Is America white?

Is America white?

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But according to her america is a white supremacist nation, so shouldn't that look like all white men?

>imagine writing basic bitch Facebook status updates like that.
>In a position like that.

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>when your only redeeming quality is being a shitskin


It will be again soon.

So she's admitting that she wants to change the fundamental principle that america was founded on?

tfw 'Black Hawk Down' Anniversary is celebrated in Congress

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of course.

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This sand-snigger needs to be shot dead, on camera preferably.

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I hate this brother-marrying fuck


Americans will learn how to be multicultural, god willing

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Could there be a there a market for Memri TV - Ilhan Omar memes?

Whiter than you Mohammed

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Diversity is our strength

Why was she married to her brother? and have 3 total marriage licenses out at the same time?
Whats the deal with this person?

Where is this map from?

I'm hoping that the pure glee with which she and others like her are saying fuck this country is going to wake some people up to what's going on?


America is a whore that can be anything you're willing to pay for.


For all those who questioned the wisdom of segregation, behold! I'd love to see the look on their smug jig faces when we told them we were reinstating mandatory segregation to protect whites from subversion and violent crime!

If only there was some literal, written, board rule that banned these kind of mindless shitposts, like:

>are X white.

A rule that results in banhammer and 404...

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>Jews change racial statistics to include hispanics
>some spic shoots a nigger
>MSM claims it's due to white supremacy

Do you not know how this works?

The future will look anti-semitic?

Please translate; I don't speak dune rune.

>Why was she married to her brother? and have 3 total marriage licenses out at the same time?
If those things turned out to be lies meant to tarnish her reputation would you then find it perfectly acceptable to have a Somalian Muslim serving in Congress?

Fuck off, Qatari.

precisely the reason i'll never acknowledge these actors as public servants, fwiw. they're political saboteurs and their mission is to D&C. they serve only to antagonize and divide america's middle class. they're on my permanent shitlist, along with anyone else involved in this detestable facade.

We asked for this.

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I dont think women or minorities of any kind should serve in congress, The constitution was written by, and for protestant white land owning males.

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It's literally in English you fucking mutt

No. America is a multinational Jewish empire.

i suppose this should go for trump too though. they're all equally bad regardless of what role they play.

She is not american. She is simply visiting and overstaying her welcome.

Time to go

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>tfw Muzzie
>tfw my parents despise this
>dad gets mad
>We are terrible at politics!
I agree dad.

Lefties are so pathetic. 100% programmed to judge everything based on optics they've been programmed to support.

Hows idea was mass-somaili imirgation into minnestao ? was that clinotn

>Minnesota fag here
She's not an American and I don't care what anyone says

Tbh, the mutt jokes are just as true as the shitting streets of India and I've come to accept that. It is what it is.

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Thank you leaf. Spot on

>She's not an American and I don't care what anyone says

even if she weren't somali, i don't consider do-nothing, career politician hacks american in the first place.

Wouldn't disagree with you there user

Ingrate. If it weren't for the United States she'd be a clit-less baby machine for some dirty fucking pirate or militia men.

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>she'd be a clit-less baby machine for some dirty fucking pirate or militia men.
Completely fine with me

Electric boogaloo 2: revenge of show niggers

america is a myth friendo

This seems to be the case.

> 68k likes on a world wide social media program
It’s over

>Is America white?
Yes, but there are a lot of non-Whites occupying the same geographic space as America, which is a problem. America is a nation, a people, and not a land mass.

No, those are just extras.

Oh no that sucks

>In a position like that.
fuck it's over isn't it?
we're just going to be taxed to death while being denied land, resources and any foreseeable future where we are happy by mudslimes and kikes until we die of cancer

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Ban the hijab.

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Ban Islam

Allah Akbar

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If She Were Christian It Wouldn't Matter!!! God Blesses Those who Bless ISRAEL!

Minnesota did this, wtf letting a sandnigger into Congress

Based Slovakia
Based Croatia
Based Poland
Based Hungary

White alliance stopping muslim invaders

Islam is redpilled
Only christcucks and kikes oppose Islam because they defend western values such as getting your wife blacked and eating creampies out of her pussy.
We should all revert to islam and smash degenerate western society

and allow non whites into the western hemisphere ya fuck off kike. nice meme flag pussy. free Robert. gas the kikes. soros must hang.

No. Representative democracy is a fucking ploy. Go back to your Muslim shithole if you want to rule.

if it didn't promote pedophilia and incest it would be redpilled af

على أساس و redpilled

The last bastion of the U.S resides in the northern midstates, like the Dakotos and Montana. Only shitskins here are those cunts living in the reservations, and who gives a shit about them.

The US is dead. We will not be getting new, cool things. It's over. The best we can do now is delay total collapse. Gibs, gibs, gibs. Social justice. All that nonsense. All our effort and wealth is spent on trying to survive in this decayed society and system. We won't achieve great things or gain new goodies because our plague is systemic.

Get used to it. Start trying to prepare your personal life for the collapse or becoming Brazil or South Africa. Don't look to ethnically homogeneous societies like Japan and long for what they have, because we will never get that. Multiculturalism precludes us from that. Celebrate diversity instead!

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Israel got the cash they need, they are on their own.. iran and Syria can do what they want.. trump tells the federal reserve to eat a bag of dicks. govt shut down.. small govt ron paul gun toating folks celebrate..

r u high kike? you about to enter the oven.

>I’m going to make a career out of having an “in your face” attitude

Demographics you fucking moron

amazing to think how effective even the most basic and primitive attempts at traditionalism can be

>that filename

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voter id.

THE FACT THAT DEMS WANT TO END THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE AND STOP THE BORDER WALL... ya hi, my name is npc and even i see the blowback to this. the people funding this shit and the caravans, are about to meet ropes.