He's literally going 14/88 on Twitter

He's literally going 14/88 on Twitter
What happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The time for arguments is over, it seems.

What does he think he's steve jobs or something?
Hopefully he gets colon cancer or something

>He's literally going 14/88 on Twitter
>What happened?

It's nothing that he hasn't said before at one time or another.

Race IQ and demographic shift hit him hard. He's not an idiot, he's taken the blackpill even if he won't admit it.

the left is aware of the libertarian to fascism pipeline because it's a logical inevitability. You want other people to not infringe on your rights but then you see people coming into your land to take away your rights.

Kek and checked

poland is a shithole

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That was uncalled for Frantisek Zizek

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He went on a spirit journey in Poland

Maybe he forgot he's Jewish?

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Molyneux is fucking based now. Expect him to be deplatformed soon.

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it's nicer than czech imo

He was losing followers fast. I was on Gab when he asked his followers what subject they wanted him to talk about. About 90% of people said Jews and he ignored it. He can’t talk about Jews directly so he is pushing the boundaries.

Can’t stand the guy personally. He has a superiority complex and so he feels he has to flex it in all his videos. And honestly his content is subpar. He really isn’t the philosophical genius he thinks he is.

he's always talked about this shit

t. has more pornstars and prostitutes per a capita than anywhere else

lol good call, that's literally his Twitter avatar look.

im glad he is pushing the race IQ thing.

its true. and he cant get fired.

a year ago i posted about this on twitter and got fired from my job

he is a bit creepy but its good he is doing this

Proofs? Thought not... It's all so tiresome.

He finally realized literally no one cares or pays attention to anything anyone else ever does.

topkek wtf is this?
>Joe Rogan
At least Braving Ruin is on there

He was literally diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. As far as I know, he's healthy now.

That doesn't make you a fashy.

I liked his old content. The race/IQ thing is as far as he'll go, which is a shame because it's a bullshit metric. He's going to hang on to it as long as possible to try and satisfy his new radical demo without addressing the JQ.

> Civnat drops that kike meme after Mid-Term results
All Whites ended up doing this because Demographics is Destiny .

Don't ask me, ask David Brock. Everyone to the right Marx is slated for deplatforming by 2020..

kill yourself nigger.

fucking digusting

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>Doxx Holiday
>Mundane Matt
>Ray Gun

People openly opposed to the alt-right are now also alt-right. Down is Up. Men are women if they want to be. Fuck do people even try make sense anymore?

checked and keked


It does after you realize rights only exist to the extent they can be defended. And in a democracy, if you're outnumbered by ideological enemies, your rights can't be defended.

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stephan is an idiot

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His takes are bluepilled af tbqh.
It was cool for the first few days but now he's just autisticly going on and on about muh IQ and muh racism against whites.
This is stuff we've been talking about for years how is he only figuring this shit out now

key example of the abyss staring back back

he visited Poland recently... this what happens when you come here and see the ethnostate for yourself

fucking gwoth

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*piano keys begin to play*

He needs to host a few hours here and there on Infowars.

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I always thought there was a libertarian to fascism (authoritarian ultranationalism) pipeline... Is this something people talk about?

>I liked his old content.
Yes indeed.
His dissertation on natural morality is excellent.

We did.
In a simpler time, libertarianism seemed possible and beautiful. People eventually realized that it is was a naive utopian view and only possible if everyone is all willing to participate, but if people reject the principles it collapses. This leads to a greater realization about society as a whole and the way it shifts with demographics and the threats of multiculturalism, and then we start getting a bit fashy as we start to see that even our current society and culture has been under attack for decades.

>got fired from my job

what company?

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Evidence is a powerful thing my friend, he saw Poland, he felt it, now he wants that or us.

Pretty much my exact transition about 4-5 years ago. Weird.




Same. We all start as libertarians. Unfortunately, "live and let live" doesn't work if no one intends to extend the same courtesy to you.

This seems to happen to just about everyone exposed to Jow Forums.
For the first year or two you argue your point of view, but slowly your old positions change and transform.

By the third or fourth year, you're basically a nazi.
It happens to lolbergs, it happens to libtards, it happens to SJW's. I think the only ones who can escape it are the ideological zealots that have faith in their beliefs bordering on the religious.

revealing this reveals my identity.

was a well known game company tho

Yep. Would be nice, but it is not possible under current circumstances.

We're about 5 to 10 years away from Spanish Civil War.

This. You have to be a literal retard at this point to not recognize the Race & IQ issue.

Hes a jew. Enough

are you that anglo who used tranny hashtags?

Talking about race & IQ = going 14/88

He doesn't talk about the Jews at all.

0:53 second mark


He looks like the lead singer of Die Kürbisse Kaputtschlagen.

nah. mine was a bit more based than this.

anyway. its good the more he talks about it. the taboo around race and IQ is just a way to exert power over white people that say anything pro white or against immigration.

That assumes they were ever really American. Most don't identify as such so it wouldn't really be a Civil War.

I despise fascism but it seems like it’s the inevitable when you find yourself outnumbered by people who only want to plunder what’s yours and couldn’t give two shits about the principles of liberty anyway.

I wouldn't even say "fascism" is the inevitable response. Our own founders said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It's been a long time, and the tree is getting thirsty.

He wants to continue fucking Lauren Southern, and has identified that this type of behavior is what makes her babypath moist.

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He wants to remain relevant.


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That's true, I mostly meant in ideological terms.

>feels he has to flex it in all his videos
like this?


Taleb actually liked one of my tweets in this battle.. which i am going to have framed.. lol

Part of me really does wish his recent sympathies towards Christianity, Whites as a collective, and Nationalism is earnest....

But then again he could just be a smart enough opportunist to smell which direction the winds are changing.

He used to have a guy that worked for him, I think his name was Michael or something. 95% sure he's fired him because of loss of income. He's been doing a lot of youtube live streams for the superchat shekels recently.

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Is BR active anywhere anymore?

Post of the Day.

Ultimately his main focus is shekels. He’s been going harder at this because he recognized a trend. His followers want to see it. It’s good to see that no matter how hard they try, more and more people are mentioning the JQ on social media.

I can’t stand this guys voice, he sounds like such a douche bag

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He freebased the redpill instead of taking it as a suppository as intended.

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His mother is not jewish ergo he isn't. Only his paternal grandmother was jewish.

he visited poland and saw how nice a white country is

Stefan Molyjew is a fuckin shill

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"Fascism" won't work either, not even this next time by learning from uncle Adolf's mistake.

The only real solution is a global collapse which will bring back tribalism, i.e. applying the core fundamentals of libertarianism and national-socialism but inside a very tight knit group where ostracism will be the death sentence of any dissenters.

You can't seriously expect "white fascism" to be applied everywhere in the West at the same time and not having other empires like Russia or China not be willing to intervene from the generated chaos and invade our land.
Only a global economic collapse can save us at this point, all other "political solutions" are bound to fail because they feign ignorance that the world isn't already globalized.

>Stefan is a shill
yeah, I don't know
How many other 382,000 follower Twitter accounts are saying shit like pic related?

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Keked and checked

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Yes. Done.


HE's become stale and he's in need of a new market

It is quite tiresome

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If a jew said the sky was blue would you believe it?

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His video on IQ is embarrassing and only shows that he didn't even understand Taleb's points. He needs to take some classes on statistics and probability.

OOOOOOO massa, you gonn make me squrt

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Fuckin' kikes.

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Been reading some Uncle Ted lately, user?

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Did he redeem himself yet from his vid on jews not being the bad guys?

I'm guessing he's talking/slowly being convinced by cultured-thug and finally seeing the light.

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Varg, is that you?

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He's throwing a bone to his audience who want him talk about JQ, but he's a coward he will never touch it. It became very clear that hes controlled opp after the synnagogue shooting that he's more interested in defending kikes than to speak truth about jewish power

He will never be redeemed after THAT video.

That solidified him as a kike shill who is possible a kike himself.