Once Saved, Always Saved

Israel may nuke us:
Repent and believe before it's too late. We are all sinners, every single one of us. Hell is a real place, and the wages of sin are death, but God has given us the gift of eternal life. His Son, Jesus Christ, is the Word manifest in the flesh. He came to save us. You only have to believe, and at that moment you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you are INDWELLED with the Holy Spirit and SEALED until the day of redemption. It is a gift that God will not take away. Few there be that find it.


There are no Israeli flags in this thread. This is a thread topic that, only weeks ago, several kikes always gravitated to. This is just another proof that their tactics have shifted back to memeflags, but mostly VPNs and kikes outside of Israel. Copy, paste and revise this if you'd like.

Jesus is Lord

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Other urls found in this thread:


So uh, we're they like psychos, or what?


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Faith without works is sin in the eyes of God and man

Prove it, otherwise you're just appealing to fear.

Define "Jew".

What if i just cast doubt? As satan has done to you and many others

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>Using Steven Anderson
Dudes a joke. Can't even teach the trinity. Screams and acts like a nigger when he tries preaching.

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True. Everything still stans though, you agree?

Obvious kikes will be ignored. Ad hominem and vague blanket statements are not valid criticisms.

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>Calls everyone he disagrees with a kike
>Disregards my pic

Even if you debunked natural history, you still wouldn't be proving anything about Jesus. Maybe God created everything at once only a few thousand years ago, but so what?

Passover > Feast of the Unleavened Bread > Sabbath Day

These are the days of Christ's death, burial and resurrection. The Jews were not allowed to work on those 3 days, symbolizing that we have entered into rest and GOD DID IT ALL.

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He really is a tool. youtube.com/watch?v=xJrptikLjq8

Then there is no pleasing you. You have no answers and only confusion. Go find the truth yourself if you only seek to scoff at and attack those who have.

Bring on the nukes you kike bastards, I'm over it

Stupid fucking meme. Eat shit protestcuck.

once saved, always saved is false doctrine Luke 8:13 et al

Why? Are you trying to imply there are good jews?

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I've looked over Christianity but found no truth there, but perhaps you could help. Why do you believe Jesus was resurrected?

Bobby Fischer and Jonas Salk seem to be the exceptions that prove the rule.

Don't deflect the question, kikel

Romans 2:27-28
For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Philippians 3:3
For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

Revelation 2:9 KJV
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 KJV
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Bobby doesn't count and don't know about the other one

I'm not reading your shit verses and your mental gymnastics thoughts memeflag

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Of course not, kike.

You can fuck off memeflag

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I just disproved your whole kike argument. The "memeflag" accusation is moot, as you are the one pushing the kike agenda and Israeli flags stopped being used a few days ago. You cheap bastards finally carved out a VPN budget.

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>Khazar theory


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Catholics learn stories instead of memorizing numbers, excuse my lack of citation.
>The groom found a man at the wedding feast, without a wedding garment. "Who is this?" He said, "Have him thrown out, where there is groaning and gnashing of teeth."
With direct reference
>I asked him who this multitude was. And the angel said "These are the Elect, who have washed their clothes in the blood of The Lamb."

>Faith without works is dead.

The actual answer is; Faith inspires works. But it is Grace that saves. As symbolized by The Blood.
And Grace is given and lost. Being "saved" doesn't rob us of free will, and free will is primary contributor to original sin.
... drinking a bit, but you get the idea.

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Repent and believe. All kikes will hang.

-Dr. Ariella Oppenheim says the average Palestinian has more Semitic DNA than 8 out of 9 "Israelis".

-Dr. Shlomo Sand says the "Jewish people" are completely made up.

-Dr. Arthur Koestler proved the "Jews" were made up in his book The 13th Tribe using archaeology, long before DNA science existed.

-And the latest is as of 2017, echoing all the following claims, Dr. Eran Elhaik.

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What an absolutely transparent kike. All it takes is a few buzzwords to activate the schizo gene.

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Show flag kike

>Dr. Shlomoshekelstein said this so it must be true

Are you even trying faggot?

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The memeflag argument fails. Go show me 3 threada with Israelis openly carrying in them. You won't. And this thread is about Israeli Nuclear News and Salvation through Jesus. The people I'm speaking to have no doubt who I am.

Show the flag already the only kike parasite here is you

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What causes more kvetching, proving that the jews have a blood claim to Palestine(((YOU))) or calling them a fraud using DNA science (me).

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer! To Him alone is all the glory and all the triumph.

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Amen, brother.

KJV is now saying that Jesus is from the tribe of JUDAS not Judah, wake the fuck up!
Dear God.

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The vampires in from dusk til dawn, havnt you ever seen that movie?

How many people are named 'Judas' in the Bible? Go ahead, I'll wait.

King James Version would not be that wrong, it would had been quit printing ages ago if it was. Something seriously disturbing is happening.

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Answer my question:

How many people are named "Judas" in the Bible?

(((Judas Iscariot)))

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KJV translates Hebrew originals using Hebrew names, and translates Greek originals using Greek names. That's why in the KJV New Testament you won't find any mentions of Elijah, he's named Elias instead. It's because that's how it is in the Greek the New Testament was written in. And that's why Judah becomes Judas.

How many people are named "Judas" in the Bible?

You are defending this heresy and call me kike? Fuck you kike

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>blaming satan for casting doubt
Maybe it's the unverifiable claims made by people who believe the bible is accurate.

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