>see therapist for the first time
>she's a woman (bad idea)
>tell her my problems
>"I'm depressed and suicidal because I'm 24 and have never been in a relationship"
>she literally bursts out laughing
>says "sorry" and excuses herself from the room
>hear her laughing again as the door closes
>I leave and don't come back
>missed three hours of work for nothing and now my self esteem is shattered again
What the fuck?
Why are women even allowed to get jobs in this field?
Why Are Therapists So Cruel?
Bull shit there no way that happened.
Shut the fuck up
I'm really thinking about jumping off a building right now
nigga what tf how old is she
actually I have many questions but that one is first
Maybe other peoples advice is all bullshit aside from what works for you. Fuck psychologists. Figure your own shit out.
Find the shit that makes you miserable and work towards fixing one of them.
Btw I'm 23 and never been in a relationship. The only times I've ever been offered sex I couldn't get it up, but I'm not going to therapy about it.
Get over yourself man.
She looked mid to late 30s
Fuck you.
In the possibilty this is true, you should never go back to this bitch. You should also leave her a negative review on google or wherever there's a place to leave reviews for psychologists
If this is true you could possibly sue for malpractice.
Is there something similar to the Better Business Bureau but for health services? If not there's always reporting her to her boss. File a complaint if this is true.
Aight pussy.
I'm saying I'm in a similar situation. Yeah the woman was an ultra cunt, but you're taking this like it's the end of the fucking world that a woman laughed at you.
Its fucking not.
Find what fucking hurts YOU and work towards fixing it.
But fuck me I guess.
I can't sue because they are not doctors.
There's no way I can go back there.
>person who was "offered sex" thinking they understand my problems
holy shit haha id never go to one
call there helpdesk, and ask you want to file a complaint.
She laughed because you are only starting life. It is a really silly thing to be depressed about. imo, not a real problem. OP I'm a 25 yo who has never been in a relationship too and I'm not stressing about it because I have 20+ years of finding a mate.
What's your real problem?
Because having a gf can't be one of your goals. It speaks poorly of you
>>she's a woman (bad idea)
this is your fault OP. go see a man next time
this is why its fake, sure he aint super chad.
but being virgin at 24 is not that fucking ultra loser-ish either.
no fucking therapist is going to large about something that uhhh not big of a deal
A man is even more likely to laugh
Just look at the comments in this thread.
I'm a man and I wouldn't have laughed but I would have thought you stupid. You're depressed because you think a woman is going to make you happy and you can't get a woman to be with you?
She was actually doing you a favor, by showing you how wrong you are. Women, and other people in general, are not responsible for making you happy. Having a romantic partner, will not make you happy. If you're fixated on having something outside yourself make you happy, guess what user.
I don't want a woman "because you think a woman is going to make you happy" you massive fucking retard.
fuck doctors too I can heal my own fucking open fractured femur
and my scoliosis
matter of fact I'll just fucking grow my own teeth back and self-heal cavities
eyesight is just a matter of concentration anyway
and tumors only form if you're a whiny bitch
while we're at it, the brain is FUCKING EASY BRO like just do it like y'know it's ez brah
psyop thread
Is this really what they are like? I was going to go to a therapist if I could but now I think I shouldn't. I don't know what I have wrong with me but I want it to be fixed.
no, some of them are fucked up tho(just visit a other one). but not like this
the fucked up thing about most therapist, the female in particular, is they are more fucked up than the people they are paid to help. they think if they hear all the other fuck ups they don't feel so bad.
Make no mistake, your misery makes her feel better about herself
Remember: you can't spell therapist without "the rapist".
>person who was "offered sex" thinking they understand my problems
Lmao you're such a faggot. No wonder you're never going to get any. It's probably that fucking self loathing attitude.
Get ripped
Lose the self loathing attitude
Learn how not to be a faggot
I'm fucking 5'5 and fat. Why am I doing better than you? Even before I lost weight, got a job, and picked up boxing and started competing I was still able to talk to girls and get numbers.
I was "offered sex" the thing you and I put up on a pedestal when i was a 20 year old who had no real skills. And guess what: it was one of the most humiliating experiences. So I learned how not to be a fucking faggot like you because I learned that sex ain't everything.
You fucking pitiful pile of self loathing dog shit. Get good or live miserable
>actually thinking a therapist is comparable to a real doctor
Okay I am desperate now if therapy doesn't work I think I will wind up killing myself.
>Mental disorders are the same as a physical injury
Lol. When you find the virus for depression fucking call me. Dont hit me with this "chemical imbalance" bill shit that my psychiatrist tried to tell me.
You have to over come this shit. Pills dont "fix" fucking depression, they mask it. They dont fix anger. They dont fix this kind of problem like an anti inflammatory will fix your tendonitis you plebeian.
>I can't sue because they are not doctors.
You can totally sue anyone for any reason. Consult a lawyer and mention you'd like to sue for emotional damage/distress, loss of wages/time, false advertising and of course the cost of the visit (if you paid).
But won't therapy help? I don't think I am strong enough to fix it on my own.
lol y u wanna fuck with people heads like this
It CAN help. I'm just against using medication to fix shit like depression. I'm not inherently against psychologists.
But in the end of the day you're the one waking up and living your day to day. They can give you direction. It's up to you to follow their advice or do it on your own. Or merge their advice with what works for you.
>I'm fucking 5'5 and fat.
Post a pic with timestamp next to a height measure.
Therapy is a meme profession. I only went because it was court mandated
Okay thanks user I don't want to take drugs for it anyways but I really think I have no options I have no friends and can't tell my parents I'm feeling depressed so I have to go to a professional I think.
Nigger I'm at work. If this thread is still alive when I get home at 10:30 mt time then I'll post something.
besides "get fit" and "stop being such a faggot" what are your secrets? I'm legitimately interested. I'm 5'0" and have a 4.5" peen
Depression is a fucking disease, just as schizophrenia or pneumonia. It’s actually the disease that kills the most. No one is responsible for that. I mean, no one is gonna fix it by being your friend or your partner. Having sex won’t fix it. Go to see a psychiatrist — not a therapist, but a real doctor — and tell them about everything. What helped me when I was about to do a big mistake were antidepressants. After I took them I started to feel better and more confident, and then it allowed me to take care of myself, improve my self confidence, do sports, play music, sleep more, spend less time behind screens and hang out more, meditate and so on. Now I feel way better and, though when I was depressed no one seemed to like me, I became very popular, now have a lot of friends, people tend to be very attracted to me and find I’m beautiful and I got into a few relationships since I’m cured, when it had never happened to me before.
Maybe it’s not that you’re depressed cause you’re alone, but that you’re alone because you’re depressed?
Hope you’ll get better soon. Take care of yourself dude. Life is worth it — trust me, I was in the same situation a year ago, and my life totally changed within a year.
>Now I feel way better and, though when I was depressed no one seemed to like me, I became very popular, now have a lot of friends, people tend to be very attracted to me and find I’m beautiful and I got into a few relationships since I’m cured, when it had never happened to me before.
Now that you say this I know that that will never happen to me. People don't like me because I'm short and ugly simple as that. No matter how depressed or not depressed I am nothing will help. I will be alone forever no matter what.
What's the point? I could kill myself right now and end my life with the same total amount of friends and relationships that I would have if I waited to die of old age: 0 and 0.
Left I was 185-190 Right I was 155-160
>I'm 5'0" and have a 4.5" peen
Thats a mountain to climb jesus. Get super fit.
Honestly all I got is these:
Retarded confidence in what you like and do
Never show weakness/do not give a fuck what people think of you or your interests
Be 6 times the man that most men are so that you can compensate for your immediate "short comings"
Bitches be superficial
and most importantly
Nigger I've got friends who are practically garden gnomes. If you don't have friends it's because you either don't go out and meet people or you're simply insufferable.
Maybe she started laughing because she saw you and thought "there's no Way this guy hasn't been in a relationship" keep trying my man I'm in the same boat but if you quit on life now you'll never know how it will turn out
>unprofessionalism isn't limited by gender
Regardless, I'm really sorry that you had such a terrible experience. Therapists in general aren't as unprofessional as the one you saw. Try to get a recommendation from friends OR do some research online for therapists in your area. Usually you can find a site that has user reviews.
Please don''t let this experience hinder your ability to seek help
You realize that you can report this shit to the management and get a new therapist, right?
If this is real, that's the most shit therapist I've ever heard of. Go to literally anyone else and you will get a better response.
Do it faggot
As a female. I can assure you there was nothing about your statement that is particularly funny and I have doubt how much this has to do with her being female. It could be related to something else as well, but regardless just because a first experience goes bad dosen't mean you won't be able to find someone who is actually able to help. At least you were honest and have some insight into whats causing your issues. You are lonely and you want a meaningful relationship with someone else. Everyone want to be loved and cared for and to reciprocate that with someone its one of the most important parts of social connection. Perhaps, she just wasn't expecting it if the statement was short and to the point like this. A fair bit of elaboration might be important to see where exactly the idea stems from given the fact that many people do not require a relationship to necessarily feel good sometimes other social structures can fill the void but it is a part of maturation. If you don't have social anxiety you might benefit from things like speed dating or joining groups where other females are present like an gym group like Zumba if you can afford it, toastmasters or some kind of activitist/non profit group or anything your into that is accessible. This can be hard with depression but they increase your confidence in yourself. Often engaging in different activity reduces the feelings of depression, along with general self care practices from exercise, fresh air, proper diet, hygiene and sleep routines. Relax take a deep breath and try something else. Don't fret things will eventually look up for you as with everyone. I believe only 30% of people do not recover from depression and among those who receive treatment a majority overcome it withing 2 years.
Virgin at 24? Ultra weirdo. Social disfunctional. Dont sugar coat it. This is bad but does not mean unfixable.
t. Virgin level 25
They are shilled brainwashed and sedated with exactly those pills that are supposed to help. All for money. Just money. Blind slaves to them.
then what is it for
>implying women can give advice on something they have never experienced
Leave the poor guy alone, you worthless whores.
lel should I be offended. I am triggered since I haven't anybody approach me since I highschool and have a general doubt anyone would want to date me as I am now. I haven't dated anyone ever either and I am always getting pressure to get a bf and I am 21 I feel lonely sometimes but I'm not really sure if I really am. I don't really want to either whatever the situation may be I am sorry you have had such bad experiences with women that you think they can't relate. I hope you were joking though ;) :3 Cheers my brotha, hooman and shibe haha
This sounds like it never happened. That would be one fired therapist.
Probably because I'm only one sentence in and i can already tell you're going to get raped
It's not about experiences with relationships, my sweet babygirl princess, what I mean is that women will never feel loneliness to the extent that men do. A woman will always have someone wanting her, but a man won't.
bullshit. You've never been to prison
In prison, you're still around people, my pumpkin pie. I'm talking about the loneliness that makes you hear voices in your head.
You've never been in solitary
I was about to give you some genuine advice but go fuck yourself since you told that guy to.
Fucking fag
You have? ;) *dabs*
Only because i needed to rape myself for a change
You got raped and they put you in solitary? Damn, that must've sucked. But why did they put you in prison in the first place?
elmao the mentally ill strayan found Jow Forums
Some of my younger female colleagues have done this before. It’s not their fault. Women honest to god despise weakness and low SMV in a man, even the nice ones. As a female a natural contempt for male fragility is simple survival instinct.
Everybody including myself were thinking that I’m ugly. Beauty isn’t something objective. Beauty is what comes from you and your body. If you take care of yourself and if you feel great then people will find you beautiful.
I wasn't bashing the guy. I can empathized with him. I had bad experiences with therapists that were on par with what he described in the past. It prevented me from seeing anew for a few years cause. So I that's why I said I don't want him to let that one experience sour the idea of seeing a mental health professional.
No need to project your misgivings on to me.
>It prevented me from seeing a new one for a few years cause of that.
can't type for shit today
>Why Are Therapists So Cruel?
>Why are women even allowed to get jobs in this field?
I love how people on here keep doing the same thing. One person does something, and suddenly it's a whole category of people that are shit. He found one bad therapist, so he asks why therapists are so cruel. I bet he does the same with women when he gets rejected or otherwise has a bad experience with one of them. Just tag the whole gender as evil.
That's not a healthy attitude man, not at all.
Women need female therapist but a man should have a male therapist.
I doubt however a male therapist would belly laugh if a woman was talking about her body image because of lopsided tits, couldn't find a bf. If he did they'd take the guy out back and shoot him.
If a woman therapist does the same to a man it is the fault of the patient.
Fuck You
Not the user you're replying to but
>If a woman therapist does the same to a man it is the fault of the patient.
No it's not. No one said it's the patient's fault. This is the kind of unhealthy attitude the other user was talking about.
How does your rant justify the quotes from OP?
Therapists aren't cruel, this particular one was. Women can work as therapists, this particular woman shouldn't, though.
That's my point, instead of making it a huge issue with "therapists" or "women" in general, realize you got a bad match and move on. Report her or whatever if you think you should, but don't stop getting help just because you run into a bad person.
Giving up after meeting a bad person only hurts you, not them.
Jow Forums is the worst board 2nd to Jow Forums
Honestly, if that did happen and this isn't bait you might be able to sue, or at least get the session comped or something.
You came to her for help not to be ridiculed. A person in that position has to at least hold a professional face and make their clients feel welcome.
On a side note, when I was younger I wasn't chasing girls or trying to get laid and still lost my virginity at 16. I'm not all that great looking or anything, probably a 6 or 7 on a scale of 10. Not to be rude, but what's your excuse?
Maybe she just remembered a really funny youtube video or joke and it just happened to concide with when you told her that. I've started laughing at bad times just because I've remembered something funny.
if she's an experienced therapist, she could get the roots of your depression within an hour or so.
but it seems like her expertise is in relationships so you basically lucked out and went to an expert slut instead.
Lets move it to a physician then.
Female doc grabs your nuts and laughs
Male doc finger in pussy and laughs
I love this board because it is a massive salt mine.
Why do you need to make this an attack on OP's gender? How do you know she is not just a bad therapist that laughs when nervous?
You are assuming gender is the problem here, mate. It kinda looks like you want to play the victim.
>make a sweeping generalization about a profession based on your single anecdotal incident
Do what you said you would do right here
Not only are you mentally damaged, you're a complete fucking moron. You don't want help, you want pity.
>Why do you need to make this an attack on OP's gender? How do you know she is not just a bad therapist that laughs when nervous?
Because presumably OP was asking for advice on how to fix himself and not his therapist. If he wanted a bunch of sycophants to jerk his ego off he should have posted his pity story on Facebook
>Because presumably OP was asking for advice on how to fix himself
Learning that a single therapist doesn't represent all therapistsand that a single woman doesn't represent all women is a good first step for improving himself.
>>person who was "offered sex" thinking they understand my problems
I love this quote. It's banner worthy.
I didn't attach OP's gender, nor say female therapist can't do a good job but if you are male you should choose a male therapist. His perspective will be much different no matter what was learned from a book.
I literally fixed my crippling and suicide inducing depression by doing sport and cleaning my diet.
You compared it to sexual assault by a physician on a person of the opposite gender, which totally derails the focus from the fact that OP is generalizing from a single interaction and saying women shouldn't be therapists.
I support the idea of him going to a male therapist. Your comparison had nothing to do with that.
>being sad for not having a gf
do a flip
Unironically based
you don't need to be in a relationship to be happy, focus on what is bugging you and learn to fix it. doing things you like to do helps with something. if this shit is real then you can sue for malpractice. next time consider a better therapist, how did you even find this whorebag anyway?
>you don't need to be in a relationship to be happy,
>focus on what is bugging you and learn to fix it
Literally what
Guess it's time to do or die. Give women the retribution day that Elliot Rodgers dreamed of, but could never deliver on.
Your therapist isn't that bad, I once called my doctor and told him that I took too many sleeping pills and he told me to have a few drinks and get some rest.
Everyone in my life has been cruel to me, and now I have too add a therapist to that list too.