Why do men want sex with plus sized women but won't date them?

Why do men want sex with plus sized women but won't date them?

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I wouldn't want sex with them either.

I don't think they do

Ill pass.

Why are men more willing to date plus sized women than women are to date fat men?

Women can be fat and still look good with the right proportions. Men can't.

That's disgusting.

Because they actually really like it but they can‘t be caught liking it.
It‘s a hierarchical thing.
Thin is still the dominant beauty standart. The guy who gets the most beautiful girl is the top do, since the most beautiful girls only go for top dogs. It‘s just a status symbol. Nobody wants to be „that guy“ who voluntarily lets other know he‘s not up there.

If people get into a relationship and get comfortable they generally gain weight and it seems more likely a woman who's in shape won't become a whale further down the road.

Noone believes this bullshit, fatty.

I want plus sized tits

We don't "want" sex with them, but most men have lower standards for casual sex than dating. Desperate men with low self-esteem will settle for a ONS with a fat girl but won't date her.
Just say fat
Men generally want relationships more than women do and have lower standards as a result. Since most women are fine staying single she will only settle for the perfect man
Of course she usually regrets this after she hits the wall.
That's not true at all, fat women look like shit no matter the proportions. But there are male fat fetishists like yourself while there aren't as many women who have a fetish for fat guys

Because I'd only date a girl I'm attracted to, but I'd fuck an ugly chick because sex with one is still sex

>dating in 2018
>not spinning plates and living a life with multiple concubines and wives like patriarch Abraham

Monogamy is for slaves and cucks. Who cares if youre fucking a fat Fertile birthing sow if youre fucking 10 other Stacies?

Been mentioned mostly, but either they don't really want sex with plus sized women and can only get laid if they lower their standards, or they enjoy the bodytype itself but have issues with how it looks to others/health concerns/whether she'll gain more weight in the future. Basically they are fine with the look/feel but not with the full package.

>there aren't as many women who have a fetish for fat guys
what is dad bod

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because of the excitement of new novel partners known as the Coolidge effect. But the negative social status attached to dating a chubby, especially if the dude is attractive and/or in shape. This stops us dating them

>it's another "virgin LARPs as a Chad who's fuckin 10/10s every day"
Do fat girls actually believe this or is it just something you say to cope?

A Meme

Because theyre embarrasing to be seen with but still a wet hole that can make my peepee hard

Woman with a thing for heavier men lurking, no it isn't. Most people you're going to ask are always going to prefer slim people. But women who like or outright prefer a little more definitely exist.

A dad bod is a slightly chubby guy, not the same as guys who go for OP's pic. And a lot of those guys have muscle to compensate. And the women who do go for that are mostly just insecure about a hotter guy cheating on her

You're coping in your post calling out another poster for coping

This is 4D glue eating if I've ever seen it

>That's not true at all
Yes it is. Google waist-to-hip ratio. Studies have been done on this shit.

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>And a lot of those guys have muscle to compensate.


>plus sized
did trip and accidentally write that, instead of morbidly obese?

Sure they exist but it's not as common as men having a fat fetish, and a dad bod isn't the level of fat that we're talking about either

Mothers at least have a valid excuse for their bodies going to shit.

"dad bod" is definitely a meme. It's just a euphemism for fat fucking slob.

>T. fat girl who thinks she's """curvy"""
Sorry sweetie but the keyword youre forgetting is "ratio" and your fat waist is fucking up your ratio.
Victoria Secret models have a smaller W:H ratio than landwhales do.

I'm not fat and I was just answering user's question.

Also it seems like you don't understand what a ratio is lol

Fair enough, though I think it's hard to tell because women are less visible in most any fetish community, at least online.

And isn't plus sized just a euphemism for above average weight period? Serious question, I mostly know plus sized models to be maybe a size 10 to 14...

>I'm not fat I'm just a chubby chaser who tells myself that I don't like fat girls, I like """""curves"""""
Whatever, point still remains
>What is a ratio?
Let me explain that for you brainlet. The waist-to-hip ratio is going by dividing the waist by the hips, and lower ratios are considered more attractive. Thus, a woman with a 24 inch waist and 36 inch hips has a more desirable w:h ratio than the fat cows you chase with 40 inch waists and 50 inch hips.
Make sense? When women get fat they gain more fat on their waists than their hips, so their ratio gets worse not better. Fat girls aren't "curvy", Jow Forums girls are

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Dad's have to work longer hours at a stressful desk job while also spending an hour sitting in traffic to compensate for the mother not wanting to work anymore

Pic-related has a 49 inch waist and 52 inch hips. Her ratio is barely below 1. While the typical supermodel is around 0.7
Still better than that "curvy" meme fat chicks use. As a guy who actually likes curvy women I hate that fat girls took that word

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Thats a product of a corrupt leviathan system to keep prole 100IQ normie men stagnant at a desk instead of out in the world calling change

Now you see why people hate wave cucks. The 9-5 American sitcom dream is a lie. Wake the fuck up

because society. chubby girls are the apex of sexual experiences. thick and soft and meaty, its everything a man's primitive ape brain could want. the fact that fat girls are more down to having fun, cuz you don't get fat by running like a rat and nibbling salad, makes the curvier ladies a better date.

but, society says that fat is slovenly, gluttonous, irresponsible, ugly, generally inconvenient. so, the clever guy pounds fat pussy like a wild man, and then kicks her out of bed before his friends notice.

its something even I, the irrepressible chubby-chaser, have a hard time with. Fit girls look really good! and everyone is proud of you when you get one. but short, pudgy girls with fat butts set my brain on fire

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I don't like fat girls or curves I just stated a simple fact.

>lower ratios are considered more attractive
lol no. there is a set range that's considered ideal.

it doesn't really matter how wide your hips are, if your waist is small enough in comparison, you will have the ideal waist to hip ratio regardless of the actual measurements. that's how a ratio fucking works you mongoloid.

this is why even plus sized models have the same kind if h:w ratio as skinny models. you don't really see plus sized models with huge hanging guts and spare tires or ones shaped literally round like the same way you don't see thin models with fridge bodies.

>you don't see thin models with fridge bodies
i should say, except on runways

but runway models are supposed to be ugly and gross looking

having dated a few fat girls, I would say its a little of both. but, when a guy tears your pussy up, slathers you in cuddles and kisses, but won't hold your hand in public, what else are you supposed to think?

also, remember that society looks different when you are on its receiving end. it looks one way to guy, but subtly different to a girl

>ads encouraging girls to eat more so they can plump up, and sex up
I want to live in this world

It's funny because that ad is from the 50s but then in the 60s being skinny was the fad again

Look you fucking retard until you can find me a study that says the ideal w:h ratio is about 0.94 (Tess Munsters actual ratio) then fuck off.
>Muh plus-sized models!
Are a genetic anomoly and not at all representative of actual fat chicks. Most fat women are proportioned similar to Tess, ie not curvy at all.
And regardless of proportions studies also find that a woman's ideal bf% is 18-20% so you're still wrong.
Anyway you've made it clear that you don't understand ratios or human biology or attraction so I think we're done

wait.... What?? just 30 years ago conservatives were bitching that working women were inferior to stay-at-home moms. Working women were the feminist scourge that was destroying families and de-scroting men.

now women are evil for being homemakers and forcing their men to be breadwinners?

>Look you fucking retard until you can find me a study that says the ideal w:h ratio is about 0.94 (Tess Munsters actual ratio) then fuck off.
But I never suggested that.
The ideal ratio is like between .7 and .8.

All I said is that fat people can have this w:h ratio and therefore be considered "attractive" in a sense. Not that all do.

Not sure why that triggered you so bad but whatever lol

because im ugly with low standards and dont want to be seen outside with a fat chick. huh now that i write it out i see why i dont date/ no one is interested in me

>Muh conservatives
Who cares? We're egalitarians user, we want rights and equality for everyone. Conservatives are as retarded as feminists.
Pic-related it's very rare for fat women to have a decent ratio
And as I said bf% matters regardless of ratio, and most plussized models look like shit IRL when they don't have their fat folds airbrushed

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how weird... in the ultra-patriarchial 50's women were supposed to be plump, curvy playthings. but Women's liberation meant more boy bodies. also, in the 20's, being skinny and having short hair signified a liberated Modern woman.

but, these days, having long hair and being thick and sexy is more feminist. are Beyonce and Kim Kardashian actually double agents for the patriarchy?

I will still chase the chubby mommies, but I must now swallow my feminist pride as I do so...

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I disagree with the premise of your question

Fat women are pigs. Same with men.

It just goes to show that "ideal female body type" is a fad and if anyone tries to tell you it's based on anything absolute like "science" they're full of shit. Back in caveman days they were carving and jacking off over sculptures of body types that we would consider as morbidly obese today.

That's a myth fat girls tell themselves, ideal body type has little variation throughout history and relatively low bodyfat has always been a constant
That wasn't porn it was basically pregnant women because that was where life came from.

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I wonder how many posters here are black lmao

>flabby arms
>fat wrists
>no tits

Who would waste time carving this whale?

These things are a matter of fashion as much as anything else. It doesn't matter which ideal you have, after being exposed to it again and again it starts to look less fresh and provocative. Most men find well-built women ranging from lithe and petite to pleasantly plump attractive, and after you've seen x ideal for some time y starts to look pleasantly refreshing. Within five years people are going to come around and realize small butts can also be cute, there's something beautiful about a woman with a light frame etc. It's always a swing motion like this. Doesn't have much to do with feminism.

this statue is way thicker than the average model or actress, today.

Tbh most models and actresses are the image of what gay men in California think men find attractive. Greek statues are and always have been the ideal.
Fat chicks are still not though.

>projecting hate on coastal states

Go drown in your opiods in Montana you useless fuck

I've been dating my girlfriend for 7 years and she's probably way more than what you consider plus size

Please stop with the Jow Forums incel-tier bait-- I get that (You)s are about the only thing you can accomplish, but please

>Way thicker
No it's not, it might be slightly thicker but it's still considered very attractive by modern standards

At least I have water to drown in you emaciated twink.
>assuming I'm American.

If you're not an American your either a shit skin or about to be invaded by one

Either way post discarded

i like girls with pretty faces. sometimes they're fat and that means they have no self control, this is true in terms of food, sex, just all these bad habits means simply they are unsuitable as partners.

if i date a girl im willing to be faithful to her and that might mean kids. i don't want my kids to inherit low iq out of control genetics (iq is inherited from failmales). if i settle for a far girl it means that's how much i value myself. fat girls can feel great, ill be seen in public with a skinny girl, although being too skinny during sex isn't fun for either person.

lose weight OP so you can show that you have self control. get a gag reflect or something

I hate them anyway, pic related would be more attractive at 120 lbs

>If you're not an American your either a shit skin or about to be invaded by one
We're already being invaded here in leafland, but we do have the Frenchfries as a buffer. Those guys will barely even be civil with whites who's first language isn't French, let alone nonwhites that don't speak french.

This is definitely true but for me it's like I like it until I don't. My standards for sex are lower than my standards for actual relationships. I like bigger curvy girls but in a strictly sexual way, it's almost like it's a fetish. The minute I cum I feel disgusted by them and want to get as far away as possible

>Victoria Secret models have a smaller W:H ratio than landwhales do.
I'm a landwhale, and my W:H ratio is 0.73.
It depends on your body shape.

Mind - I'm not saying I'm as attractive as a victoria secret model, but I'm more attractive than a woman with my same weight and a different figure. And probably of a woman who weights less than me and has a different figure.

120lbs is still fat unless she's tall

Dating a fat woman is humiliating.
I was having sex with a fat girl and liked it but I wasn't going to throw away all the respect people had for me just to date her.

120 lbs isn't fat unless she is a literal midget. It is in the "healthy" BMI for heights from 4'11 and above.
If she is tall (5'8 and above) and weighs 120, she is clinically underweight.

>120lbs at 5'2" would be a bmi of 21.9
>us average woman's height is 5'4" which would be a bmi of 20.6
>18.5 is underweight, and overweight is 25.
What did he mean by this?

YUCK! That looks nothing like OP's pic.

They feel good to fuck
But they have low social status aka you get judged and ragged on

BMI tells you if it's statistically likely that you'll die of a heart attack/diabetes
it doesn't tell you if your body is attractive or not

nice cringe m8, just admit you have no idea what a healthy female body looks like

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You said 120 was fat unless she's tall, which is untrue you retarded faggot.

It isn't. BMI is just an indicator of the relationship between weight and height, and it is used to assess the risk of various diseases, including circulatory ones.

At 120 lbs a woman isn't fat unless she is ridiculously short. She might be on the higher end of what is considered to be a healthy weight, but not even overweight.

Here's what average height women weighing 120 lbs look like


And these women probably spent an hour trying to take the perfect selfie where they look as skinny as possible

Question for male anons... Would you rather be short or lose your hair?

Question for Female anons.. Would you rather date a short guy or a guy losing his hair?

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Yeah. That's not fat. That's average, not even chubby or anything.

I have never fucked a fat girl. Nor would I date one

Rather be bald 100%

t. American

Nope, Euro.

That's average. It's not skinny or slim, wouldn't post pics of it on instagram to brag about my beach body, but it's a pretty average body.
It's not chubby or anything.

I do, faggot

Actually - the most desirable BMI for woman is 19 or 20, according to statistics.
So 115-120 is the most desirable weight range for an average height woman.

>Question for male anons... Would you rather be short or lose your hair?
It really depends on a lot of factors, such as your look and fitness level

This is an obvious answer but my experience has been different.

I gained a lot of weight at some point and got too much attention from men who also wanted a ltr. I was so disgusted by my body that I never went ahead and dated any of them. Most guys were from the gym too. I lost the weight and still get attention but most just want to bang.

My friends seem to think it was my personality and the way my body carried the weight.

Fuck California.

From: MI

personally, I like longer hair on bigger girls. it makes the face look a longer and the head a little bigger, which keeps everything proportional. it also looks more elegant, which is nice because a lot of heavier girls can look sloppy. nice hair and makeup can make a plain girl look amazing.

Honestly I'm plus sized but I wouldn't date anyone like me or anyone for that matter either. It might hurt me in the long run but until I loose some eight I feel comfortable being alone.

Casual sex and a partner for life have different requirements for guys. I am willing to lower my standards to get laid. This is also why I think tinder is so trash for the average guy. A girl will always choose to fuck a better looking guy and they are willing to settle to get laid.

I would rather remain a virgin than plug my dick in some nasty slampig

the pathetic desperate dudes who fuck landwhales are an order of magnitude more pathetic than the incels they shame on here

Because cunt is cunt, even if it's embedded in more fat, but dating a fatty is embarrasing when you socialize.

haha you're a fucking virgin and you're trying to talk about sex, that's cute


There's a huge difference between chubby and fat. Chubby is OK. Fat like OP or larger is generally just too much. Keep in mind that a girl who can't even stop stuffing her face to reach that size will often lack basic self-care in several other crucial areas as well.

Personal opinion, and I had dated chubby women before.

Because men are biologically driven to have sex when available.

The majority of these munters are good for a few push and squirts but aren't wife material because they can't stop shoveling food or are too lazy to exercise. - Key factors to obese lazy children. There are enough manlets neck beards in the world.

Men have a tolerance bar far higher than women in terms of fat ratios, some men are more tolerant than others. This usually preclude morbidly obese chicks.

Fat girls usually have low self esteem, some convoluted sense of self justification (mental illness) and a variety of other aspects that normal women are susceptible to. (Also women who are the fat positive movement core, I've never met a man justify being fat, they just accept they are an that it.) So delusional as well if this is their way of thinking.

There will be brainlets who go, well I've never done this, or I don't think that way. Congratulations, that doesn't mean shit.

Lol, you're in no position to call anyone incel or Jow Forums, fatty fucker.

>Would you rather date a short guy or a guy losing his hair?
Short guy, but not shorter than me (5'4)
I've got a sensory thing, I love touching my guy's hair lol, though if my bf ended up losing his hair eventually, I'd still love him the same