White woman runs over Asian woman

Didn't pay $35 manicure and ran employee over with stolen car because I don't know. Search for her is still ongoing

Attached: Whipple.jpg (1862x1048, 120K)

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rut row

Link, faggot

People run over bugs every day, not a big deal

>girl on girl

I'm gonna prison pen pal that qt, then breed her when she gets out.

She's kind of attractive looking, even in that mugshot. I'd nut up in her hooch several dozen times. Probably not good wife or mother material, though.

Oh oops

This is a tragedy only if the Asian woman was hotter than the white psycho bitch.

post vidya, bobs and/ or vagene(s) or kys

Apparently as she ran over her she was seen crying and screaming “white women just can’t compete!”

>show me the footage so I can fap to it

dude.... no. It's too sad. Maybe liveleak has it, i dont know

This bitch ran my nail lady over. Fun fact: her husband works there too and he tried to make my friend cum during the foot massage portion of the pedicure

that was a really bad back up plan

sooooooo, are you saying it's too soon?

Is your friend male or female?

I'm only posting the culprit's face so it is out there. I'm too lazy to learn how to make webm's that I won't personally fap to myself

Never mind. The nail "tech" (really?) was 51. Too old for me. I'll inseminate her killer instead.


Attached: crossingroad.webm (720x406, 485K)

im not cluicking on it. i can tell you a big liar

Attached: 1447635849624.jpg (243x337, 24K)

Hey, It's Dan "the hymen divider" Schneider!

nice but you need to kill yourself for using a memeflag and lying


Holy fuck we could all get a jailfu.

Good. Less foreigners.

>those eyes
Those are literal diarrhea eyes which only occurs in mutts, spics(which are just ancient mutts), or jews.

Don't fucking call that thing white ever again.



who the fuck cares. its not a race war. its not interesting news. its not politics.

this is /b/ tier.

He got all that sweet disney pussy what a pimp

i wonder if i could get her to scratch my back with her new nails before she goes to jail