Why is the average Jow Forums user terrified by the political acumen of the Skeptics™?

Can we get a list of based political YouTubers that regularly BTFO of the alt right and Jow Forums?

I will start.
Jeff Holiday
Mundane Matt
Sargon of Akkad
Kraut and Tea
David Sherrat
Tim Pool

Attached: chuckles.jpg (626x788, 58K)

I wanna sniff Bratass

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I liked him better when he was fixing things.

Attached: 121129home-improvement-allen-karn1.jpg (640x440, 70K)

Tim Pool went to Sweden right? Didnt he go as a leftie to prove it was safe and get super.fucking redpilled?

Yes, but he portrays himself as a based center leftist with no strong opinions about anything.

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god fucking damn

he's an absolute reactionary grifter and I hate his guts but even I feel sorry for him kinda. Balding is a curse.

Why he wears a hat all the time.

Attached: bald mudblood.png (710x602, 380K)

all of these people just hiss racist as if it were a bad thing. none of these people are ready to accept that race matters, at least not publicly. Jow Forums is always right.

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It's also the first image that comes up when you google his name.

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How does that fat unformed pile of jelly lift his own body weight up a climbing wall?

>Kraut and Tea
lefty who doxx people
>David Sherrat
isn't he a lefty cuck to

a leftist did this


This is bait right?
I don't know much about Tim pool. But the rest are massive faggots.
Sargon is a massive idiot. The rest should be ISIS'd Especially Kraut

He also wants to murder Ralph and Jim now. Kraut has gone off the fucking rails. He legit needs a mental wellness check.

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Young Stefan Flemighnon

Skeptics were destroyed by the Alt-Right and Jow Forums a long time ago. Time to move on. They will fade into irrelevance.

home improvement was peak American culture, prove me wrong protip

I've heard of kraut. Isn't he mentally unstable and is blackmailing people?

Get that nigger some rogaine, quick.

>Non-stop talks about trying to "redpill" people
>Someone actually takes it
>"god he's just playing both sides for attention"