Imagine voting for someone this ugly

Imagine voting for someone this ugly.

Attached: how will donald ever recover.jpg (640x865, 117K)

>Star Wars
Or Harry Potter
The left can’t meme

They don't even know a meme is.

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This is not a meme because it offends the guy I like. People who offend him and by extension me cannot meme.

Boss Nass was a wise leader who was willing to put aside past enmity to face a common foe.

This from the party that pretends Obama wife is beautiful

>D-Duh Left can't meeeme!!!!1!
>Meanwhile the Left is winning, has been winning, and will be winning the culture war indefinitely
Kek cope harder donald dumpies

>Being this new

Imagine voting for someone based on looks . I thought your party was all about not judging cunts based on their looks and all that bullshit ?


Cognitive dissonance runs deep in the party of hate.

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“Wife”. I’m going to laugh at all of the drooling retards who actually pretended that creature was a female

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Neither female or even human

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Every single word the left has tried to creat has truer against
Them and they are forced to route and use it themselves as a parody
Micro aggressions
Cultural appropriation

Go to a bar and tell someone what they are doing is appropriating culture and when they call you a pussy tell them you are misgendering me and assuming my gender see how culturally hip you are


culture war doesn't exist except in your childish propaganda world that has staled in quality like a sitcom

Imagine if you had to get hard and fuck this thing.

Attached: mike obama.jpg (236x224, 11K)


He's fucked models his whole life lmao

he was GIB'd 400 million dollars when he was 4 years old.

Well your mom didn't run.

>Left is winning, has been winning, and will be winning the culture war indefinitely
Imagine being this retarded.

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for a 72 year old guy trump looks fine. especially that he's fat and old but still looks masculine and decent.

Imagine thinking the right has any chance of being taken seriously after Trump.

this is exactly like harry potter
why don't you understand

based rare flag

Implying Hillary is beautiful

Attached: hillary final form.jpg (424x430, 63K)

She's build like a great slave

I wish my back looked like that hahaha

A shitpost so repugnant even kek had to throw you some trips.
I actually had to scroll down as I typed this just to avoid seeing that pic again.
Fuck lol.

Fucking kek


id fuck her

Attached: Elonbot5000.jpg (1035x667, 49K)

you have that picture saved on your hard drive...

High quality thread OP! thanks for your awesome, thought provoking post

How do I gold this? This is epic.

Attached: RaPhw0s.jpg (768x432, 82K)

His eyes look corrosive and toxic. Almost like he has no soul

we all do, faggot.

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Imagine voting for someone over looks

he looks like he raped little Ivanka.

Obama is a fucking nigger

Never forget that Trump actually did this.

Attached: Boss_Nass_NEGTC.jpg (836x1168, 251K)

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>Imagine thinking you know the thoughts in a man's head.

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Stop fucking your cousin, Cletus

didn't that green dude save the planet?

Even if I were the IQ of the offspring would still be higher than niggers

imagine making a post that's decent.

you are so lost that you think you are winning at anything? culture war? you mean everyone in US thinks your a snow flake faggit and voted in Trump and Senate? Brexit?France?Brize? Syria? yea nice culture win you got there you brainwashed liberal nazi hahahaha

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Imagine being born to a mother that ugly, if I were you Op I'd fucking kill myself. Your father raped you daily, isn't that reason enough to end your miserable excuse for a life faggot? Cmon, make the world a better place and cut vertically. ;)
