ANZUS is Australia, New Zealand, and the United States forming a defense pact against anyone that attacks either of us. We came as brothers and have one of the closest relationships in the world.
How the fuck are you two doing down their?

Attached: POST_180831_ACTIONPLAN_anzus_treaty.jpg (1920x1080, 882K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what are you on about we have been suspended since 1985


NZ fucked it because of their left wing faggot party and the US has no obligation to come to our aid anyway.

> in late 2012 the United States lifted a ban on visits by New Zealand warships leading to a thawing in tensions. New Zealand maintains a nuclear-free zone as part of its foreign policy and is partially suspended from ANZUS, as the United States maintains an ambiguous policy whether or not the warships carry nuclear weapons and operates numerous nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines; however New Zealand resumed key areas of the ANZUS treaty in 2007
Seems only partially and recently you're back in.

Lol no, yank navy is still blocked from coming

Still salty about never being mentioned when Americans talk about wars they have fought if i am honest.
Still salty that Americans claim the victory for the Kokoda trail as well.

>NZ fucked it because of their left wing faggot party
who cares, americans don't let our exports in tariff free anyway so why should be accommodate them

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That is not something to be proud of, your country is so cucked by fucking hippies that you have banned the most powerful navy in the world from coming near your country because they have nukes, get over yourself NZ, you are only a country because Australia didn't want a 7th state.

>The Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) invited the United States Navy to send a vessel to participate in the RNZN's 75th Birthday Celebrations in Auckland over the weekend of the 19-21 November 2016. The guided-missile destroyer USS Sampson became the first US warship to visit New Zealand in 33 years. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key granted approval for the ship's visit under the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act 1987, which requires that the Prime Minister has to be satisfied that any visiting ship is not nuclear armed or powered

>You are only a country because Australia didn't want a 7th state.
No we are in your Constitution but you just can't stop obsessing about how we dropped you
it was birthday celebrations

You don't deserve sovereignty.

How can we prevent this?

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nigga fucking tuvalu has sovereignty

And what has come of that?
Maoris are fucking retarded and the white people in your country are all mutts.
But hey, at least you are welcoming all the refugees no worries so they can get into Australia easy right?

No idea why anyone ever thought it was a good idea to let you pricks govern yourselves.

>No idea why anyone ever thought it was a good idea to let you pricks govern yourselves.
I can taste the salt all the way from here

kill all politicians

This is a good thing.

>either of us
any of us

Attached: socialismlol4.png (500x501, 86K)

It's like watching your little brother date a black woman with 3 children.

We are going to protect the shire, we
like hobbits.

Where is Aus/Pol/!

That's not how it works, read a book friendo.

I have yet to make one and all you phoneposting faggots are rangebanned from making threads.
I will make on alright?

>It's like watching your little brother date a black woman with 3 children.
You are completely jealous of a country a fifth of the size of you for even existing LMAO

>basing a whole country off a film from 2001

Yeah it's a pretty island
aus/pol/ here fags

we’re both being colonised by China so as to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, please send help.

Can I move to Colorado or Texas? I’m sick of this shithole

This is good, because an accident could lead to a runaway fission chain reaction renting a hole in space time, which would ultimately result in our universe being swallowed whole into another dimension, kind of like a event horizon/singularity black hole kind of situation.
I'm certain that's why they're banned.

This to be honest, If America was really our friend they would trade and export with us but instead they let china take over their military bases.
Would think the USA would be keen to keep china out considering all of the USA spying is done from Australia.

>We came as brothers and have one of the closest relationships in the world.

this nigga been sparking, NZ is about to get kicked out of 5 eyes for selling military secrets to the Chinese

>please send help.
crates of ar-15's would be nice, hint, hint

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>NZ is about to get kicked out of 5 eyes for selling military secrets to the Chinese
can i get some links?

America should just go full Hawaii on NZ and make it their 51st state, i feel like Trump could save NZ, Australia is probably a lost cause.

>America should just go full Hawaii on NZ and make it their 51st state,
fucking eew

best ally!
>3 July 1950 – Eight P-51 Mustangs of No. 77 Squadron RAAF strafed and destroyed a train carrying thousands of American and South Korean soldiers who were mistaken for a North Korean convoy in the main highway between Suwon and P'yongtaek, resulting more than 700 casualties. Before the attack, the Australian pilots had been assured by the United States 5th Air Force Tactical Control Centre that the area under attack was in North Korean hands. However, 20 minutes prior to an attack, the 5th Air Force Tactical Control Centre received intelligence that the area might be under American hands and told the Australian pilots to hold their fire. One Australian pilot ignored the order, believing the train was carrying North Korean forces. The pilot then strafed the train and his squadron followed the lead as well.

900 casualties. beware Burgers, the Day of the Grill is coming


I might have exaggerated a bit

Not too good aye.

Chinks are meddling with our politics but the governing party refuses to acknowledge it out of fears our trade ties will China will be cut.

A professor at my UNI had been writing reports about chinese meddling in AU/NZ. She had her house broken into and nothing but storage devices and documents stolen, plus she had her brakes sabotaged.

I'm in the south Island atm, what's up with the yellow and blue mail boxes I see everywhere?

Like this?

It's just some cheap mailbox designed for our UV conditions

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cheers cunt


What part of the south you at m8?

Btw don't go to the ((diverse)) north island or ((christchurch))

What would you do to stop them?
Ask Australia for help?

>Ask Australia for help?

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Nice. Too bad Kiwi's can't shoot their own guns

atm I'm around the glaciers, just cane down from dunedin. already been to Christchurch, it seems odd to comment about diversity when there are maoris everywhere. glen orchy is my favourite so far fucking gorgeous

>Nice. Too bad Kiwi's can't shoot their own guns

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It is bad enough that you cunts are dumb enough to think guns are banned in Australia but NZ?
wtf have you been smoking exactly?

Attached: guns in aus.jpg (716x1056, 112K)

The American education system
It's bad enough that most Americans think NZ is a part of Australia

I've been to both your countries actually. You cunts can't shoot your Cat A & B guns unless they're at the range.

And both you twats need to PROVE your need for a weapon before issued a license. Fucking ghey.

Thank you second amendment! Murica!

It's not really a defence pact, the U.S. is not bound by the treaty to actually defend Australia or NZ if attacked, they can merely choose to do so which is why Australia sucks Americas dick on foreign policy and joins them in every pointless war

Based Burger
NZ & Oz are ghey communist shitholes

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Yeah i would feel really safe if all these African youths had easy access to a gun.
Only city people can't have them because i sure as shit am allowed to shoot a cat on my property, i can shoot it with an AR15 if i want to.

fuck off roonigger, airsofts don't count. even the licensed ones

Attached: ausfalia.png (767x654, 101K)

>we're totally free amerifat we can do whatever we want!
>well okay we're not free, but I don't even want to be free anyway!

>You cunts can't shoot your Cat A & B guns unless they're at the range.
What are you on about A Cat is the general license and everyone who hunts uses a A Cat

Modern Air rifles are more powerful than a .22 mate.
Try picking on something stupid like paintball guns needing a license, that is fucking retarded.
Or crossbows needing a license but compound bows being unregulated.

Nobody here is your friend
kys meme flaggot

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NZ is a lost cause.

You mean sportered 303s you cunts sell at Gun City. Yeah fuck that I spent a year in Invercargill and all I could fucking shoot was a lame 9mm and some air soft guns

Allow only people of 4th generation NZ ancestry to purchase property and businesses. Also have it solidified in the bill of rights (our constitution) that every 25 years it is increased by 1 more generation. That would be a start. Chinks BTFO

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Still NEED to PROVE it to your local police before you can ever own one though...

just have the chinese exclusion act reinstated

and pay 200 dollaridoos and self defence isn't an option, NZ is fucking ghey desu

But how could speculating boomers keep making money? They need a new boat, and the 2016 bmw is looking dated. Plus their strong independent daughter wants to do a gap year in Europe.

> Motherfuckers are in for a hig wakeup call in the next decade as chinese influence expands and reveals itself as masked Han conquest..

Theyll blame us though. No foresight, and this assumptuon they can just keep running away from the problems by moving....

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boomers can't die off soon enough

You people are thinking too small. We need to think bigger.

We need the ANGLOSPHERE.

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>We need the ANGLOSPHERE.

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This but without cucked britain

Brits always bullying the potatoniggers

To be fair the Irish exist to be bullied, they are the niggers of Europe.

>what is poland

those poor white niggers
true polish are more niggardly than irish