Why can't we declare war on Mexico?

Seriously haven't previous wars been justified on much less than allowing/leading a full-blown demographic takeover and invasion?

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Because Mexico isn't anywhere near Israel.

What's fighting Mexico going to do to remove taco already on our side of the border? That effort would be better spent with an Operation: Wetback 2.0.

Yes ,im with you. I have been saying for years we should just invade mexico and add a bunch of new states, take control of their resources and rule the fucking world with them because mexico is LOADED but they are stupid, so the resources go untapped. We could annex the entire country of Mexico and fund and progress the nation and new states on Mexico alone. It would fix a lot only, they can't have any part in elections until 50 years have passed then we should be able to accommodate the government accordingly.

In the old days people would act and the government would catch up. Nowadays, people are pussies waiting for the government to take action.

When you declare war on an enemy nation, do you just let the invaders or their people just keep living in your land or do nothing to them?
Deport the fuck out of them and/or intern them, that's what we would do.

or just pull a Yugoslavia and ETHNICALLY CLEANSE THE FUCKING TACOS

Hey Blondie

I am one of the Tacos


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legal or firing squad?

Who gives a shit, if SHTF and we knew you weren't on board with the general goal and actively serving as a fifth column in the way I would gladly fucking get rid of you to achieve a US saved from this ZOG bullshit.

LoL! Legal cavron.

ok then you should be fine depending on loyaltys.

>We get to kick their asses for a 3rd time AND they have to cede even more territory

Because Mexico isn't solely responsible. Spics are coming here from all over Central America.

The thing is, they could just go to Panama. It's a US puppet state with pretty good standards of living, to think that they'd trek all the way to the US instead of going next door is in itself proof that it's a movement to ethnically replace white Americans.

It's not that we CAN'T, it's WHY WOULD WE?
Mexico's biggest domestic export is Mexican's, and we damn sure don't need any more of them here, that's for damn sure.
Wall them off, and let them starve. Then we can take what's left.

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please do come and conquer, we all want to be muricans

Because what's the point? We can't possibly eradicate 129 million people in a practical amount of time. It took Hitler years to exterminate 12 million. We are talking over 10 times that number down there. So it will take decades to do it systematically, which means a prolonged occupation and tons of resources spent in an area that is inhospitable. We can't nuke it. We probably can't use chemical warfare. It's too close to us and we have too many business interests over there. So we are fucked.

Edit: we are fucked unless we build a wall.

>implying 12 quadrillion died in the holohoax

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>12 million
kek it just keep going up, keep going rabbi, we're in need of some humor.
pic unrelated

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Because kikes don't plan on building an ethnostate in Spic-land.

But is near to Venezuela & Cuba.

Because Mexico wasnt Socialist, now it is and its starting to defend Venezuela & Cuba, so a military action will be a thing if this commie fuck starts to mess with the US

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wouldn't be pretty smart when more than half your country is against you