Who are the best Marxists writing today? For me, it's David Harvey

Who are the best Marxists writing today? For me, it's David Harvey.

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The helicopters, they whirr for thee.

Any grad student would be a better reader of Marx than Harvey. Look to Marxists within the post-autonomist and wertkritik circles - they produce the most developed theory.

What's wrong with Harvey? His arguments seem pretty logically coherent to me.

David Harvey

They are misreadings

How so? Or are they just misreadings because he's not emphasizing from Marx what you want him to emphasize?

And his work on urban geography is passe and largely unoriginal.

>his work on urban geography is passe and largely unoriginal.
Compared to whose work?

To the rest of the field, even compared to Lefevbre, the founder of the field. His arguments are simplistic and have already been made. Harvey's only accomplishment is articulating his work in a way so that urban middle class movements could latch onto it and instrumentalise it.

No, he doesn't understand value and abstract labor, there is nothing reedemable in Harvey.

Marxism is an anti-white jewish ideology so I disavow it, but I have read Harvey's work on modernism and postmodernism and it is freshman 101 crap copypastad from basic bitch sources.

Could you please explain a bit more why/how Harvey misinterprets those things, for instance by explaining what you think they are and what interpreters had them right, and how Harvey misses that?

Just wondering because it's so hard to tell dogmatic followers of a camp apart from reasoned criticism, and as someone without the chops to know tell them apart from just a few remarks (e.g., to know whether it's a case of "Oh, this guy's a soandso-ite, so of course he says Harvey doesn't understand xyz, those guys all repeat that memetically because that's what their unquestionable guru said Harvey doesn't get," vs. "Oh, apparently Harvey is widely regarded, and not just by 'the correct camp, namely mine!', as having misunderstood xyz, and this critique is especially associated with soandso and suchandsuch," etc etc).

>Marxism is an anti-white jewish ideology so I disavow it,

why are you here man, can you not find another board to fuck up? Im so tired of yiu fucking morons running around your fucking containment board sperging out thinking you are hot shit when you dont know your hand from your ass. Actually read some Marx or GTFO you fucking ignorant cunt.

Lol look at this shabbos sperg, classic.

Jason Unruhe

No, he's right.

Go back to your containment board brainlet

Anyone who listened to Raymond Williams

Good goys get extra rat meat at feeding time

not them, but harvey is just a 'marxist' and these guys are actually marxist critiques/post-marxists who are pointing out mistakes marx made and trying to give a better idea.

i think harvey is still a better 'marxist' and teaches marxian interpretations of the world instead of expanding on it.

Who cares? The best pile of shit is still disgusting.

How do you understand the world without theory?

What theories to you use a a guide to understand things like class, work, government, time, change, hierarchies???

Love Harvey, also like Wolff, and I’m readin some of Paul Cockshott’s Towards a new Socialism

I don't think there are many noteworthy marxists around. I mean proper economic materialist marxists. It went out of fashion a few decades ago

at this point i've just accepted that a good 1-5% of posts are going to be Jow Forums, even more if the topic is anything relating to judaism, no matter how tangentially.

the fact that Jow Forums posters are the scum of the earth is simply a truth i've internalized to the point it doesn't make me mad anymore. keep in mind most of them are actual teenagers and it's easy to dismiss their posts by imaging a literal 15 year old making them.

>anthropology of workers
>has never been on a work site
You fags are like the efficiency experts who come in for a week, have no clue how to do the job, and then weed out whatever you don't like so that you can extract some value based on a fiction.

>be a mentally ill lunatic freak following a failed, murderous, totalitarian ideology
>shitpost about your garbage politics all over /lit/
>a mentally ill lunatic freak following another failed, murderous, totalitarian ideology replies to you
>break down crying
why are c*mmies so pathetic brehs

>has never been on a work site

How would you know this?

>be a mentally ill lunatic freak following a failed, murderous, totalitarian ideology
>shitpost about your garbage politics all over Jow Forums
>a mentally ill lunatic freak following another failed, murderous, totalitarian ideology replies to you
>break down crying
why are fascists so pathetic brews?


Your question outs you as one of them.

Attached: sartresmartre.jpg (620x330, 47K)


His Marxist critique of James Cameron's Titanic brought true communist revolution in the real world closer than it had ever been before.

Great point. Fisher's hauntology of Wall-E really made me think as well. Late Capitalism is surely on its way to the dustbin of history with the help of these powerful thinkers.

t. Pinoshit

t. Gommie


what's wrong with this though?
Havey's right in saying that. you need to read Smith and Ricardo to see a better proof of the concept that value originates from labor.

is Zizek a Marxist though? I know he's said he believes in Communism but I don't think much of his philosophy actually comes from Marx. In his writing he often refers to Marxian philosophy third-person rather than using it in his own personal dialogue ie "a Marxist would say...".
note you don't have to be a Marxist to believe in Communism.

So basically orthodox Marxists are butthurt that he uses other economic schools of thought and more recent economic theories to update and bolster Marxist analysis? Seems like a pretty weak argument for why Harvey is a bad scholar.

Michael Hudson