Was she right?

Was she right?

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Vikings are overrated

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yeah, she was right

if anything was valuable, it was shit that vikings stole from somewhere else anyway. They already have plenty of Byzantine and Arab shit in museums

who cares about savages?

u will be erased from the histories

She's still alive?

yes? If Sweden cared about their heritage they wouldn't pay somalians to literally dick down their women

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We are going to kill every last nigger, spic, arab, and Jew within the next 100 years.

Waste not want not.

Welcome, esteemed guests!


Why isn't she exiled? That's an attack on their country's culture.

Did they ever get their crowns and jewels back from that big heist?

Who cares,Jesus is GOD and niggers lazzzzzzzzy

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no lmao

she gets a pass cos she cute.

Whites will soon be expunged from the history books and history all together.

All of our accomplishments and inventions will be re-written as having been created by blacks and other shitskins.


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It's true in a way the order is about new finds not what is already in the museums it was made partly to put a cap on new research funding. Either way there are private orgs, collections and or museums in other countries that would pay buy the items for more then the scrap value and pay for the research. She is a filthy nigger for making the decision

I can't wait till they melt down the federal reserve. It's a shitty fan fic part of history anyway.

I'm pretty sure this is fake shit. This would not happen without major protests from other government bodies dedicated to preserving stuff.

In Scandinavian countries, ministers usually don't have this micromanaging power. They are also limited by the law, and Scandinavian laws peohibits any destruction of Viking artifacts (at least in Norway, I am pretty sure Sweden has similar laws).

We also have preservation agencies semi-independent of the government in charge of this shit (they are public agencies, but the direct authority from the relevant departments are limited).

are you sure you're thinking of Sweden?