If black people didn’t exist, life would be boring

If black people didn’t exist, life would be boring.

Attached: AD08E543-4BB1-443B-AEA4-07A7DBD77CD8.jpg (651x583, 62K)

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Sometimes boring is good. Never to children though.

what the fuck am I looking at?
is this an eye test?
do I have herpes?

Nonsense, life would be amazing.
>imagine crime rate dropping 80%

I wish niggers looked like that lmao

Sure it might be a little less interesting but atleast we wouldnt have to hear the baboons yell and scream da white man keepin me down and yalls racizt n sheeit, and that's a trade I'm willing to make

If Black people didnt exist White People would eat only boiled chicken breasts and veggies while the hardcore ones would use mayonnaise as a spicel

Life is boring, I don't need niggers to be bored. We live in the garden of Eden. I truly believe it would be impossible , unless that was your objective, to starve to death in Canada.

boring is predictable, stable, comfortable.

music would definitely suck thats for sure

Damn, this water is spicy!


lol what? ok.
Jump down turn around pick a bale o' cotton
Oh Lordy
pick a bail o' cotton.

Art work.

Nah, we'd still have polish "people" and gypsys.

>implying we wouldn't have to deal with space niggers instead of terrestrial niggers

Attached: If All Black Left America.png (1021x890, 156K)

Serbia’s goin hard with this one

the dude in your pic kind of looks like young thug

Attached: Young_Thug_2018.jpg (220x290, 13K)

Polish are based. Go die of ebola.



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and nordcucks and chinks and jews.

Attached: based nip.png (412x514, 62K)

You would just cry about something else. Youre never satisfied.

What doth Life?

Niggers are the jesters of the world and are around for comedy and entertainment purposes


Life is already boring. I can't leave my house to find excitement because of niggers and shit skins on general

America wouldn't exist

...and that's a good thing.

Nothing wrong with that. I'd rather be bored than deal with them and the Democrats would never win another election.

no, we'd still have poor people to laugh at, black people just take 'poor and stupid' to it's logical extreme, almost in parody of the traits, making it funnier than usual

Holy shit, he looks like a deformed Cockroach from terra formars

mustve done some special training

Attached: 1445700276741.webm (1024x576, 2.24M)

What a wuss

I used to live in a 90% white country. It's much nicer and much more fun without blacks. Non-whites just bring civilizations down. Let them kill each other, and we can genocide whatever's left over. Whites are better for the planet, too.

Lol that shit is so fake. I've seen actual bodies run over by tanks and they sure as hell aren't in that kind of condition.

What condition? Dead?

We would never know, though. Maybe this life is boring, without green people. But we can't compare a life with green people with this one without them, so we literally can't know what we're missing.

I never thought I would hear a white man muh wakanda

>90% white country
Yeah right

Fun fact: You confused the word boring and paradise

Be honest. Have you ever met a black person?

there are no niggers in my life and it's pretty boring

Attached: 1546218149254.jpg (1500x1500, 80K)

send us all your nigs now

This. You can’t say fuck niggers if there are no niggers. It feels good to have enemies

It'd be the same.

You niggers Colombians have destroyed my country.

life still IS boring

I'm ok with boring.

Paдyйcя дypaк!
Пoдyмaй чтo ecли вaшe быдлo cтaлo в 2 paзa тyпee и в 5 paз нaглee, и ты пpeдcтaвил ceбe нeгpa.

what staple spices did whites obtain exclusively from Africa and what cooking styles did blacks introduce that are in widespread usage?

come on, at least niggers can entertain with their monkey mumble music


Niggers will be reduced to a small, manageable population for the sole purpose of human consumption

Kill and eat niggers.

they are overrated.

>If black people didn’t exist, we would have Mars bases by now.

If whites didn't exist, no one else would know blacks exist