Benjamin Shapiro

What does Jow Forums think of Ben Shapiro? Much of his views are similar to a majority of the board.

Is he an exception to the Jewry or is he sub-human?

Would he be a great man if he simply wasn't a Jew?

Just curious

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Israel has universal healthcare, which he denies americans.

He's a zionist shill.

Zionist Milhouse.

He's also a manlet half a fag at minimum who would get trounced by the typical shemale.

conservative gatekeeper / jew overlord, hes like the Jordan Peterson of the right

I've been thinking this for a long time. I've listen to him for a long time, and although he's snarky, I love the little Jew. He's extremely smart. But fuck, He's still a Jew. Maybe if the right Christian came around, he could be persuaded to convert. Conservatively, he's great. But he's still an Israeli loving Jew. goddammit.

Israel has like 40k people.

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Well then now the question is is Jew an ethnicity or a religion and can someone become or be no longer 'Jewish'

Uninformed; quick rundown on Jordan Peterson? thanks

Understandable position desu

He’s fine.

benjamin muh halacasut shapiro.

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i think his sister´s hot

The moment he thinks he can damage anything right wing he cucks hardcore, typical jewish sleeper agent

that wasn't really her but whatever,... this is one is though.

He's typical materialistic jew looking to exploit things for his benefit:

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i wanna believe

classical leftist drag queen

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Jews, like Asians, do tend to look like other jews. The signature hair, teeth, and snout. Maybe there are some genetic aspects. It if wasn't for those brows on Shapiro, he'd look like another white dude to me. But honestly, who cares? I'm more of an idealist so if Shapiro denounced his Jewness, he'd definitely be more favorable.

We can’t stand his slimy neocon ass. Next question.

I think he's a bit of a charlatan. I do like a lot of his ideas, but I'm noticing he's contradicting himself more and more. My guess is he's now being handled by CAA. He's not very trustable in my book anymore.

More goddamn eceleb threads.

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The only way to no longer be Jewish is to accept Christ.

first in the oven

>But honestly, who cares? I'm more of an idealist so if Shapiro denounced his Jewness, he'd definitely be more favorable.
second in the oven

Christ is a Jew.

He is a piece of shit. Blatant double standards on ethno-nationalism. Should've seen him scrambling on twitter when the Syria withdrawal was announced. Little snake kike bitch.

We don't have universal healthcare we simply force people to get health insurance by law , insurance providers still have to compete for customers

He attacks his allies when it benefits his own worldview
He defends his adversaries when it benefits his own worldview
Literal fence-sitter

Real Americans Stand With Israel

Your fedora is a little tight this evening, user.

He is the definition of controlled opposition. Everything he says is a lie and an act designed to spout a "conservative" narrative sans the realization that almost everything wrong with the world is because of jews.


His good Trump bad Trump routine makes him a little weasel, especially when cucking on Maher's show. Deport to Israel.

He's pro-Israel. Israel is sucking this country dry

>He's extremely smart

It would appear you are extremely stupid, in fact.

he is a hypocrite and does everything he accuses his imagined "left" of doing. over simplistic tool.

Our wieners touched once. True story.

He's a neocon kike.


Controlled opposition funded by a billionaire Texas neocon.

His job is to serve as a gatekeeper and keep you slaves firmly on the neocon pasture and away from things like nationalism or populism.

His college tour is astroturfed via student organizations funded by the same billionaire.

Read Jordanetics. It will refute entirely his 12 rules book and show you why he should be regarded as an evil charlatan

He's not entirely wrong, though. Christ was of the tribe of Judah, and a descendant of David, which is indeed a Jew. Being from the tribe of Judah was a notable honor, as they were the only tribe who stayed (relatively) true to God. The same can't be said about the Pharisees or the myriad of tribes (some of whom worshiped things such as Moloch) who conspired to create a new religion in the wake of the destruction of Israel (as prophesied by Jesus). If anything, the real Jews are Christians.

Revelations 2:9 says: "I know your affliction and your poverty— though you are rich! And I am aware of the slander of those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan."

It is literally going against the word of Christ to refer to these people as Jews.

holy shit fuck off

>Israel has like 40k people.
It's 9 million, ya dip. And it doesn't matter anyway. It could be managed with a properly functioning government.

He's the literal definition of a shyster

> our ideas are relitvely the same

Spare me

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Would be refreshing to have someone with an IQ higher than me in the White House for once in my life.

she has nudes, google "lavon affair"