People are browsing Jow Forums right now that are offended by the 14 words

Seriously think about this. Use your critical thinking skills.
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
This is self preservation (the most basic instinct of any group) and we're demonized for it. Replace the word 'white' with any other race or ethnicity and everyone will overwhelming agree that group needs to be preserved. The white race on the other hand should be destroyed and you're an evil "white supremacist" if you disagree. I love my family, my nation, and my race and I don't give a shit who is offended by that. These people should be preserved.

Attached: 43534570.png (718x405, 604K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lies. You lie.
These are three different species:
Homo sapiens
Homo erectus

We must secure an arctic homeland for our people not occupied by Europeans and a future for Novuteran children.

Now watch the chimpout.

Attached: threeentirelydifferentspecies.png (1000x1610, 2.03M)

Attached: 1541871155236.png (1080x1920, 1.16M)

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-12-13 16-40-41.png (1332x542, 84K)

Attached: Novutera 101.png (2480x3508, 3.3M)

For some reason, the 19 words and this image triggers America.

Attached: PASSPORT.png (1748x2480, 204K)

should start a "black 14 words meme" spread it on twater and instatramp. once it catches on and niggers start adopting it expose its origin. most will not see the irony but a few will take the pill.

post nose with dimensions

>arctic society
>military colors are black and red

Attached: Abolish the White Race.jpg (464x508, 72K)

>arctic society
>military colors are black and red
You have a better suggestion?

Attached: 1527839082139.jpg (1131x707, 55K)

3 of those are the same girl

>implies I must be some kike and tells me to post nose
Christ, the power of Novutera is too much for Amerimutts and their jew faggot masters.

Attached: Novuteran State.png (500x500, 10K)

Attached: 1507440249730.png (612x432, 197K)

What? That's six different females.

Attached: 1542849164482.png (777x1488, 655K)

It doesn't trigger us, we just think it's funny.

Attached: 1486217390783.jpg (500x335, 56K)

No Novutera ever! YOU NO LEAVE! You our slave forever! OOK OOK OOK!

Attached: 1544666213525.png (600x487, 125K)

The party colors are Black, Red and Bronze.

Attached: NSC Imperial Army Flag.jpg (800x480, 169K)

Attached: FukUkIk3.png (731x219, 77K)

nigger kikes and mutts are browsing Jow Forums, how is that surprising? also the feds, and whoever else. of course our enemies are trying to find out what we're up to.

I'm supposed to have loyalty to your gay ass country? And not sucking Jew and Amerimutt dick makes me a kike? Has it ever occured to you I want your country nuked to oblivion with Israhell? Oh my, I swear by the void, you profligates make me kek.

The 14 words don't bother me.

Attached: ph0qn3i14u4z.png (460x480, 69K)

That's the chimpout I wanted. Fukken saved, m8. If I knew this was the power of Novutera, I'd have became NS in elementary school.

Attached: Welcome To Novutera.jpg (620x1102, 629K)

Attached: 1540933686575.png (640x1024, 304K)

The Jew S. Gay will balkanize and let us fucking leave freely. I'm not paying you $5k to leave Amerimuttica. You're going to balkanize and get the fuck out of my way or kick me out or open the door and let me walk out. Fucking Americans, christ. It truly is too much for them. They can't handle it.

Attached: 1544688943820.png (1251x570, 654K)

We can leave freely or violently but you won't force me to stay in Jew Asskissrica. Fuck off and stay mad at Novuteran secession.

Attached: When_!.png (539x223, 26K)

25 replies
15 posts by this ID
This is why your people were expelled from every country you ever lived in. The 14 words offend you. We get it.

Attached: 2345246.jpg (474x266, 35K)

Wtf is nuvenuttella?

We should all separate until it is impossible to breed with one another and each colonize separate worlds to populate with our own respective species' but you Amerizogbot mutts with your pecan pies and fried cornbread sweet tea ten gallon hat collection has never passed one constitutional amendment for a member of my species to walk to the border, walk out and leave. Unlike in Spicland, Honduramalesalvexico, walking out of the USGay with no passport is fucking illegal and you can go to prison and get interrogated by DHS and the NSA and every other ZOG alphabet agency for trying to leave without one. Fuck kikemerica. I'd rather die fighting one of your militias when you faggots inevitably go to civil war than be a fucking slave to your American citizen faggotry. My people aren't Jewish, you jew cum swallower. We've never been kicked out. If you weren't retarded you'd see that. expelled from every country we ever lived in? When did we become the new kikes?! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. YOU FUCKING NIGGER, I WANT TO BE KICKED OUT. Oh no! He must hate the 14 words!!! He's going to be kicked out! I LOVE THE 14 WORDS, YOU HATE THE 19 WORDS, KICK ME OUT. FUCK THE UNITED STATES AND ISRAEL.

Uh hello?!, we want out of America! Let us go so we can have our own country. Fuck.

They are offended... only when it's applied to white people. When it's applied to their own peoples, they are OKAY with it.

it's a loaded term, and most people that say it are super unhinged so yeah, fix your own shit if you want allies. sry


Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x263, 21K)

Good idea. White and teal with bronze but only domestically.

this your first time, buddy?

Their future is already secure, so when you say that, you really mean just shitting on everyone else more. It's not self preservation when you have all the resources for success. Don't be retarded.

So not inspired, whatch this instead.

You do know that greenland isn't currently, and at no point in its history has it ever been, white. Right?
The small population that lives there is overwhelmingly eskimo.

It's 11% White. If we can kill the Inuit and the Whites sell Greenland to us, we can rise.