John McAfee announced he is running for President as a Libertarian. Will you vote for him?

John McAfee announced he is running for President as a Libertarian. Will you vote for him?

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Snacks was truly a man ahead of his time.

Done. Sign me the fuck up. If he actually shoots his debate opponents on stage during the independent primaries I will felate him in any way he desires on the spot.

only after he eats his dick like he said he would otherwise just a lying pos like the rest of em

>Libertarian Party voter eager to suck cock

Fuck he is based and redpilled.

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voting is fake and gay

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Here's a verbatim quote for faggots too lazy to click the video link:
>“When I first joined the Libertarian party, two things stood out very starkly. One, 75% of you are men. Number two, 99.8% of you are white. Shame on you.”
If you have to join an edgy third party in support of liberty, join the American Constitution Party.

He pays women to shit in his mouth. No thanks

thats kind of turning me on OP, I'd get naked and fuck that things giant asshole, maybe crawl in it too.

i forgot he existed literally

No. He’s a moron.

>not fucking it's blowhole

You absolute fucking savage

So this is why the motherfucker is tweeting like a zoomer

i mean, i kinda wanna buy a button, but only if he eats his dick

If you have more than 400 dollars of revenue from an enterprise you have to file, even if you operate at a loss.. poor guy

He's a scat freak, no thanks.

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Do you know the situation where you can't really tell and you try to figure out if an e-celeb on the left is as stupid for real or if they are just trolling and acting, to make maybe money, more fame or whatever?
Well, McAfee is exactly like that with the difference that lefties and not someone like you think this of him.

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No u

>Will you vote for him?
No, I'm voting for Trump.

Suck cock or shoot people. Both at the same time is good too.

No, I'm voting for Biden

Everyone should watch that video.

paranoid are you, get some fresh air user.

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Pretty sure the whalefucker is m00t.

I am a Libertarian, I do not condone murder. I will NOT be voting for John.