What are the friendliest internet communities (not Jow Forums)...

What are the friendliest internet communities (not Jow Forums)? I'm looking for a better place to spend my time because Jow Forums isn't for me.

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It depends. There's a million subreddits and Discords. There's roleplay communities if you're into weird tentacles and shit. There's also niche communities online and of course there's things like Twitch.

There are some subreddits that are basically themed hugboxes.

I'm not that into porn. I'm looking for a place I can discuss video games, movies, television, and books. I can't handle the negativity of this site and I'm looking for somewhere more positive and constructive.

I posted a similar thread on /qa/ and an user mentioned reddit, so I guess I should really check it out. Thanks.


My first gf and the person I lost my viriginity to I met on interpals

Legit Reddit. There's subreddits for actually anything
Be prepared to search. A lot of subreddits are small communities of teenagers who just regurgitate memes endlessly. Not mean per se, but they're not exactly engrossing.

Discords are also a really good avenue for this, but they usually come about as a result of communities, like groups within them using Discords to hang out.

It sounds like both would be good for you. And while we're at it, Jow Forums just isn't for anyone at all. I just don't like Reddit because hugboxes piss me off and I don't need to bring that over there.

Real life

You can check it out, but overall Jow Forums is better. Maybe check out certain subreddits, but overall it sucks and is mainly a liberal sjw circle jerk.

Jow Forums is more real even if we're to not be taken seriously

Nah, sorry. Jow Forums isn't for me. I've tried everything in my power to like this place, but I'm sick of being told to drink bleach or kill myself because I like [insert media franchise here]. It's such a waste of time.

I think it's the anonymity that is my problem with Jow Forums. People abusing it and acting like assholes just because they have an audience and because they can without repercussion. I don't think the mods are very good either.

Oh well, it's not for everyone I guess.

Jow Forums is bullshit. It's all pretense and image. It's the biggest dick waving contest the world over. Nothing compares. Even here on Jow Forums it's all about (You)s and "lolol I trelled so hurdd they replyd 100 tiemz my thre'd!! tehe!"
It's the same-ass joke retold a thousand times and somehow nobody gets why it's not funny. It's the same virgins acting like complete fuckwits and not understanding why nobody wants to be around them. It's the same level of edge and counterculture as it's always been but it never changed gears, so it's just a bunch of irrelevant shitposting. Jow Forums is like the 2018 garbage bin of the internet-- with so many incentives and programs out for reductions and improvements, the only things going into the trash anymore are just the fucking useless things that should have been phased out ages ago, and just don't belong in any of the other bins.

It's just trash. Jow Forums is just trash. OP is right, the anonymity just makes everyone a fucking internet tough guy and it's so fucking dumb and tiring. Worst yet is it's pretty much a hugbox all the same, people of a like mind will just band together to shitpost because yes men in numbers.
"Real?" Fucking please you pink frilly pantywaist piece of shit. Nobody on Jow Forums can even come close to being real. It's all just pretense and facetious replies because they're never accountable for their level of non-contribution. Mods and janitors are just pissbabies who delete shit they don't like, and have no care for the actual rules.
Jow Forums is where unruly teens go to continue being dumb pieces of shit with no recourse. The only real thing about this site is that it really sucks.

I stick around Jow Forums for the odd issue that needs good input, and because I admire the idea of the board despite Jow Forums layovers using it as containment. I also visit /vg/ for some leaks/info and I browse through /b/ for great reaction images. If there were literally any other mass-populated option that wasn't a hugbox...


He cant handle the chan because sooooo mean uguuu.

Yes this is trash. And thats why it is real. No facade, just the deepest shittiest retardation and hate out in the open.

Except nobody does this in real life. It's all an act based on power they don't actually have. On anonymity they didn't acquire themselves.

There's nothing real about it. It's just what people would do if they were absolutely safe from consequence. It's cowardly, tiny and puerile-- a pretty succinct description of why they're mostly virgins.

I love the angry spirit, it's that it's all turned to soapboxing about how hard it is to be 22 and not have gotten laid. Fuck over yourselves, losers. You're not real, you're just garbage. You're here because nobody wants you in real life, but nobody can kick you the fuck off Jow Forums.

you're just as much of degenerate as the rest of us. don't lie to yourself

Because we have to restrict ourselves. In here we are the shit flinging, screaming and brutal apes we once were. I like that. Trash, useless and disgusting but honest in a primitive way.

Never said I wasn't. I said you're a miserable pissbaby without a spine.

Suck ma dick faggot. Gotta stay classy

Reddit is pretty mean depending on the board.

I’d try Spacebattles or Stardestroyer forums. Everybody there is nice.

>Suck ma dick faggot. Gotta stay classy

>We can regress hundreds of years arbitrarily with no regard to the fact that this might make actual idiots think they're in kindred spirits
Awesome. For the lulz, man.

This is what OP means. In no way would you actually want to be in this society, you just want the experience of being tough with none of the consequences or requirements. You want to talk shit, but not get hit.
It's absolutely pathetic. Degeneracy is one thing-- needing the internet to talk tough is another thing entirely, and that's where Jow Forums is at.

Nah. There’s loads of fascist subs.

>Yes this is trash. And thats why it is real. No facade, just the deepest shittiest retardation and hate out in the open.

That's the opposite of real. You're hiding behind a mask and suit of armor of anonymity. People like you have your little temper tantrums on Jow Forums because you're too much of a pussy to do it to the people who do piss you off IRL.

Try having a differing opinion than the masses on reddit and then try tell me they're better than Jow Forums

Not tough. You said it yourself. For the lulz. To praise kek. You dont understand shit posting it seems.

Yeah you really shouldn't be here if you hate anonymity, to me it's the greatest thing about this place. Why should there be repercussions for saying what's on your mind? You don't have to build up a rep for your voice to matter, all voices are worth the same.

The concept is great it's just that everyone here is so fucking gay.

Try doing it here.
The reaction you get is far worse.

>Try having a differing opinion than the masses on reddit

It absolutely go both ways. If you have a liberal opinion on r/thedonald then you'll get downvoted or even banned. It's indistinguishable from Jow Forums. If you try to say something nice about women on r/theredpill or r/mgtow then it's no different than being on r9k or b.

politics are gay

>the concept is great
Thank you
>it's just that everyone here is so fucking gay
Thank you twice
God damn

Anonymity is awesome. It's the endless deluge of teenagers who fuck it up.
Something something "price we pay"

>For the lulz. To praise kek.

Two absolutely different things, newfriend.

Attached: KEK.png (944x4013, 409K)

That's the problem. Some mental fuckass who doesn't even perceive reality correctly is worth as much as a guy with a family and career and is free to vomit bullshit all over the board to no consequence.

It really is, I can't believe how stupid the human population is to be honest.

>describes the whole internet
>says it's limited to one place
Oh, you

Despite the age old meme that says otherwise, Jow Forums used to be good. It's garbage now. But what keeps most here is that the entire Internet is worse.

It's time to stop browsing the net as much and simply focus on more activities that don't involve the internet.

I mean if you don't like it don't use it. But asking for advice from Jow Forums about good sites besides Jow Forums is redundant.

This is a game for me. Jokes no more no less. You are taking this way to serious and personal. Literally bothered by a trashy Website with pointless shitposters. Seems more like you are having a tantrum. Are you by chance a vegan or non alcoholic? By the way this is trigger bait in case you take that serious too.

Moral high horsing stick up your butt faggot.

Luv u

and it's great

Did kek accept me now? Can I receive my triforce now?

Most reddit communities I'm apart of are friendly.

From my experience, people that get heavily downvoted on reddit aren't downvoted because of their opinions, they're downvoted because their comments are usually low quality shitposts.

Anonmity used to be great because you could post information and know that it won't come back to bite you in the future, but people nowadays only like anonymous posting because they can be as mean as possible without it coming back to bite them in the future.

>04-07: lol
>07-15: lulz
>15-present: kek

kek is what killed Jow Forums

Attached: 1533606900112.jpg (480x953, 79K)

See this is the difference. People here respect a crappy uninspired boring shitpost.

Reddit is helpful for me when I have questions on something. They generally like to help people. As long as you're nice and polite to people they'll be nice to you.

>You are taking this way to serious

I don't know about that man, you're the one who started off trying to say that posting frogs and saying kek on a cambodian basket-weaving newspaper is supposed to be the ultimate human experience of raw unfiltered human emotion or whatever

I got here in 2010, when it was starting to decline. Now it's desolate. I only come to obscure boards like this one now

So whats the new one?

Harharhar? Robobobo? Hiyahaha?

This. Especially the end.
I picked up burying my nose in books more often. While Jow Forums is good to while away the odd hour or so where I really have nothing going on, like before work, I've been putting the internet aside. It's just too full of teenagers whose parents don't want to bother with the "parenting" part.

I figure they're mostly just all 14. If they aren't, they act the part and I've met the kind of adult that needs to act 14 and they're not exactly #lifegoals.
The internet changed. Acting like idiots invited the actual idiots.
Point in case.

>As long as you're nice and polite to people they'll be nice to you.
This. Some people go there and act like they're on Jow Forums, then become confused and angry when they're downvoted.

I've been here since 07 or 08 and 2011 was the year I noticed things going downhill. Tranny spam started to happen, bronies, people started getting upset at tumblr for whatever reason, that Smiley movie, etc.

I do love baskets a lot. Dont judge you basketphobe!

Cant a "man" enjoy a nice fresh basket full of unfiltered organic shit posts? Where else but here?

What point? Can I have it? Where is that case?

I like to just stick with "lol" because it makes kek rnewfags genuinely upset, also if you separate sentences with a line break they'll start screaming about reddit,

It's funny how the people who are always going off about triggering snowflakes are some of the most sensitive people on the face of the earth

Lol t b q h
>Talks about power of anonymity
>On a board where words are automatically filtered to avoid troubling the spergos

Further back. Use haha. Or jajaja for some additionally confusion.

I'm not even going to bother asking you how old you are, asking you what grade you're in would be more appropriate. Your whole Penguin of Doom~~ XD shtick is a dead giveaway

You mean basedboy? Is that still on? Is it onions or based now?

Was that this teen girl with the penguin? In actually Not that young. Just having a bad time currently. Trying to distract me. Not in the mood to cry like a pussy bitch.

Dude you're reading way too into this site. Lol if you blame a site for your mental state... Leave... The only thing you lose is your pride , if it you're this unhappy leave seriously man.

OP here. Thanks for all the responses, although it looks like this thread is turning into anons arguing (on Jow Forums? Shocker, I know).

I'll just stick to reddit for my community and check in on it every now and then because focusing on real life is more important.

Thanks for the advice, user.

>if you blame a site for your mental state

Where did I say that?

Stop acting holier than thou, youre just complaining in this thread, again if you dislike this site so badly. Get out you'll probably be happier.

sounds like you should follow your own advice if the smallest bit of criticism about Jow Forums's userbase is bothering you that much

You're not wrong, but it's pointless to argue to use or not use a site, to the people who use a site, make up your own mind, is all I'm saying.

If you don't like the anonymity just leave ASAP
I unironically came from Reddit years ago. I used to browse it a lot but as time passed I saw more and more the glaring flaws and left. I wouldn't recomend it desu but I don't know of many alternatives

Anonymity is a double-edged sword, a blessing and a curse. Everyone is equal before anonymity. There is no history, you may only be judged on your thoughts and the words you conveyed them through. There is no quest for popularity or for fitting in. And there is a lot more to like about it.
If you do not value or enjoy the perks of anonymity you shouldn't force yourself to suffer its drawbacks.

I also wish I could find a less populated place with fewer idiots and more serious discourse, but I haven't found one I liked, so here I am.

I hope you enjoy your future on Jow Forums, user.

You'll be back OP, you'll be back
