Should drug addicts be left to die?

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Yes. And all drugs should be legal, too.

Voluntary eugenics is the best form of eugenics.

Former drug addict here (6 years clean and sober). Yes drug addicts should be left to die. They are a waste and drain on society.

opioids are impossible to quit.
all addicts should be rounded up, arrested, and forcibly given naltrexone implants

I've resuscitated two OD's. Another time I said fuck this guy, it's better if he dies, he managed to come out of it on his own though

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They'll just dig them out of their skin

How do they become addicted ?

Issues in life?

>Should drug addicts be left to die?
How barbaric!
Just line them up and shoot them all.


You are basically allowing nature to kill off the weak.

And kill the best kind of possible costumer? I would rather make money, so no.

>Should drug addicts be left to die?

That's what their "friends" do anyway. Pic related.

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>opioids are impossible to quit.
im living proof that they are, I was actually living in canada and straight up packed my shit and moved back to the US when I realized I had been doing heroin for like 4 months and every other drug for much longer before that

I really think I was born with it. Some people can handle dope just fine and others just can't

>t. Firefighter-Paramedic

They get introduced to them, much like an adrenaline junkie is introduced to extreme sports

Issues in life
No self control
Dumbass “friends” that tell them that the drugs they get addicted to aren’t bad for them
Addictive personalities in general
Loser mentality
Ambitions turned to addiction through multiple failures

That’s just yo name a few

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For many (initally) non-degenerates, it stems from doctor-proscribed Oxycontin.

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>How do they become addicted ?
They take opioids regularly against the good advice of fucking everyone.
>muh didn't know opioids are addictive
Top fucking zozzle

Gamers that slonk that gang weed want to be left to die.

Rise up!

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Yes. They made their choice.


No, the process should be sped by giving fenethyl

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I witnessed a guy overdosing in the park a few months back and just watched till he stopped breathing.

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Imagine living in a society

>They'll just dig them out of their skin
oh they try, but they give up. after a while they usually 'see the light.'

of course there are exceptions, but the facts are pretty clear that once hooked on this stuff, most people take it until they die. It's a wmd.

This and my first child being born is what made me go cold turkey and sober up from opioids and booze.

How good is heroin?

>How do they become addicted ?
There are a couple things that can happen.
1. they get some prescription opioids from parents, friends, and get hooked. It is very easy to get hooked.
2. They are given pills laced with opioids
3. They are given mystery pills laced with fentanyl and drop dead the moment they ingest one.

This is no joke. kids are dropping dead all over the place because only a couple grains of fentanyl is enough to kill a person.

that's not his room. way too clean to be this irresponsible

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No, they should be executed by the state

American doctors don't cure anything, they write prescriptions. My dad slipped a disk in his back and got prescribed opioids. He was a strait edge kind of guy before that, never even drank at all. Now he is an addict and a shell of his former self. It happened so slowly and gradually that you don't really notice. Fucking sucks.

you're very right about that. in the past couple years fent is being found in shockingly large numbers of street drug samples. to the point now where it can be in the majority of opiates, but also can be mixed with meth, coke, etc

I fucking hate junkies. If I worked at a narcan factory, I'd replace all the narcan with phony shit.

looks like antifa

They are getting it from commies and niggers thats why.

T.junkieYour dad is a junkie faggot

These people are having a good time

childhood trauma+abuse and a bad social network.

That's good news, now they're killing themselves faster and spending less time draining society

Rest in piss, you junkie faggot.

What's wrong with his hands and feet?

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That's the same question like: Should Mexicans forced by Mexican mafia to steal be removed. Obviously you should remove drugs first, then we can ask question again and see if those people try to gain access to drugs through travel, then they should probably left to die.

It sucks. Rx shit is better.

I agree for most current and past drug addicts. But the word is fucking out now. Deal with the pain, or risk giving yourself an even worse situation. Your choice.

Kill your local drug dealer.


I believe in total substance (from high fructose corn syrup to cigarettes to straight up heroin) freedom, NO pre-emptive enforcement (but to balance this out; more meaningful consequences for actual transgressions; e.g. you shouldn't fire someone because the piss tested for weed or you smelled alcohol on their breath. You should fire them if they fuck up; regardless of if they were trying their best and incompetent OR they're unconscious on the ground with a needle in their arm. You should never fine someone because of a DUI checkpoint, anyone who commits vehicular manslaughter [intentionally, unintentionally, lucid or in an altered state] should be executed on the spot, etc...

I bet hes got a lot of money on him. Maybe do it full time.

failing society

Exactly. Shitskins ruined society. And they sell white people these drugs. And wish them death. Anyone who says addicts should be left to die but doesnt say kill your local drug dealer is a shitskin who wants white people to die

Kill your local drug dealer. Jack that fool. Take all his money and his drugs.

When you run out kill another one.

I had an uncle who became addicted to opioids (popping pills) and would go to the niggery parts of town to get his fix. One day he goes missing after going to get some pills and was found a week later in a ditch having been stabbed to death and robbed.

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Shitskins are funny. With their gangs. Murdering each other over stupid shit. Ill murder every single one of you. For no fucking reason. Besides i like murder.

they are just worn out from running that little guy around disneyland all day

Im not a gangster im a reaper.

Gravity pulled all his blood to them.

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Wait! Drugs can be addictive?

I'm shocked! SHOCKED!

i did see a documentary about that, basically saying murders were happening for living on the wrong block or making the wrong comment on facebook. you basically have to decide if you should kill before the other person kills you first.

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get Duterte on their asses


He's dead and the blood is pooling there due to lack of circulation

I have those same color sheets

Are you including alcoholics?

They should be actively killed.

lol at all you newfags even thinking "addiction" is real.
Its mind over matter and only betas are weak and can't stop.
I've done H for 13 years every other weekend and can stop anytime.

You're going to od one of these days.

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I woke up after an accidental heroin overdose once. on the floor. dizzy. it was cut with sleeping pills of all things. street drugs are absolute shit. dealers are animals. nobody cares about anybody dying.

>every other weekend
Every Other Weekend Warrior. Now try any form of opiates on a daily basis, cunt.

>I've done a drug every other weekend for 13 yrs
>I'm not addicted

Christ, dude. Try to go one MONTH without it and you'll know right away if you're addicted or not. If, for ANY reason, you can't make it a month, you're addicted.

If it's hipster faggots like that, yes.

Mom post /relative is a customer

>you shouldn't fire someone because the piss tested for weed or you smelled alcohol on their breath.
This is retarded. If you're an employer and your employee is showing up with alcohol on the breath or weed in their blood, why shouldn't you see that as a warning of future incompetence and get rid of them then?
If you look at it as a matter of prior probability, you probably want to get rid of them now instead of later to avoid damages and such that you (or your business) will be held responsible for.

kill them all and their dealers.
this corruption MUST be purged.


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Its shit. You cant even do anything. Not even fap or watch tv. Fent is the best feeling ever tho you can fuck forever on it and it feels amazing. You can lay in snow in winter in undies and feel nothing. You can wipe out on a bike hard and laugh cuz no pain. Makes u social as fuck too zero fear of girls

Dont do it tho rekt my life on it for a while. Used a magic mushroom high to quit throwing my pills out the balcony.

Youre an extreme outlier, probably six standard devs away from the norm.

Even if youre right most people dont have the iq, level of self actualization and raw discipline to enjoy a hard opioid responsibly (never increasing tolerance)

I wish that was Lil Peep but he died in his tour bus and only his drug dealer friend recorded it. About 2 seconds of his OD face


fp, bp


Yes. Also anyone on food stamps who is not disabled.

Interesting. My dad was also an addict. He got hurt on a construction job and it fucked his ankle up. His ankle was always fucked in my memory so I dont know if it happened before I was born or as a kid or what. He had bolts keeping it together and it wouldnt move so he had a slight limp. I wonder if his addiction started because of the pain pills he would have been given or if he was just a piece of shit all along.

Theres no difference in doing meth every other weekend than going to the clubs every weekend and getting drunk. Its just two forms of recreation. Same as going comping twice a month or something. Your one month thing is dumb as fuck. Dont go outside for month otherwise youre addicted to the sun duuuur

A combination of bad genes, bad upbringing, brainwashing and/or lack of education
Self control honestly isn't such a big factor when you put it in perspective. The initial choice to use/drink usually comes from peer pressure and Jewish programming and if you're unlucky enough to have those addict genes you'll spiral down before you know it

tell him to try kratom to get off the pills if possible. look into it. it can be bought at gas stations or online.

this guy has been dead for about 24-30 hours. His arm is filled with blood, hence the dark purple color. And the pillow has absorbed body fluids exiting the nose/mouth. It smells like rotting busted ass in there..

As a person who was stuck on kratom for 5 years and had a painful, slow process of kicking it, I'd recommend this too. Kicking Kratom was 10x easier than kicking opiates. Seriously, give him 3 tablespoons of the cheap shit (kraken, kratom king) and see if it helps him chill. A lot of people are able to tickle their opiate receptors with kratom, and it makes dropping the hard shit easier.
Problem being, then you're hooked on kratom. But it's better than being doped up on oxys or whatever.


Drug addicts are absolutely degenerate and a cancer to society. I know a paramedic who works for the city's fire department. He says the druggies call 911 before they OD so they can experience the rush, and have emergency personnel get there in time to pull them out of Death's cold grip. It's usually the same people every time though.

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>employee who operates large equipment comes to work drunk and stoned out of his mind
It'll be fine, we can't judge him unless he messes up

Yes. They are a plague on society, I work in the E.R. and these assholes just drain our resources and take up valuable space. Then after they get sent off after 2 days of them fighting/bitching they come right back and eat our food without paying. Let them live with their consequences.

Yes. You should assist them as well.

Why hasn't someone taken a knife and cut this guy's face apart?