforms.

Be happy. I had to watch Schindlers List and Rise of Evil in school and weren't even allowed to laugh

We don’t call Christmas Hanukkah.
Don’t know about the statistics about Hanukkah, but I’m pretty sure it’s wrong.
But hey, we added fun to the pentium processor

my oven awaits

>Pentium MMX designed in is Israel.
It was designed by the goys and "improved" by the hafia division of intel. It was not created by the state of Israel in any way.

We also had the chocolate shekels. Also garbage

The only damage we have here is in your brain.
>my oven awaits
For the rest of you life

Forgot to censor CHRIST in CHRISTMAS kike.

Attached: 1546532228693.jpg (1200x1200, 145K)

It's not really endoctrinated into Judaism though if that's what you're implying, remember you're Goyim after all

They teach you that Jews and Judaism are boring and nothing important look the other way goy its just some candles and a star and we eat bread

then you never heard about it again post elementary

Circumsized twin tower.

oh and we can't forget the six gorillion almost forgot to mention that

Based. Jews always make the best comedies.

Call the school and ask wtf

You don't routinely insert cloves into your urethra? You haven't lived.

I hope you and your family get hit by a missile

Looks like a control device inserted into a circumcised penis.

Nah. Like the kid put at the bottom of the poster, no Kike who doesn't live around Christians gives a shit about Hanukkah. It's just something they've magnified in the USA, to compensate for the external pressure to celebrate American Christmas.

I hope you and your family die soon

They gravitate to things which try to kill them, in an attempt to co opt them.

Whether consciously or subconsciously, I do not know.

That's cool. Just remember kike, we will win. Or take you down trying.

literally isn't, I took it this morning.

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It looks like one of those infographics they made us do as a kid when i was in elementary school. Had to do mine on the Czech Republic, you guys are reading into it too much.

goyim have nothing to lose anymore anyways
see you in the next fucking world dumb shit kike

Put a dollar bill in a bear trap and wait over night, works every time.

But you were allowed to wank yourselves off at the topless woman in bed in the Commandant's house?

Michigan fag here. It's happening.

call your schools

>and have never seen a Jew
Here let me help you out retard.
See pic.
Now you have seen a jew.
Have a nice day doofus!

Attached: 38forIsrael.png (881x409, 393K)

Did they make you make clay dreidles too because they made us do that in elementary school. It was funny because only one girl in the class was Jewish but we all did this for her, but on Christmas when Santa came to class she continued to tell everyone that he isn't real and that she didn't want to celebrate Christmas.

A mutilated penis is itself a control device.

no they made us make papercraft ones
>tfw didnt even get to make a real dreidel
>out of clay
>and when it's dry and

Attached: 1541697268602.jpg (660x751, 169K)

Islam is happening there too. You should bomb your local mosque.

Nazi children made cute posters like this celebrating their parent's ethnostate

You have children and have never seen a doctor, lawyer, dentist, jeweller or politician in real life?

based 40 year old father

Reminder that THIS actually fucking happened

Attached: 1523871371407.webm (720x404, 2.86M)

That was only with Israel or there were more countries?

>Happy Hanukkah

Go back to /tv/

Cute kid

Yeah I was waiting for a Aussie to show up but none have.

Attached: aussiefag.jpg (3293x2509, 1.95M)


meant to tag you.

Nice way of saying (((added spyware)))


Attached: spy.jpg (890x593, 88K)

I live in SC and I have never seen a jew either, that I'm aware of. Last week I was driving around in my small town, and I spotted a huge Israeli flag hanging off someone's porch. WTF!

Why does it capitalize the 'S' everytime?

Retard child

The number of holocaust survivors increases.

Different kid but it's a farming town. Maybe autism.

>but we will subvert christmas and turn it into hannukah
They don't have to, they already turned Christmas into the biggest (((shopping))) day of the year.

>in Australia they don't speck spanish
Well da, there's no spics over there.
>Christmas Bushes
Aussie anons tell about this.
>In Australia instead of reindeer they have kangaroos to pull Santa"s slay.
Tell me also.

After all this multiculturalism we're suffering, it doesn't seem so bad. Does it?

The pilot episode of South Park "Jesus vs Santa" pretty much predicted this and that was early 90's it's been done before that even.

>in israel they dont call it christmas they call it hanukkah

i don't think that's how it works...

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>We don’t call Christmas Hanukkah.
We know Chiam. You call it, "sale at walmart"

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True. Watch this starting at 7:08

Attached: lana.png (811x526, 306K)

That was the funniest part of the movie I'm sure. I'm sure there are many funny parts. I've never seen it. I quit watching jew propaganda long ago.

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The P55C was designed in Israel.

>MFW this 9 year old is a Jow Forums user IRL shit posting
>MFW I've been talking to 9 year old's this whole time

Attached: faggot.jpg (1200x554, 46K)

i bet it is how it works you fucking lying kike rat

I'd pull them out. No point in brainwashing your kids and it's only gonna get worse if they're already starting on kids this young.

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I got a phone call from my kid's school. This was his version

Attached: israelkidfunfacts.jpg (3653x2727, 1.95M)

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>D-Do you live in Michigan too ?

Attached: ngs.jpg (646x595, 42K)

>Australian Christmas bush

the absolute state

>Child under 9 says a weird thing
how smart are the maple nigger kids up north leaf?

>(((Hollywood))) movies are real

Attached: brainlet3.png (586x578, 46K)

That’s quite common core of you, user

You didn't answer my question leaf

Huh, I never really thought about Jews being terrified of stamps.

Attached: 1543020617136.png (1280x1659, 1.71M)

>pentium MMX desined ...
maybe at least teach the kids how to spell words instead of brain washing them with pointless facts about a place that needs to be relevant to get its military and political gibs for religious reasons

>letting a jew cut off your dick in the first place...