What age did you lose your virginity and what advice do you have to give for people that age in losing it...

What age did you lose your virginity and what advice do you have to give for people that age in losing it? Specifically getting around wandering eyes and what to do, where to do it.

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I was 21. Not much advice to give, just find someone you like and go for it.

I was 12 and i recommend 12yo‘s to keep their fucking pants on.

On getting around wandering eyes: just do it outdoors somewhere.

21 here

I was 16 with at least half a year relationship. I still love that person and the great care and understanding of pace he had for my viginity. Even though he wasn't a virgin himself.

Think about how you think about your virginity. Is it something you want to lose with someone special, or fine to lose it on a fling with just a good time? Just be honest with yourself and think about what you want. It's only one time. Also, don't ever feel pressured by others.

I'm a very traditional person. I'm of opinion you should be at least towards your adolescence-maturity to even engage in these kind of intimacies. 16 is alright, wouldn't like to go lower on that number.

What a slut. Jesus

Stop being so fucking hung up on sex and stop being so fucking uptigjt and critical
Half the people who bitch about not getting laid on this website do it in the most bitchly, whiny, self-victimizing manner possible.

Like no shit they don't want you, are there three less desireable traits in a man besides being spineless, weak-willed and sanctimonious about their own suffering? Like besides being an actual rapist.

Lighten the fuck up or pussy will evade you with expertise historians will refer to as 'galvanized, and with trained subtleties their enemies would never know nor understand'

You gotta get the pussy down off the pedestal, and you can't go around just woman-hating and expecting to get laid with that kind of bitch boy attitude.

I was 16 and in my one and only serious relationship.
Part of me whished I waited, but then I would probably never experienced it.
But at the time, there would be far greater social consequences if I said no.
We stayed together about a year after that.

Seize the opportunities you get. Before you know it 11 years have passed and you are that weird guy who fondly thinks back to fucking a 16 year old.

Still going strong on my v card.

It's probably because many virgins here see the bad boy persona getting laid and they take it as being bitter and violent.

I'm almost 30 and still virgin

Lol this should copy pasta’d onto so many threads here.

Eh, it's just kind of an idle frustration. I just wish they'd stop bitching but it's kinda all they're good at this late in the game.

>Dis nigga eating beans
28 and still a virgin. Male, of course.

I lost mine around 21. Had a flirty thing going with a girl I constantly saw at house parties. She was stand-offish but shy 1v1. Broke through her shell on new years and propositioned. It was good but awkward. Later learned to fuck like beasts and married her.

I doubt you would be that vocal and harsh if you were a virgin at an older age.

Some people dont get laid for other reasons than what you listed. They know it is their own fault but you have to make priorities. And stuff like that gets left behind and the lack of experience does more harm with each additional year.

What do I do if I already lightened up so much that I float, and don't have a woman hating attitude?

17 and I was technically a late bloomer

advice? Don't be a faggot. I don't know why internet kids are all hopping on the new trend of pretending that their virginity is a delicate precious rare flower that should only be given away to their one and only true love that only exists in anime. This would make sense if it were girls saying all that shit but these are grown men going "nooooooo my virigninityyyyyyyyy! not until marriage~~~"

You first time is not special, it's awkward and uncomfortable at best.

>wandering eyes

what does this mean

oh and also if you're gonna do it missionary, pussy hole is always lower than where you think it is.

not him but it is incredibly frustrating to see a whole generation of circle-jerking sad sacks that do nothing but blame women and society and the world and the universe for their shitty attitude towards sex.

if his advice doesn't concern you, then don't take it personally. don't take it at all.

Stop giving a fuck about what women want & what women feel.
Stop being nice to them.
Be arrogant.

Either you're drinking the kool-aid and you aren't actually lightened or you haven't really got a problem, you just need to pay more attention and, very probably, expand your social circle (if this is about trouble with women).

It shouldn't really be a problem, being lighthearted about things is probably the best way to be in the general majority of situations.

New trend? It's a dying trend...

>always lower than you think it is
Speaking the truth here.

I guess it''s both new and dying and good riddance, I've been on Jow Forums for 10 years and I swear none of this shit ever showed up until like last year

hahaha so true, this fucked me over at my first failed attempt at getting laid

It does concern me though. Im too old and kind of normie for all that incel crap.

But still, I am a virgin. Had a gf and my first sexual experience made things worse. End result was guilt, even lower self esteem, lost last bit of trust I gave her. I was annoyed but ultimatly ok being like that. I was an extreme late bloomer. Looked like 8 at the age of 15. But that with her seriously damaged me. My one and first experience was bad on so many levels. Now Im inexperienced and additionally "damaged".

>Either you're drinking the kool-aid and you aren't actually lightened
I mean, I try to be realistic about what I want and girls want out of relationships, but I feel like that's something everyone should do.

>or you haven't really got a problem, you just need to pay more attention and, very probably, expand your social circle (if this is about trouble with women).
I really hope it's this one, but I'm far from antisocial and I think I probably pay too much attention, or at least in the wrong places.

>It shouldn't really be a problem, being lighthearted about things is probably the best way to be in the general majority of situations.
I agree completely. Most of the time things are either not a big deal or not within your control, and neither is something to get worked up about.

yeah like I said in another post the first time is always bad which is why the fact that so many boys/adult men place so much importance on their first time is completely ass-backwards.

It's like working your first summer job or whatever, you're gonna fuck it up for sure to some degree but eventually you move and can't let the past haunt you. learn from your mistakes and all that

Realism is good. Being open to the possibilities is even better. I'm guessing you're youngish and haven't really met anyone who turns your crank or whose crank you'd like to turn.

virginity isn't all important, it's who you lose it to. That's the person you'll remember for the rest of your life. So make it count

I've met a few girls I've been pretty into, but they didn't feel the same way and made it clear. So far I've just decided to do other things and see what opportunities come along, although so far very few have.

You missed my point entirely. Im not talking about the arbitrary act of sex in itself. After all I had no sex to be specific. I meant relationship, trust, having a partner and not a fuck buddy.

It's a numbers game and there's no guarantee you'll meet someone who fits with you. Sometimes it takes work from both sides to really 'fit' (it did for me and mine, at least, we both had to change to get what we wanted).
I think your approach is golden, now you just gotta play the numbers game. If it makes you feel any better I ended up with a girl who fooled around with my best friend, and thought I wouldn't ever find out, before I ended up with my current steady girl.
It really is just a bunch of gambling in the end.

well what about it?

Greentext please?

I really hope you're right.

25. Make sure the girl is decent and dont worry about cumming to quick or at all. Sex isn't such a big deal once you've done it a few times. Besides that my only advice is to not fall for any LDRs.

18, with first bf, loved him a lot. Did it at home in my bed when nobody else was there. I say make sure it's someone you really like that you can communicate with openly. Bad sexual experiences and assault at a young age = trauma.


I was 14. I am a guy and I had sexual congress with my best friend, a fellow 14 y/o dude. At the time I was not concerned with overwhelming him or being overwhelmed, probably because I was a hormonal 14 year old, and I enjoyed it.

I then went 4 years without anything sexual really, and my first relationship was somewhat sexual. It doesn't hurt to take your time the first few times and say things, "does this feel good?" I did never end up finding that girl's clit, I just got lucky sometimes but then I would lose it.

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If you tell someone no and push them off of you a few times, don't just go along with it,because you don't know what else to do. Your mother complaining about and demeaning men in front of your whole childhood doesn't mean all women hate you

I lost it when I was 17 with the girl I'm still with. 21 now.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a virgin. Don't have sex because you feel like you have to. You don't. Secondly, you should only be fucking someone if you'd be comfortable raising children with them. Unless you're gay, there is the distinct possibility of creating life. Make sure that you are ok with them being the mother of your children before you do anything. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to marry them, either. Speaking of marriage, most first-time marriages succeed. Don't buy into the fear-mongering and the stereotypes.

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I was 19.

My advice to other 19 year olds: Don't bother. I know it sucks and you probably feel like a retarded piece of garbage because you didn't lose it in high school or whenever else you or your friends thought you should have. I realize how I sound telling you not to worry about it, but look at it like this: TV and movies make things like using guns, getting in car crashes, getting hit on the head, and lots of other things seem different than they are in reality. The same thing applies to sex and relationships. From the outside, fucking and being with somebody seems like so much fun that you'll want to do it just for the sake of but, I guarantee you isn't that much fun. If you wait to do it with somebody you really give a shit about instead of just fucking who or whatever you can because "muh virginity" or something, I bet you'll be a lot better off than I turned out to be.