What's your favorite redpill?

What's your favorite redpill?

Attached: OrangePill.jpg (2150x1210, 1.18M)

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Cannabis and some psychedelic drugs should be legal. Most people could benefit greatly from them.

Anyone who uses terms like 'redpill' unironically is a fucking retard whos opinions should be ignored.

hitler was a jew.

jews don't exist

Attached: going IN.jpg (447x398, 19K)

Yeah until the high school students get them and they drop out and take more welfare checks straight from your taxes

2D is superior to 3D

yeah i'm sure it's students experimenting with cannabis and hallucinogens taking your taxes and not overbreeding "inner city youth"

Can someone post the gay infographic that is the LGBT flag and it has different facts like how so many of them are pedophiles and shit


Attached: 1527840448689.jpg (500x582, 32K)

The (((elites))) are creating hell on Earth to force God to intervene to ultimately prove whether or not he exists.

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>clutches Pearls
Wont somebody think of the children!

Muslims and their hatred of Jews, actually makes them the good guys.

The west will get it's next hitler no matter what we do.


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jews love niggers

people are generally ok


Jews shouldn’t exist, user.

looks like a carrot

probably the secret space program and all the hidden tech thats 100+ years advanced.


Theres an E.T base on the moon. Thats why we haven't went back and don't plan on it. China wants to, but they will be terrified with what they find and probably do the same thing as the U.S and gtfo of there and never return.

Attached: wakeup.jpg (720x487, 46K)


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ADL, FBI, CIA and SPLC informants who infiltrated nationalist groups and movements across America.

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That the Jews are a priest class for Alien overlords.

Based christianbro.
Jews will be killed, insha’Allah

Hang on OP- are you telling me right now that orangutangs don't actually exist?

we can think this all we want user but you eventually have to realize you can't fuck something if it doesn't have a 3rd dimension

That or the orangutan is slowly evolving into a human starting from the finger.

He is eating parts of a human

Women have no free will and consciousness is radically different from that of a man’s

Women are underdeveloped men, on all fronts.

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anyone saying that woman is beautiful is not being subtle

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