Based Christendom vs Larp Neo-Paganism

Neo-Paganism is a larp religion, it is gay as fuck and will never unify people nor have a fraction of the influence that Christianity has had on western civilization.
Cucked Christendom is relatively new, and not actually Christian or made up of real Christians. White people would flock to pre cucked Christendom just as sand niggers flock to Islam if given the chance, just as they did in the past. so it would be very easy to roll Christianity back to pre-cucked times, much easier than bringing back paganism.

Nothing is more based than Manifest Destiny, bringing light to the darkness, and having righteous Crusades to secure a future for your people

Neo-Pagan larpers need to get saved, and join the light or burn in hell for eternity as tree worshiping heathen faggots

It is of course your choice
to utilize the free will God gave you as you see fit.

"I am the way the truth and the life." Jesus

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Catholicsm is Christianity. There existed else nothing of relevance in the west until the 16th century.

Why not just look at objective reality?
Anything real can be measured

If Jesus called Jews the children of Satan- then you are mis-quoting the New Testament. And not following through with your own line of reasoning. Because obviously Jesus is calling not only himself a child of Satan - but he is applying such descriptors to his disciples and the masses of people who followed him to hear him speak.

If Jesus calls the Jews "children of Satan" - then why in Matthew 5:13 does Jesus tell the Jewish crowd listening to him, "You are the salt of the earth".
And why does Jesus next address his Jewish audience "You are the light of the world"??

neo pagan larpers dont understand the chad hierarchy or are very confused, because they dont have an spiritual chad to follow, they are just retrograd mental larpers adoring the same thing as the jews.

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In John 8:40, Jesus reveals that he knows certain Jews are looking to kill him. And that is why he refers to their face, that Satan is their father. These are specific people he is referring to - not "the Jews" as a people.
Jesus himself said that he was sent to save that which was lost, first to the House of Israel, then to the rest of the world.

>False Dichotomy
If we don't find a perennial conclusion then Europe is sure to fall.

The best ally is an old enemy.

If Christians are too foolish to recognize the strategy of joining forces against things that threaten us both then your absolution has damned us all.

If Pagans still blame Christianity for the state of Europe then they are willfully ignorant to history.

Put this shit aside, bickering amongst ourselves is all according to our shared enemies will.

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>they are just retrograd mental larpers adoring the same thing as the jews.
>says the cuck who worships a fictional jew whose narrative was created by jewish cultists splintering from a jewish religion
You LARP as Jews. You subhumans even spout all sorts of nonsense to try to paint the ancient Jews as being your own ancestors rather than unrelated sandniggers as all the evidence, genetic and archaeological, proves.

Christcucks are literally the dumbest degenerates on this planet, worse than niggers whose tribal shamans at least scratch at the edges of the same truth as our actual European ancestors.

Christcucks are race traitors who have to be put down because they support and protect the Jews while destroying all culture with which they come into contact in the name of enforcing global Semitic culture. Christcucks will never fight for objective good because they worship objective evil. Their souls have been completely given over to Jewish lies.

both religions are LARP, just about everyone is effectively an atheist

how many christians would die for their religion today like the muslims do? say what you will about the durkas but they definitely are believers. the extent of american religiosity is self-help books and posting feel good stories on social media.

>Jew worshipping
>Race traitors
>Ignores OP's pic

It's all so tiresome.

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The OP's pic is meaningless, the Bible is 100% fiction. The words attributed to the fictional character Yeshua are not representative of any truth as they are nothing more than bullshit made up by Jews. Modern genetics has proven that the Jews of today are descended from the Jews of ancient times who always lived in their tribal section of the Levant.

No argument which cites the Bible as fact is valid or worthy of consideration. The only use those texts have is in using the descriptions of landmarks and cities to attempt to locate ancients sites to excavate. None of these excavations have ever found any indication that Europeans lived in Israel or constituted the primary cultural influence on the sandniggers whose burials litter the area.


Christianity is the most based religion ever to exist. Which is why it conquered everything so quickly - despite starting out with absolutely nothing. But the most important thing is the fact that Christianity is the truth.

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youre mighty fucking retarded arent you, rabbi memeflag?

Jesus referred to you kikes as the Children of Satan if you rejected Jesus as your savior. Not whether or not you were "ethnically jew"

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>theory and practice

Christendom was cucked by the Jews from the state. Christianity is a Jewish plot to empower Jews.

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>Th-this is all a coincidence! Billions of dollars donated to Israel by Christian Zionists aren't actually following the Bible! If only they read the "synagogue of Satan" verse, then they would halt all aid to Israel immediately! This totally isn't a culmination of 2000 years of Jewish dick sucking by Christian rulers!

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>TRUE Christians hate Jews, except Pope Gregory the Great apparently

>Pope Gregory I (c.540-604), also known as Gregory the Great, was influential in the formation of Catholic doctrine in relation to the Jews. He was responsible for a notable Papal Bull which spoke of a requirement for Christians to protect and defend the Jewish people, which became official doctrine. He publicly disapproved of the compulsory baptism of Jews, and insisted on their right to liberty of action, both in civil affairs and in their worship.

>official Catholic doctrine is to protect the Jews


I honestly can't decide and I probably shouldn't. Abrahamic faiths were influenced by pagan concepts, no doubt. Christianity is practically paganism. In any case I don't plan to follow any word that I don't understand yet. It's my experiences that pave my way.

An actual real life mexican intellectual.
Here I was thinking it was just an ironic meme.

I would because I love Jesus and I know he loves me.

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>Preditcs nuclear bombs
>Preditcs the discovery of the new world (America)
>Preditcs the fucking technocratic society that is coming
>Literally christianity was born while being opressed by the romans, still wins the religious war somehow
user, I-

>Fictional character

Jesus is historically verified from several non Jewish- non Christian sources. You are a stupid soulless heathen, with a seemingly tenuous grasp on history. There is overwhelming evidence for Christ. You might as well say Caesar, and Socrates are fictional characters

Jesus Christ is more hated that Hitler by the Jews...Think about it

Believe or not you will bow before your Jesus Christ one day, and your tree spirits won't help you.

This is truth. No human or religion is more hated by the Jews that Jesus Christ, and Christendom. Including Hitler.

This is why there is no "war on neo-paganism" because it is a larp joke religion that is not to be feared anymore than those faggots that push it.

God Bless you

Philippians 2:10-11 King James Version (KJV)
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

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knee to your God, neopagan larpers stop been so pussy followers, repent know or be cucked later

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Monothiesm is a cancer, the only way forward is going back to the old ways

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Predicting the discovery of America is dogshit tier. Did you know Hebrew and Roman artifacts have been found in NA? Did you know that the eastern seaboard of NA has dozens of barrows and standing stones identical to those in northern Europe? Did you know that maps such as the Piri Reis map show that the entire world had been mapped some time before Antarctica was covered in ice? There was no need for anyone to predict the discovery of the Americas in ancient times, it had already been found.

The Vedas don't predict our invention of nuclear weapons, they describe their use including detailed descriptions of radiation poisoning.

This kind of shit is why you Christcucks are retarded.
>There is overwhelming evidence for Christ

You take Jewish fiction as fact, make up evidence to support that fiction instead of learning about reality, and shitpost incessantly as if you weren't the dumbest humans to ever touch keyboards.

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>t.illiterate that hanst read the bible

The only way to make Christianity remotely nationalist is to ignore the teachings of Jesus. Come back to the religions of wise men, not the one of sheep

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