Why is the average Jow Forums user terrified by the political acumen of the Skeptics™?

Can we get a list of based political YouTubers that regularly BTFO of the alt right and Jow Forums?

I will start.
Jeff Holiday
Mundane Matt
Sargon of Akkad
Kraut and Tea
David Sherrat
Tim Pool

Attached: chuckles.jpg (626x788, 58K)

I wanna sniff Bratass

Attached: 717EBB1B-FA2B-4EA1-941A-7B13727B3280.gif (480x270, 885K)

I liked him better when he was fixing things.

Attached: 121129home-improvement-allen-karn1.jpg (640x440, 70K)

Tim Pool went to Sweden right? Didnt he go as a leftie to prove it was safe and get super.fucking redpilled?

Yes, but he portrays himself as a based center leftist with no strong opinions about anything.

Attached: t2e.jpg (3088x2320, 1.07M)

god fucking damn

he's an absolute reactionary grifter and I hate his guts but even I feel sorry for him kinda. Balding is a curse.

Why he wears a hat all the time.

Attached: bald mudblood.png (710x602, 380K)

all of these people just hiss racist as if it were a bad thing. none of these people are ready to accept that race matters, at least not publicly. Jow Forums is always right.

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It's also the first image that comes up when you google his name.

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How does that fat unformed pile of jelly lift his own body weight up a climbing wall?