Why hasnt Jow Forums become an organized political faction yet? like an organized team that works to defeat leftists...

why hasnt Jow Forums become an organized political faction yet? like an organized team that works to defeat leftists, works together on social media like an intelligence agency, that raises money like a lobby group, etc etc? seems lots of us would be eager to but something keeps us from getting organized. usually the BBC threads and white women problem threads. are there any good forums we can go where mods arent leftcucks and they ban obvious shillers while keeping the goals organized and the teams working? seems like we could make a pretty good PAC if you ask me

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I think you need to shut the fuck up and wait for the muslims to invade Israel and then you'll die like a bitch.

Our lack of organization is our strength. (((They))) can't arrest or otherwise destroy our leaders if we don't have any leaders.

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that sort of makes sense but we wouldnt need designated leaders, just some vetted mods who keep the obvious redditors and antifa out

>keeping out redditors when Jow Forums is reddit

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Because this is minimally censored anime based image board. That is the beauty of Jow Forums. Dont ruin it.

>Where do I sign up, user?
>I’m user, by the way
Who are you working for?

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>why hasnt Jow Forums become an organized political faction yet?
We tried for a nation once. Got close too.

>why hasnt Jow Forums become an organized p
everyone says KYS until some user actually does an hero and that user is the momentary leader
or until some user goes on shooting spree
so basically our values in leaders are completely fucked up

Nah what we do is use discord for our special ops missions and use code words that will go up for the entire set day for the discord for the next assembly, in past doxxes ive been (for cracking on radical lgbt members), we used a select group of those who would screen people for treasonous actions to the group, using personal disposable discord accounts with fake emails and specific code names with all of this under to specific Jow Forumsommandos, with all of this under a personal vpn, ive given you the means, now start

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>like an organized team that works to defeat leftists
>huuuur lets fight the left gaiz!!!

fuck off fucking kike boomer nigger mother. I can't wait to lynch you fucking maga niggers

Do unto others as they do unto you, have you not been keeping up u nog

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think about it. we could have teams of news article commenters to sway public opinion on certain stories, etc

yeah did some of that during the 2016 election but it was always so temporary and hard to reconnect wtih the same people. you might find an user who was really good at graphic design for photoshop jobs, spoke a certain language etc and then lose touch and have to start looking for another one on Jow Forums threads that get slid constantly with trash about "how u feel bout dis dick white boi" and "nigger hate" threads

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Because we’re retarded and lazy. Because we’re full of niggers and shills. Because fuck the kikes and the jannies who will delete this thread.

>that user is the momentary leader
I’m not sure you know what “leader” means..

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If we ever do, pic related should be our logo.

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Just got through saying we're completely fucktarded about it

The chaotic nature makes it so obscure and seemingly useless skills and individuals can become the change of a tide without any hierarchy and or issue

that last time that happened you all got exposed on social media and got reported to your employers/colleges.
Please, do it again. It was fucking hilarious.


we got the coins too

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Tfw your leaders are all memes

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The key word here is references, if it isnt traceable then its null, if it becomes too much of a problem, individual anons cam be used to find if any tampering has been done, this information will be given to another scrubbing user to double check for cuckoldry, also remember that all media is fair game, we can just use public domain information until trust is gained between members and then go for personalaized info

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When was that, shlomo?

I prefer the the yellow one because it was a slightly more esoteric feel to it.


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Why not become a political party ? To spread chaos and tearing down the monstrosity of government from within.
No government = free people.

That logo is no good. It's an instant normie repellant, We need a logo that won't be instantly shamed by most of society.

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Negroid everything you just suggested would kill Jow Forums.

Nice but I like my first pic better.

If you make a target it can be destroyed, yeah. If anything you need to just encourage people to meme harder.

There are no political solutions. However, I am all for international faction “of a kind”... a kind with arms

It's called the republican party

>why hasnt Jow Forums become an organized political faction yet?
Because that is not how it works. A decentralized distributed network of individuals do not organize political factions.

Next shit thread.

there is a sense in the decentralized anonymity of this forum that takes away meaning in any ``real world`` authoritative voice , in my opinion....

At the most what people can accomplish realistically in my view is establishing a kind of organization, perhaps a non-profit, NGO, or political party, even secret society, which is an offshoot of Jow Forums`s culture, under another name.

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We should all be writing books or having book clubs about ideologies and make it socially excitable for critical thinking and debating, echo chambers like Twitter need to see the light of day when it comes to free speech before the communists or globalists or whatever you want to call them make the word "republican" the new "nazi."

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organization is a weakness, not a strength
chaos is our unity, intention is our weapon.

You are the most autistic piece of shit on this site. You make the first post in every thread saying some bullshit like all Jews in Israel are gonna be sentenced to death by trump in the next 24 hours. You are insane. I wouldn't be surprised if you are a kike and this is some new kike shill tactic.

>We need a logo that won't be instantly shamed by most of society.
If you care about that, you don't belong here.

Kek fpbp

Free spech, faggot. If you want to keep your rights, you cant deny others the same. Thats what makes this place Jow Forums and not fucking reddit. Besides, those idiots get crushed here.

The swastika obviously has too much baggage. You're less likely of getting kicked out of a establishment for wearing a yellow Pepe octopus stretching his tentacles across the globe.

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