Congrats Jow Forums your country has voted you into solve the mass immigration problem -
What laws or policies do you sign into place to solve the problem of illegal or mass immigration or even deal with refugees who are already in your country?
Congrats Jow Forums your country has voted you into solve the mass immigration problem -
What laws or policies do you sign into place to solve the problem of illegal or mass immigration or even deal with refugees who are already in your country?
Annex the countries trying to immigrate here.
We can bring them up to our standards pretty easily, and the governments of the ones that don't want to be annexed will work pretty damn hard to make sure their people stop coming here.
No gibs. Deport criminals.
Presto, everyone leaves for Germany, Sweden and UK.
No need to pass laws, this is already our constitution but it isn't enforced because muh Härtefälle clause.
full on national mobilization for space tech, ultimate goal of leaving the planet and a shot for some to find their "New World"
Burn the synagogues here and shortly after transport all Jews and niggers to newly constructed concentration camps, where they will be tortured until the UN condemns Peru for human rights abuse. When this happens, they will be executed and Peru will leave the UN, be bombarded with sanctions, and suffer greatly, which is a good thing considering most people here are lazy faggots.
Party approved work visas yes! Non Euorpean Citizenship no!
Read Rockwell’s poem about the ducks and the hens. Those hens will show up every time
Pull out of NATO. Cease all international military engagements and missions abroad. Strongly oppose any form of military interventionism. Condemn and sanction states sponsor them.
Shoot them or capture them and make them fight in gladatorial battles for my populace's amusement
End all immigration of non-whites
Secure our border with the most modern technology available, including satellite surveillance and lethal drones
Give illegals currently in the country six months to leave, after which offer citizens a $1000 reward for each corpse of those who remain
I know that these ideas are all unrealistic and utopian, but that's what I'd do if I had unlimited power
We did it once already, we know much about efficiency. Don't worry user, I got you covered with that issue.
Kill all Jews immediately and in the most brutal way possible.
They aren't coming to your country because of war you stupid autistic kraut faggot. They are coming as a Jewish golem to spend your taxes, fuck your women and ultimately breed you into a minority and then slaughter you.
Gas all of subsaharan Africans, gypsies and others, wouldn't want to destroy all the natural resources by nuking the places they inhabit
The non nuclear option would be to tell the UN to fuck off, close the borders, deport any foreigner who has ever committed a crime of claimed welfare, end welfare and access to public services entirely for foreigners, heavily discriminate and abuse other Muslims and Jews so they voluntarily leave the country, and heavily shame and physically abuse leftists.
The nuclear option is to just off them all.
Life in prison for the ceo and board of directors if their company is found to be hiring aliens.
Also, the ss card will be replaced with a national database of dna. When an America is born thier dna is stored in the database. Your fingerings change, your eye color changes. But your dna is the same, I understand there is junk dna but the core dna is the same your whole life.
End birthright citizenship.
Finally someone with sense.
Look up why Ethopia and Eritrea started to make peace. It was the based Salvini that told Ethopia, we will provide you with guns and tanks. And with soldiers.
They knew what will happen. An ethnic conflict like everywhere. So they choose rather to reform their countrys.
What would happen if Trump called up El Salvador and tells them, that he will build a jail for all the MS-13 members and they will have to feed them down there for the duration of the sentence. That would be be the biggest kek of all time.
>if I had unlimited power
>six month in, kills everybody who doesn't want to clean the toilets and farm oranges at 95F in the bright sun
>one year in, his hatred brought him so far on the dark side that he gets assassinated by his remaining son because he executed the whole family not to "feel weak"
1) wall and impenetrable borders, north and south.
2) point based immigration to ensure only positive immigration
3) scaling back asylum to pre Obama definition
4) harshly pursuing those who skip out on asylum hearings
5) life in prison for repeat attempts to illegally cross to be held in a border based facility in Texas.
6) all illegals aggressively pursued, once arrested given 1 month to present a case for why they should stay. If they can pursuade us that they are a positive and pass an English citizenship test they are granted citizenship, if not immediately deported. If they try to cross again, life in border prison per point 5.
7) voter id federally mandated for voting, per constitution
8) illegal immigrants who commit crimes sent to life in prison at border facility mentioned above
9) End anchor babies
10) Mexico held liable for facilitating illegal immigration. All funds cut until they cut illegal immigration to US.
11) aggressively pursue drug shipments from china that fund cartels. All cars scanned at border for drugs. Bringing drugs across border now warrants death penalty.
12) migrant laborers allowed as long as they follow specific agreements. If not they are deported. If they attempt to cross again, life in prison on border.
It's pretty simple.
$25,000 fine per illegal employed and 6 months in prison for the CEO/owner of the company (or homeowner in the case of landscapers/nannies, etc.) on the first offense.
$100,000/illegal and 2 year prison sentence for the 2nd offense.
Complete forfeiture of your company/home and 10 years for the 3rd offense.
The spics would deport themselves.
Allow free absolutely legal mongol & chink safari for citizens and tourists alike on all the length of Russia's southern border. In addition to anti-illegal migration effect, just think about how much money this will earn for country.
I never saw a ICE raid at the upper echolons. You know, farms, villas, townhouses. Taking out hundreds of "assistants", nannys, all that slave labour that can be had for $25/h by zoomers.
They always raid the farms and construction sites, at least they are working there.
Yes absolutely. The migration crisis is absolutely unrelated to the military fuck ups of neo-conservative foreign policy in the middle east. People are drowing in the sea for a fucking welfare check not because their countries have been utterly destablized beyond repair by misguided interventions. Get a fucking grip.
>skin brown: turn around
>skin white: you’re alright
>welfare & other programs available to citizens only
>make hiring undocumented workers a criminal offence (fines for the company, jail time for people responsible for hiring undocumented workers)
no need for wall, USBP or w/e. remove the incentive to come here and you've removed the cause of the problem.
>problem of illegal or mass immigration or even deal with refugees who are already in your country?
deportation for anyone that has a criminal record in the US or is a burden on the tax system. those without a crime record and who were a net positive on the tax system can obtain residence like regular foreign workers. allow those without criminal record to buy off their tax debt
You broken guilt ridden fucking moron. Are Turkey at war? Are most of Africa at war? Is morrocco at war? Is Pakistan at war? Etc etc... No. If they were just fleeing violence then they'd move to the closest safe place, not thousands of miles to northwest Europe. You deserve what's coming you cretin.
Let everyone in. Send itemized bill to country of immigrants origin for services rendered. Must I solve everything?
>Are Turkey at war? Are most of Africa at war? Is morrocco at war? Is Pakistan at war?
Yes to all of those.
>What laws or policies do you sign into place to solve the problem of illegal or mass immigration or even deal with refugees who are already in your country?
>step 1
Push the problems over the border
>step 2