Muttnited States of America: McDonald’s fight

7 ft spic vs midget Asian prostitute

Oh saaaaay can you seeeee
Who won?

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>flying the eu flag
get out shlomo

I bet that fat woman can beat the shit out of most people here

If diversity brings better food why are they all at McDonalds?

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The funniest shit is the bitch trying to stop the fight ends up clocking the shit outta fine chink bitch.

Really makes me fink.

Checked and rekt

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trips of truth

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>el consumador joins the battle

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It’s called Americanization retard
We have no culture, we all become consumers and nothing more, it doesn’t matter what race or how deep your roots are in this country, we all share the same fate

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Cause contrary to popular beliefs, immigrants would rather eat diabetes crap than make their own "ethnic" food.

America does have authentic culture in the South and Appalachia. Maybe in the Midwest as well. The thing is those places are usually ignored or constantly mocked for having "incest rednecks" by the two urban coasts.

And soon it will be your future too Euro dude.

this man just got out of prison

It's called assimilation, they are now officially assimilated.

Lol, fuck America. And you people think you are better than pic related? What a joke.

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Fuck the Amerimuttica Diabeticus empire.
Fuck the ZOG.
Fuck Canada.
Novutera now, Novutera tomorrow, Novutera forever.

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This video is so fucking old it has alzheimers

Really, it is anwhere that is outside of a Major Metropolitan area.

>Larp fag

That explains everything.

stop using logic and facts bigot

Whats novutera?

someone post this as a youtube comment kek

It's Vegas

>tries to throw shake
>gets it all over her own hair

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It's not a larp if you all continue to destabilize this country. You can't stop us if you balkanize. For eight years, one of us prevented American progression in the highest office.

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>Mutated States of America

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Kys nigger mutt

I don't think so you burger lard cretin.

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When wild animals break into your house and start shitting on everything.

Some faggot's fantasy.

These are three entirely different species and you burgermongrels will not prevent our evolution by keeping us here.

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Caravan muds were offered rice and beans by nice Mexicans. They threw the food to the ground calling it "food for pigs" and then demanded pizza and soda.


True story.

Is there an uncensored version? I need it for research.

>Spic vs asian spic (fillipina)
Nothing of value was lost.

Mutts go to brazil

wew lad, I love it.
and checkem

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Vegas should be nuked, it doesn't belong in god's country, it's filled with minorities, drugs and degeneracy

HAHAH kek fuck murika

They all look like mongrels who belong in brazil

looks like thai or brown viet to me. flip women are usually uglier and fatter like actual spics. either way, your point stands

Why did you go out of your way to hide your nationality? It must be humiliating.

They are three entirely different species who belong on three separate planets.

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Brazil is tropical. We're going to the Arctic Circle.

Gonna se some tity

no tity

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bad day at black rock

is that richard spencer?

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Great point. Trips of truth witnessed!