I shouldn’t have to repeat this

I shouldn’t have to repeat this.

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Only it did work for.. hundreds or was it thousands? of years in game of thrones.

>walls don't work in my favorite soý show therefore walls don't work in real life
Ask Israel if walls don't work, nigger. Let's see if they say no

Lol the wall worked for thousands of years until it fell

>muh gay of thrones incest pumpkinhead chillun

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exactly, the real solution is to unite the country as an ethnostate and wage genocidal war on the outsiders?

>walls dont work!
Apparently medieval kingdoms just spent tons of resources building walls everywhere for no fucking reason.

*the fence is coming

Attached: trumps wall lol.jpg (1000x660, 185K)

The wall worked until the kingdoms stopped funding it. In the books I think there were something like 15 fortresses along the wall and by the time it fell only like 3 were actually manned

>so that you can easily shoot through it

Who wants to tell this Idiot that movies and tv shows are not real?
And that real life works differently

The premise of GOT is that the 7 kingdoms got too caught up in politics to maintain the defense of the wall.

The starks (trump) tried in vain to remind everyone what was important, but they were too focused on their LGBTQX progressive stack to care about that.

3 "manned" but in the show they only had enough actual men to fortify a single fortress.

Anyone who ever watched more than one minute of gay of thrones should neck themselves IMMEDIATELY.

Attached: final solution.jpg (828x487, 96K)

>any high vertical surface, especially one that is imposing in scale
>a thing regarded as a protective or restrictive barrier

**the wall is coming

you're confusing a television show with reality you dumb fucking nigger

Is that the porno you starred in?

But the wall does work which is why harry potter have to blow it up? Trump is like voldemort and wall is like harry potter

Once again, esteemed, blue checkmark, fagtard liberals counter with TV references from a fictional drama, and sometimes, even children's cartoons, If they wanted to say "a FENCE WONT WORK" they just need to post this webm of a stampede of cockroach niggers flooding the Europe fence.

Of course then, everyone who isn't a jew or communist would want the 2nd Great Wall of China built on America's new DMZ.

Attached: nigger-fence.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

Gay of thrones discussion belongs on /b/ with the other Faggots. Goodbye.

who wants to tell these idiots that the wall in the game of thrones worked for thousands years before the ice king got a hold of a dragon?

who wants to tell these idiots that dragons dont exist but walls do?

Attached: got-power-rankings-ep-4-drogon.jpg (1500x1000, 943K)

Just like capitalism.

Based. Good idea user

>1 post by this ID

shove it up your faggot fuck hole you ignorant little ass wipe. fuck off.

but the wildlings were kept out for literally thousands of years

>Man, I need a name for this dragon
>D... Drr...
>Drogon. Perfect

who wants to tell this idiot the dragon is a "metaphor" for finding a way around a wall.

a very succinct post.

>walls are invincible

Attached: MehmetII.jpg (250x370, 38K)

If walls don't work then why do they exist?

I bet you a Russian was paid 30 rupples for that meme.

and was only defeated by literal magic

The one who goes on to tell your dumb ass that the "metaphor" is how white women ruin fucking everything.

Who wants to tell him that Game of Thrones is fantasy?

>it worked during all the time when they were not trying to breach it
You don't seem to understand either.

It worked for a thousand years before the collective degeneracy of the retards hiding behind it failed in their duties

>spics go border hopping with artillery
Next you'll tell me you were just pretending to be retarded

High level post here

-thea rela strumth

Attached: sweetasspie.png (1318x290, 57K)

>arguing over talmudvision
Go back



(((ptg))) must go back


>wall stood for 1000+ years
>worked just fine the whole time

yeah, i'll spend $35 billion to keep illegals out for 1000 years

Oh I havent watched the show. In the book they had people at the two ends of the wall and the point in the middle

The dragon is a metaphor for nukes. Read some of Martin's other shit.

Not only do they use a TV shows as a base of reference for reality it actually refutes their point.

Hungarian Border Wall are the only three words that needs to be uttered when facing anti-wallers.

Actually GoT proves walls are a great first line of defense and need to be built and manage. Its once the walls break that everything goes to hell.

Wall worked for thousands of years and mexicans don't have zombie dragons.

Actually the whole time the Nights Watch tries to tell everyone the White Walkers are coming and nobody does a thing.

They ask for reinforcements all the time and get none. They say the great war is at the wall, but everyone else keeps fighting for the iron throne.

The public mass-variation of Mk ultra was television and entertainment. People are incapable of discerning videos from real life on a subconscious level.

Good god. Can you imagine someone stupid enough to base their real world outlook on a TV show? Rhetorical question. These people are fucked in the head.

If by metaphor you mean a fighter jet, then yeah, but that's not illegal immigration that's an act of war.

Bump for visibility

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The Dragon is a metaphor for something...

the wall worked fucking wonders in game of thrones, the only people who would say other wise are fucking idiots. It was made to stop the others and it did.

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The Vatican has walls around it.
Castles have walls.
Fortresses have walls.
The Rothschild mansions all have walls around them.
Israel built a wall and stopped 90% of illegal crossings the first year.
Ben Franklin said that good walls make good neighbors.
The Bolshevik commies built a wall across East Berlin to keep people IN.

They do seem to work pretty good, they're all the rage in gated communities...

Why would anyone think they don't work?

Attached: CityWall.jpg (1600x1200, 244K)

The only thing coming is all the neckbeard posters from here getting off to pics of Commie Mommy AOC.

Doesn't Mexico have a wall on it's southern border?

The wall isn't even coming... Trump has done nothing for us. You're all a bunch of idiots looking for a strong father figure or some bullshit

Great wall of china seemed to work before Japan's emperor wanted their shit

>W-well maybe mexico won't pay for all of it
>Ok well it's not going to be an actual wall, but we already knew that you shill
>Who the fuck cares if Mexico doesn't pay for it? I'm fine with paying for this wall
>Yea, so what it's just a fence? Good enough for me
>I-I don't fucking care that immigration rates haven't gone down... it was all about sending a message
When will you trump tards learn that this shit will never happen.

Almost looks like that zombie movie with Brad Pitt

$19m. Money meet mouth!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-05-03-35-06.png (720x1280, 370K)

Mexico already paid for it in the new trade deal, many times over.

And new immigration policies are part of what Trump's demanding, or he won't sign the budget.
End of January is coming, when the EBT cards won't work.

Wall and rational immigration laws, or the cities burn.
Either way, I smile.

Attached: WolfSnarl.jpg (800x640, 127K)

>6 times an army of wildlings attacked the wall
>6 times you were beaten back

That's enough money to build a wall on maybe 1% of the border and I'm not exaggerating.

or people who steal their intellectual property.

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>I'm going to post a picture of a wolf making a mean face so that people won't know that I have a small penis and a fragile ego

The walls of my house work pretty good, why wouldn't a border wall work?

>people who steal their intellectual property.
how original.

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Why are we not just giving the 5bn to ICE?

Is feet on the ground not better than a wall? Let's deport the rest of these fucking illegals already.

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'T-T-The wall is just a metaphor! Fuck you shill!'

>Only it did work for.. hundreds or was it thousands? of years in game of thrones.

If spic dragons become a thing, then the wall will fail. Until then, beaners will be kept where they belong - in poverty

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>wall works for thousands of years
>it's so effective all you need is a few hundred criminals to man it
Onions cucks btfo

>font that wasn’t theirs to begin with
>stealing intellectual property
Well, you don’t have to worry about anyone stealing intellectual property from you... ever.

Good lord that hip to waist ratio

I think I would have been a good general, but who knows?

Am I the only one who was anxiously waiting for some flashes of 20 mm cannon fire and a few flechette rockets streaking towards this tidal wave of scum?

Attached: Basement King Pepe 1.jpg (530x402, 73K)

i'll buy you a drink one of these days

Doesn't matter. More ordinary people are putting their money where their mouth is. Most donations say they can barely afford to speak up for themselves but they are. It speaks volumes. To a lot of people. You'd have to be some special eejit not to see it. Imagine the amount of people who want to donate but can't for various reasons. This is epic and I don't use that word lightly! After a few days, all the stats on that site were halted, then slowed etc. Don't believe everything you read.

are (You) mike the attorney or mike the cuck???

Fun fact: Donald Trump is a pathological liar.

for how many centuries were the walls of Byzanitum(real) unbreached? how many times were they attacked during this period?

walls and castles are literally why the mongols couldn't advance into western europe.

Yes, you absolute cunt


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Well thats why the throne is made of blades

Nigger spotted.

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The only solution to these creatures is gunfire. They can't be reasoned with and they're a threat to our societies so they need to be put down.

We need to breed more woman like dis so she not get hurt by babby coming out of box

timmie... it's the 21st century.... air flight makes walls obsolete with tunneling systems coming in a close second.

Compliment taken graciously :))

And without the wall hordes of murderous non-humans will cross and ruin Westeros. Eerily similar to the Mexican situation.

Yet you are setting the standard 4d.

The wall in game of thrones was up for eons and was extremely effective until it got destroyed. The answer would have been a better wall and more border patrol agents so that the hordes never were able to cross.

This so fitting from that libtard cunt Dan Pfeiffer seeing how the democrats live in a fictional fantasy land surrounded by stupidity.

"It's on tv so it must be true"