I feel protective towards transgender. How can I stop this attitude?

I am NOT attracted to transgenders and I have NO gay feeling whatsoever. I am strictly attracted to 100% cis women.
But for some reason I honestly feel defensive and even protective towards transgenders, especially the weak short feminine skinny ones.
I saw if I were walking down the street and saw some guy who is weaker than me threatening s transgender, I will be tempted to attack him and give him a hiding.
I am a 29 year old Anglo-Scottish guy who is in a solid relationship with a 4/10 Boer girl.
Why do I feel like this towards transgenders? Most importantly, how do I make myself into a transphobic like American guys and Muslims?
What kind of books or websites should I visit, that would turn me into the sort of guy who watches a video of some goons bashing a trans, and then think it's funny and based?
I honestly genuinely don't like the way that I feel about them

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Other urls found in this thread:


Let God inside your heart and become a devout follower.

>I am NOT attracted to transgenders and I have NO gay feeling whatsoever. I am strictly attracted to 100% cis women.

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You can start by stop using fake words.

It's transfreaks
It's it, not he/she
It's normal people, not cis

>4/10 Boer girl
This is why
Even dudes in panties are hotter than your girlfriend lmao

They are mentally ill and need to be protected the same way you would someone with down syndrome.

Its 2019 user. No one cares if your gay. Just use protection and never share a marijuana at one of your gay sex parties.

I am a rural guy. The hottest girls always end up leaving for the cities, and from the cities they then leave the country

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I want to suck his intact penis

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This. OP is experiencing a normal feeling towards unfortunate misfits. OP wpuld make a good dad and should go bone his 4/10 waifu

>dates 4/10 Boer girl
>likes cute boy traps.

Yolandi must really fuck with your mind and hormones then....

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>I am NOT attracted to transgenders and I have NO gay feeling whatsoever. I am strictly attracted to 100% cis women.
Faggot confirmed.

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fuck why u gotta tease me with tits liek that

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Have you ever ACTUALLY met a tranny in real life, OP? Cause that would cure you of these... Feelings? Real quick. Like liberals with communism and minorites, they only like them on paper cause they have 0 firsthand experience with them.

Why would they want to stay in a country where everyone speaks some kind of hilarious pidgin language?

Transgender people have mental illnesses and need to be protected from others and themselves because of it. There's nothing wrong with wanting to protect people with any kind of mental illness.

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you don't have to feel anything
stop forcing it

OK, then, stop.

Doctor: "The test results are in....I'm afraid you're a fag"

Oh and an obvious libtard shill

Teach your kids Afrikaans

they chosed to be weak they don't deserve any kind of protection, the only person who needs help is the one beating up the fag, and it's alway more fun when you are not alone doing it

think of a tranny as a pitbull or nigger
they will all rip your throat out if they get the chance

Well, long ago there was a transgender prostitute in my small town. He/she would get beaten often by Jons and end up in the hospital I worked in. They were a kind and decent soul that I felt bad for. One day they got murdered by a Jon and I was one of five people to attend their funeral. It was very sad.

That said, the modern movement of Trannies is a fucking plague and they deserve an ass kicking. They are not kind decent souls, nor do I have compassion for some tucked dick antifa scum.

So just like with all humans, each is an individual and as individuals can be judged by the crowd they choose to run with and their personal behavior.

It just means you're not a sociopath.

It's simple: protect the very gay traps who just want it in the bussy, they're harmless. Kill the "lesbian trapped in a man's body" autogynophiles and autopedohiles. They assault women and girls and need to be culled.

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An actual tranny is one thing. An unfortunate accident of biology that was not their fault. The 'i identify as' faggits need to please go

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>I saw if I were walking down the street and saw some guy who is weaker than me threatening a [fill in the blank], I will be tempted to attack him and give him a hiding.

Because you're a good person, OP. However daydreaming about righteous violence in much different than partaking.

you have a mind virus, from lilith.

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Not biology mostly. Many, like the one I mentioned, was horribly abused as a child and have broken minds.

>What kind of books or websites should I visit, that would turn me into the sort of guy who watches a video of some goons bashing a trans, and then think it's funny and based?
Why would you WANT to become an edgelord/sociopath?

Official Thread soundtrack.


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By not being a retard.

Maybe you pity or have sympathy for their disorder? I hate them as faggots, but deep down I pity them as broken men that deserve healing towards the right path.

nigga you gay


This fifty something huge fatass identifies as a six year old girl.

It calls itself stef-on-knee because it imagines itself as a little girl being abused by her father. That's the fun part for it. It has its "adopted granddad" fuck it in the ass while he acts like a little girl and shits in diapers.

His original family has a number of restraining orders against him because he's violent and unstable. When he just started out, he faked suicide on his daughter's wedding day because she didn't want the father of the bride to show up dressed like a little girl.

Most alarmingly: his adopted grandparents that he has degenerate sex with have a real little granddaughter, a real little girl, that he's allowed to have "play dates" with. Clearly grooming behavior. It's only a matter of time before he molests her if he hasn't already.

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The pity party stops when they're out and proud child predators. Take them down.

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>How can I stop this attitude?
Burn in an oven

Shit guys, that's it.

I'm a flaming homo.
I'd fuck his boipussi like my life depended on it.
I'd marry him.
I'd pledge to protect him.
I'd cream his ass so many times just in the off chance that we can have children.
I'd make love to him, like cold night, under the covers, hand holding, head pressed in the crook of his neck, listening the patterns of his breathing to see if he's enjoying it
I'd draw hearts with my fingertips on his back while he lays his head on my chest and we talk about absolutely nothing for hours until both of us falls asleep.
I'd go on vacation to a small coastal town that rains a lot for a month. We'd get to know the locals, find a spot or two that has the best seafood and enjoy our time there. Create memories that will last a lifetime and make half joking promises to die old together in that town. On a whim, we'd go to an open house that was way out of our budget and plan a future together, one just out of reach but within the realm of possibility. Something to strive to. A 3 bed 2.5 bath home within walking distance of the beach. A spot for the nursery the agent says and he grabs my hand tight. I look to him and he's already starting at me with wide eyes.
I'd adopt an orphaned Chinese girl with him. I speak Mandarin and he loves watching me try to raise her within her own culture. Our house would be bilingual and our family would make it a home.

Shit guys, it's bad. I'd always say, I'm not gay or traps ain't gay or whatever but fuck that, if it's gay to wanna be with that.... I'm a faggot.

anybody have her feet pics?

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>im not gay dude
you're probably gay dude
yep your gay dude

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Thanks mate. After some of the harsh comments here, I needed to hear that

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would you Jow Forums?

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Because you're programmed to protect feminine things. That's it. That's why you don't care for the masculine ones.

Isn't that the plot to Modern Family?

Me too :(

All transgenders and faggots get the rope there are no "good" or "bad" souls

Yes, there are. Some good souls are better off out of tormented minds though

Jesus Christ.

Not everyone is a Wendy’s chef making 300k with an 8 inch dick

4/10 especially if she acts right would make a lot of guys happy

Maybe he found a good girl and he’s being realistic

That means they are getting more and more passable. God help us.

What the fuck?

you feel bad toward mental illness, which is nature and right. but feeding into their disillusion is incorrect. you wouldnt tell an anorexic person they need lap band, and you wouldnt tell a roided out dude he needs more T. Playing into their false reality is not compassionate or right, its destructive and evil

Because they're very weak boys. You can only feel sorry for them. A lot of them turned this way because of outside influence telling them it's ok to pretend to be a girl. I feel bad for them too.

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He could fix himself if he had will to do so but he was a weak person who wanted to go easy way being something he will never be and all bad choices led him to that so he doesnt deserve any pity.

He was broken in his mind and heart. Yes, maybe there was a way to get his mind right again. And maybe if he were stronger he would have. But he did no harm to anyone but himself and deserved respect for that.

The Afrikaners being the worst.

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so off topic it hurts, and 1 post

Eh yeah. Wtf am I even doing. What an asshole.

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If I can't have one yet I want to try one at least

That's also part of it, the omega complex.
Not pity, but forgiveness and a chance to fix themselves. People sometimes do things because they are not aware of alternate hypotheses.

This, saved me.

Maybe this will make you hate them

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>describes gf as 4/10


You want to white knight and anally violate a smoking hot 9/10 tranner


Death penalty or life behind bars in solitary confinement

Normal people don't use the word cis. You shouldn't have to prefix normal.

>Cis Women

Who the fuck brain washed you into using these femanazi LGBTQ+ nigger words?

Next your going to be telling me your okay with pedos trying to fall under the Gay nigger alliance umbrella.

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Yolandi is a Jew

you live in a nation surrounded by angry niggers wanting to kill you and this is what you are thinking about?


If you're anglo-scottish, just remember, these people and those who enable them want you dead, your kids brainwashed, and they think it's funny

phew m8 you're not going to like the answer you get next SHE'S 100% Kosher m8

This girl is pretty cute.

Choppy choppy pee pee!

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definitely. push it out the window

that was terrifying

It gets worse.

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Plain and simple niggerism

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Essentially this. I have actually defended trannies from people beating them up, even when I refuse to call them anything but their actual gender. I can't help but think beating up someone whose life is already fucked to be a terrible thing to do. Beat them up if they're doing something shitty, but if they are just some dude who can't figure out themselves, help them rather than mistreating them.

It's no different than fighting for blind people in my mind.

>libtard shill
>implying he isn't just another right wing LARPing as a lefty like all the rest for the keks

There are doctors who perform these operations for money.

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They probably circumcise a bunch of screaming newborns to build up their skill before moving to the more advanced jewish penis mutilation.

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dayum who dis

Your instincts aren't motivated by genitals, they're motivated mostly by bone structure and voice pitch. It makes sense that you could be tricked by a feminine looking male into protecting him if he's cute enough.

What a cute we stan a queen

How is this not a violation of the Hippocratic oath not to do any patient harm?

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It's because they look like fucking girls, so in our minds we instinctively want to protect them.
That is your answer, just ignore this sentiment.

absolutely this
It is normal to be protective of the mentally ill unless THEY become threatening and aggressive

Same reason (((doctors))) get away with mutilating boys everyday in this shithole country.

What do you expect? The precedent for mutilation has been here for generations.

It is good to have human empathy for those who have been induced to mutilate themselves by powerful interests. Don't further their delusions but acknowledge their pain, and be willing to support them if they will fight against the mutilation of others.

what a mess


Having compassion for people isn't wrong, especially the mentally ill

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Just because I think trannies are weird, disgusting, unnatural, etc. doesn't mean I wish them harm, physical or otherwise. It's a shame most of them have been indoctrinated.

Ellen Rocche of course. The hottest body to ever come out of Brazil. No fake horse hormone legs and ass, no silicone tits and very tall.

Nigga, you is gay.

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What I love about this is it just keeps getting worse. Every time you think it can't possibly get more disturbing, it does.
>oh God, they've just pulled out his nuts
>oh God they're stripping his penis of flesh
>oh god they're stuff a dildo in him to make a hole
And on and on, it's like a rollercoaster of horror. Once the ride starts it just goes and goes. The first time I saw this it made me involuntarily tear up. I didn't cry, my body just started ejecting tears like an autoimmune response.