Hail the Alt-Right! Hail Spencer!

Shills on suicide watch

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Spencer is really intelligent and has good ideas, he’s just not the best leader of men. I really like him though.

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>Spencer is really intelligent and has good ideas


>rambles spewing big brain words and saying obviously a lot

Spenser is a meme

True on all three counts, it's OK to be white. Europe belongs to Europeans. Jews will pay.

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He's a faggot.

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I struggle to take seriously persons who believe race, gender, and class are not real.

Get in here goys:


People of Scottish ancestry have long been among the more prosperous groups in the United States, but people of the same ancestry in the Appalachian region have also constituted one of the most enduring pockets of poverty among white Americans.
Are the Irish a single race?

What does this have to do with Spencer?


As a Christian, race is not real. We all descended from Adam and Eve. Environments shaped us into what we are and what color we are.

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nice quote

As a Christian race is surely real. (Even permitting literal progenaity from Adam / Noah.) - would not preclude race.

truly a master of all trades

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Spencer is a living IQ /social conformity test, just mentioning his name will reveal so much about a person based on their reaction.

People like this

>As a Christian, race is not real. We all descended from Adam and Eve. Environments shaped us into what we are and what color we are.
you don't even understand your own texts. Amazing. In the bible subspecies are so real that when abraham was taken out of ur he was told not to mix with others.

richard spencer is an effeminate faggot

I think you think you are a bit less intelligent then you actually think you are

Fags all of you. Hail shitler, hail faggot spencer!

you gotta give it to him thou, he looks really young for his age

Irish Catholics outperform Scots Irish and Anglos economically and academically despite being pretty close genetically to both groups.

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>implying spencer isn't a shill

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So who's signing up for the next honeypot rally with the TWP and WN 1.0 groups?

>(((big brain words)))

This, he's dating a lefty and he changes his dog whistle name every time his (((agent))) snaps her fingers

>open up stream
>Spencer punching right again

These past few streams have literally all been about whining about right-winged figures.


I fucking hate the point that jew shills have to hijack and speak for us just so they think they can control it. never honesty ensues i guess.

Faith Goldy and Fuentes are not to the right of Spencer. They are subversive opportunists who should be called out by everyone.

I don't even know how to recitify the punishment for that. They shit on us and then they go in front of us and say i am jew let me help you from what i am doing? the fuck. How do you translate that into a punishment? Oh i have an idea. Remove their mouth and put them in a hole for 200 years.

I am starting to get convinced that removing their ability to speak is probably the worst you can do to a jew. This is their worst nightmare. Without that. What are they?

Despite Israel's attacks against their neighbors, despite the widespread corruption within the Jewish State, and regardless of Israel's subversion of American and European politics... Israel is a based ethno-State we should emulate.

Obey. Consume. And stay asleep.

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Define race.

>Jow Forums still supports meme ideologies.

oh fuck palestine my friend FUCK palestine and all muslims to hell. 500 years of invading and occupying spain.
>muh palestine.
Fuck muslims even more than jews with regards to that. Don´t even try. DON'T EVEN TRY. fucking muslims and jews and them saying we should pick when muslims try to take over our nations and are just liars just liek jew, and jew let them in. NOoo. you can forget that. Muslims belong in the pit just along with the jews. You worship the cube anyways which is the pit.
There's no provision for you. Fucking liars.

I'm listening.

>not to mix with others
because of belief, not race

>Muslims belong in the pit just along with the jews.
Sounds good. But don't forget to support based Israel.

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Wow he's even more of a joke than I thought.

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Wrong. It took you so fucking long. The thing you believe in is a FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION. when here is no difference. Infact what you believe in is to SOLVE THE DIFFERENCES. As in you become a new man and body of christ and all that stuff. You know what it is. It's a total translation of humanity into an entirely new species! hence the glorified bodies and body of christ. When god is saying in the bible there's no difference, he's talking about the soul not the soul carrier. You really think you are the same as everyone else? No you are not. You are fucking so clueless. The reason for the judgement is to fix the differences. You pretend they aren't there, what do they come to fix haha.

jews muslims freemasons, into the destruction.

Too bad this guy lost it after Charlottesville. What was it?
He felt really scared about something bigger than him.
We can't all be ready for taking it to the next level.
I guess video streams and debates are comfier albeit pretty useless.

2016 Richard was really hopeful and nowadays he's a wreck.

why shouldn't we be like israel? it's a good way of exposing conservative hypocrisy

>memes cannot represent truth
do you know where you are?

>why shouldn't we be like israel?
Because I don't want to be a nation of scoundrels, murderers, and thieves.

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spencer is not the LEAST bit as radical as i am. You will be pressed to find someone as radical as i am about this. Spencer is simply utilizing israels ethnostate status to highlight their own hipocricy of not critiquing marxist jews in europe or whatever for bringing in immigrants for kalergi.
You have no fucking idea, i am the angel of fucking death to all muslims and jews compared to spencer. Spencer is just larping.

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Is this """Satanic""" bitch the reason for Richard's sudden drop of action?
Remember that the devil is in the details.

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>word salad
ok, so where did these races come from, assuming we all descended from Adam and Eve?

The alt kikes want you to focus on race because they are afraid of you uniting around religion. they can LARP as white people but can't LARP as christians. beware of the athestit nationalist, he's a jew in disguise

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Yeah he has his jew bitch somewhere, wouldn't surprise me.

Spencer is controlled opposition and a fag. He's a walking billboard, saying, "look at "we" alt-righters are hypocrites!"
What about him should impress me? That he lets his black "boyfriend" fuck him up the ass?
I would never be a member of any group he belonged to.

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>memes cannot represent truth
If you keep telling yourself that.

>ok, so where did these races come from, assuming we all descended from Adam and Eve?
Oh you don't know? Well adam and eve is ofcourse highly symbolic of proto mankind. Right now mankind has enough genetic distance to identify 15 atleast different stable subspecies forget simply the innard differences and endocrine and adrenaline systems, intelligence and other things. No it's skin color that is the only thing. and eye color right. It would startle you to know that skin and eye color is the LEAST of the differences of humanity.. I guess you think noah also got all animals insects and everything into a boat. nobody is hiding anything from you. NOPE.

Something must've happened with Greg Conte.
Something Richard isn't quite straight about.
I wish Greg would open his mouth and tell us the truth.

There's something that might not be politics that let Richard take a step down.
Or maybe his ego just bursted and he's too damaged to continue being the media's punching ball. Or he's lost faith in everything.

>ok, so where did these races come from, assuming we all descended from Adam and Eve?
where did adam and eve come from faggot? Where did they come from. I don't think you are ready for this.

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better than obama and every other leader since idk hitler

why is it that every time one of these faggot reveal their power level they are kill...milo, ann, richard, proud boy, the list is very long

they worship the same thing it´s their dirty little secret. but i know it. I know islam better than 90% of any muslims i know the talmud aswell. I know exactly what their little fucking kippa and their little teffilin is about and i know what they worship aswell.
pic related. Remember this. Jews helped muslims invade and occupy spain for 500 years. Their differences when engaging us become very very small..

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I LOVE to debate some muslim BRING HIM. I love to debate some rabbi BRING HIM. I will fucking destroy him and lead him to his noose by his own words and his own doctrine and his own pilpul or his own taqiyya/idtirar with muslims. FUCKING BRING THEM. HAHAHAHAHA

I am so far beyond debating these people since i know their doctrine more than most of themselves. I can destroy them so easily. They have not tricked this goyim/kuffar. I can assure you.


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God created them. As can be seen in the book of Genesis.

inb4 your faith is better than my faith

They want to stand in the streets like they do here in london in this video i am about to show you. And talk each their shit. We don't want anything of either of your shit. Go to middle east and KILL YOURSELVES. Why should i stand for jew why should stand for muslim. Anyone who stand for either muslim and jew is a fucking IDIOT. These people want to kill you for their god. You have no fucking idea.
If i could do a brainlink what i know about their texts and their people. You would go out right now and fucking kill them. So that they didn't kill you.

So when do you leave the US? What nation can you join with that criteria?

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>God created them. As can be seen in the book of Genesis.
What is god in your eyes? Tell me.

Why would you expect every member of a particular people to be wealthy? Go to modern Scotland and it's the same, Bearsden in Glasgow is wealthy as fuck, just outside of it you'll find homeless folk and junkies living under bridges.

oh btw. at the end you get a classic example of a muslim declaring the other murtard. So he needs to be beheaded for not being a good enough muslim. The fuck you think is going to happen to you with this 7th century religion that almost destroyed europe.

She a cute. Satanic racial imperialism for the win.

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>Israel controls America
>America is absolute shit
Jews are a virus. They infect their host, rob it's resources, and finally kill the infected. Jews and their Nation-State are the problems and when solved the world can finally have some peace. This is why we should attack Israel at every opportunity, not cuddle up with it because we lack the balls to defect.

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the alpha and the omega. the creator. The person who has always been and always will be. All powerful, all knowing, perfect and Love.

You meen that kike scroll that conveniently gives dominion over the earth to kikes..... interesting

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It will be awesome if his son brings home a dark skinned black woman

spencer is a fag.

he does more harm than good for white people

he is a dick narcissist that just makes white racially aware people look like cocks.

jared taylor is 100% better

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Race isn’t real. But bankruptcy, and divorce, are. Spencer is on suicide watch.

Nice deflection, Answer the question. We all know Jews suck and pissrael a shit. Now what nation is there that isn't filled with swindlers, murderers etc. I'm not trying to defend pissrael just pointing out you're going to have to start a new nation to get your crime free utopian nation which will lose it's morals to achieve. As a nation the US was founded on what you had disavowed so renounce your citizenship and start an off planet colony or shut the fuck up.

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Irish Catholics worked similar to Jews when came to Protestant nations, they banded together under an identity of victimhood that they would scream about at every given opportunity and used nepotism whenever they got into places of power. Same shit happened in the UK. As for who's more successful just looks at Scots contributions to the world compared to those of the Irish.

>Race isn’t real.
It's very real.
If it wasn't, then why would we have "affirmative" action? (racism)

when it came to*

>the alpha and the omega. the creator. The person who has always been and always will be. All powerful, all knowing, perfect and Love.
Wrong. they are an alien race. very old, very powerful, very all knowing, very perfect, and very loving. The lord of hosts means literally commander of many. It's a war army you faggot. What do you think destroyed sodom and gomorrah? They answer to the holy spirit that connects to what is behind physical reality. And are connected to it. They are the FIST of god. The ARM the body.
what is adam and eve. symbolic of seeding and creating the first men and women here. No you are not center of universe, this has been done many many times with many other species. Adam and eve is nothing else than that. You deny everything you see right? everything you experience. It's adam and eve. It´s apparition. NO it isn´t. You are not a little fucking unicorn. and the human species was created for a purpose out of monkeys. Yes. out of monkeys. Because it was indigenous to this planet. Do you think you are not a bit of monkey? LOOK AT THE HUMAN SUBSPECIES. the share so many traits of it. even the fucking nostrils, look at a black person. So stupid that you don't even see it.
THis is why they come in the clouds. Do you think it's some apparition? The atmosphere is the firmament. The cosmos is the waters above because you float. it's the void. the waters below are the waters on earth.
I want to crush you because you allow the muhammedans who almost destroyed europe and plot to destroy YOU and many others to destroy other people. Because you think they are all the same. They are not the same. They wait to be integrated. Their oppinion in this is actually totally irellevant. Except they will be destroyed.
>You meen that kike scroll that conveniently gives dominion over the earth to kikes..... interesting
It doesn't actually they are primary target for annihilation. along with muslims and many others.

>what nation is there that isn't filled with swindlers, murderers etc.
What Nation is there that Israel does not control?

Answer the question you smol brained retard. Also some in Africa oh and Syria. They exist you're just a pussy and won't stand by your convictions.

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Now the purpose to introduce us to the space age. Is to translate all of 'mankind' into a singular species with new bodies free from flaws. To usher in the kingdom of cosmos on earth. Then you go out to space. Right now. Why nasa fake footage and other things is, they are a) doing something they are not supposed to b) there is a barrier very near our solar system. And we have arrows pointed from all directions towards us. We are in a quarantine zone. These fucking monkeys that humans are are not going to enter space on their own. They have to be changed.

Un ironically a big supporter.

Spencer is a narcissist and LARPer, but he has enough of the goods to get it done. Smart, normal looking, actually willing to show his face.

Spencer / Edwards 2020 will fuck this world up.

Israel controls the Nations, user, both directly and indirectly. The world we live in is based in Abrahamism. Even the Muslim Nations Israel wars with are practicing Judaism, because Islam is Judaism. Trump, Merkel, Pelosi, and every other leader is against the People they're supposed to serve. Maybe you don't get that yet? The virus is Jews and their State; their tradition, religions, and culture is the symptom of sickness.

Dude. The opinions of girlfriends dont matter. She will follow her man. They all do.

So go join Hezbollah faggot. Sitting on a chan full of antizionists and antisemites bitching about pissrael and the Jews crimes won't accomplish Jack shit.

And african americans being a football to be thrown around throw that out., said by richard spencer to these dumb football niggers. But africans are total frauds. EVERYTHING about them is total frauds. If i want to make a category of LYING YOUR ASS OFF. it would be jews muslims and african americans in particular. It's so funny and so obvious they are so full of shit, and they know it.
African americans are so FULL OF SHIT that it blows my mind, and so evil minded at the same time. THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT. SHIT. ABSOLUTE SHIT.

Oh excuse me basketball, don't want to insult some stupid sport. Well i guess i do. Fuck basketball what a pointless stupid little game.

>everyone that doesn't like my faggot eceleb is a doodoohead
Get Spencer's dick out of your ass boy

I'm sitting on a chan criticizing Spencer for his unapologetic support for Israel. Mad?

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