

Attached: 9050.jpg (720x1280, 73K)

damn y'all.... now I be thinking we ain't never was great

> Politicians going to jail
> A bad thing

the core problem is that loser white trash was allowed to vote. Revoke white trash voting privileges.. problem solved.

white trash are the backbone of this country

>politicians going to jail
About goddamn time. We're getting there.

>divide and conquer tactics

Clever Jew.

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what if we are the bad guys

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Politicians going to jail? Probably a good thing! Because the law doesn't listen to the president of the United States when it comes to jailing people. The government shutdown who fucking cares it's non-essential waste of time crap. Stock market tanks? I don't think so try checking the stock market again it looks pretty fucking good today. So go kill yourself please

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Too bad white trash built this fucking country. They will burn it to the ground too and you nigger lovers will have no one to blame but yourselves.

>criminals getting what they deserve
>market corrections after booming growth
>wasteful spending on hold until border is secured
Seems alright to me.

Swamp status: Draining

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stock market's doing great, fuck you mean?

What do they think change looks like?

Bad, good, who cares. I just want niggers and jews DEAD and decompising. Yesterday.

Leave this country and never return

>Direct goddamn phonefag posting
KYS nigger

>sending politicians to jail is a bad thing
Says the same party who's entire platform is "send Drimpf to jail"

> Generals walking out
Wut? Does she think Mattis was serving as one of Trumps generals..?
> Politicians going to jail
Uhh what? That didn't happen because it wasn't even an investigation, it was just a matter. How are they complaining about something that didn't happen, that didn't happen because they stopped it from happening..
> Stock market crashing
Except it's not...at all..?
> Let's ignore 3.9% unemployment, or the US finally slowly but surely withdrawing from our invasion of the middle east

All of the warmongering generals deserve to get hanged to be honest.

They are sending in other people's sons to die just so their friends and connections can rake in money and government contracts.

The mark of a 4star general might as well be the mark of the Jew.

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stock market is booming, are you fucking retarded?

Jews built this country, it’s theirs. Middle America and the south are shitholes, ((urban America), the premier cities that fostered and innovated by the Jewish ran industries and business are what makes America great. The Jew brings prosperity and blessings

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>Are we great?
Yes. Before the electionfags, before Zimzam, and before cornering the Dorner, there was Mr. Ron Paul.

Federal overreach is a huge problem. Cripple the federal beast by any means necessary.

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From chaos comes order.

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Yes, yes, whites are ebil. We get it, Mr Goldberg.

>warmongering generals not allowed to kill innocent people anymore thus causing radicalization of the remaining family and massive migration waves into Europe
Damn fool I never thought of it that way.. In all seriousness this is what have a ~90 IQ or lower looks like. They think these points are legitimate and "deep" but fail to take a critical dive into what is behind their occurrence.


bring back industry and legalize meth lol

EVERY TIME that I see a post like this.. I know Trump has something special planned to totally reverse this shit and make these fucks eat their words.

How am I supposed to take a post with a cactus collage seriously??

>allowed to
we created the right, everyone who isn't white and male have been given the right by us out of kindness
it's time to realize you have no intention of returning that kindness and take it back

>Stock market is crashing

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Not till we impeach the motherfucker

Spic or neger?!? Perhaps you're a poo?

More like revoke the right of evil kikes like you from being able to live.

If I had one magic wish, it would be for the death of every single Jewish man, woman, child and baby and for Judaism to be permanently banned globally and then forgotten for all time.

This won't be fixed until all shitskins are processed into Vienna sausage and sent in bulk to Israel as the last and only aid you get from us from here on out.

Trump and his personal faggots are going to jail. Tick tock Jow Forums

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Jews did NOT build America. They've never built anything.

They are evil, and I can't wait until we murder every single last one of you evil pieces of shit.

I see nothing wrong with any of this.
Why is any of that a bad thing?
The government is filled with corrupted assholes who have been destroying the country fro decades.
Its about damn time some of them went to jail or quit.

For personal crimes, nothing related to the President or the election, you fucking kike faggot.

>white trash
you mean the people who built this country

Working on it. He has to get closer and closer to no EBT $$, so Democrats begin fearing their own voters.

Get fucked, shill

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>financial and process crimes
literally the jaywalking of political crimes

most of the low-end government workers are niggers
I hope he keeps the government shutdown for a year+

>I don’t understand that good times require hard work the post

I bet the guy who wrote this is a shit skin

It's all going according to plan. Hey, did you know the Real ID State Program will be fully implemented by the remaining hold out states within 6 months. Facial recognition software has been used on EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS AN ID.

Jews built China as well, pal. This is bigger than the UA, understand the Jew is who controls and holds the reigns to prosperity and prominence. You dummies like to boast about the white man dominating the planet when you were just foot soldiers then left to be killed in foreign land with two consecutive world wars. The Jew gives and the Jew takes away

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these dummies are so fixated on right/left red herring, that they don’t realize it’s ultimately meaningless, holds as much substance as Monday night football.

Lets see that FBI faggot go on a DNC fishing expedition and lets see some real crimes.


Oh no those poor govt workers that get paid more for doing nothing.

Hahahahahahaha fag can’t do his own research? Gotta get the T.V.