Why do women hate short guys so much?

What makes them abominate them so much for just being a little bit short?

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That's mean

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idk, but I'm 6'4" and I love shortstacks
women my height or close are awkward to have sex with, but my bepis is always in the right place with shortstacks

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There's nothing worse than an ugly woman with high standards.

status issues - theyre in constant competition with eachother.


You can see the mileage in her wrinkles. She'll pay the roast toll soon.

You deserve to be killed

Quads checked out. Simple answer is materialism.

When you think about a lot of movies the main character is usually attractive tall guy and these days even a ham planet (obese) can get laid with someone fairly attractive so standards are unnecessarily high as such.

Point is that the materialism has gotten through so many women's head that this behaviour (looking down on Hobbits, males particularly) is becoming more of a common occurrence.

They don't. They hate weak betas with no confidence. If your short, you just have to up your game in other areas.

Source: 5'7, an absolute fucking unit. Bench 225 and push more peter than most dudes that are 6ft. Confidence and competence. Everything else is fucking secondary.

Also, unironically go for taller women. Most girls over 5'9 are self conscious about their own height and fall into the "awkward tall girl" category... I've oddly been with a few women that were 5'9-5'11... A girl that got teased for her height most her life isn't going to judge someone about their height.


Because women like feeling small. Being with a taller man makes them feel safe and protected.


what are you fucking gay or something

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Its irrelevant how woman views you.Its all about how you enslave her

10/10 would fuck

If you're a white man under 5'10" everyone is constantly laughing at you behind your back.

This midget is actually right about tall girls.

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It's pretty well studied that short guys get immediate low respect from girls and guys alike because of how pathetic they look.

Tall girls are always looking for even taller guys that make them look smaller in contrast though

>A girl that got teased for her height most her life isn't going to judge someone about their height.
A lot of tall lanky women nearing 6" that I've had to work with were low-key sour as fuck in general because they are almost as undesirable as obese women.

>small dicks

>Jow Forums use to laugh at manlets
>now the manlets are here and they get offended if exposed as the manlet they are.

What the fuck happened to this board. When you god damn manlets ever learn.

If you have spaghetti arms, dress like a ten year old and watch anime all day, you're right.

Seriously fags, confidence. and Competence. Can't say it enough. Be good at things. And be outgoing. Use body language that projects both. I've been short my entire life. Still managed to slay into the double digits and get married / have kids.

Iv always preferred shorter girls too m8. Absolute dynamite in the bedroom.

not true, you clearly don't leave your basement. Tall girls are self conscience about their height (not all), some date smaller guys.

back to what i said faggot, if you look pathetic, it's because you haven't stepped foot outside, in the gym, or into a career that demonstrates a high level of competency. When you are at least average to slightly above average in the cock department, and have decent musculature, women aren't really even paying attention to height.

Only by their own refusal to be with guys shorter than they are.

Hence....sour is self imposed.

Lol ok little guy

This is anecdotal, but 23 year old me hooked up with / dated a 19 year old who was 5'11. I was literally the first guy that ever approached her. She had a serious "guys are afraid to approach me becuase im taller then most of them" complex and literally was as depressed as most landwhales are despite being a solid 8/10. Tbqfh, she was elated that a dude even was willing to talk to her...again, confidence.

Who dis tiddies?

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>be me
>still a virgin
>be friend
>has 2 kids and is about to marry his 5’7 gf
I’ve had opportunities but I always crash and burn, confidence is really all you need

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I’ll be at my second party this week tomorrow, dork.

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Wow, I'm 5'6 and a half and I might try this.

Good for you fag, but still doesn't refute that your statement is anecdotal.

How old are you?


I don't know. But then again it's almost as if you shouldn't pay attention to anything women say.

Only those with low self esteem go for really tall guys and are butthurt as fuck about it. As a short guy tall chicks with no self esteem issues were by far the best option. They give the least fucks about height(unlike literally every other kind of woman) and a surprising number of them actually have a short guy fetish of all things.

Now a lot of short guys think they hate short guys but this is only true if they have low self esteem or its not your height that's the problem.

...I may have gone out with a LOT of tall chicks. In my defence the women hate against short guys is real with the exception of tall chicks and their exception is low esteem tall chicks.

Thank god tall chicks for us short guys.

What about going with girls like 5' to 5'2?

Literally fitness, social skills and confidence are far more important than height. A guy thats 5'5, outgoing, and has a 6 pack and biceps like bowling balls is going to do better by far than a dude thats 6'2, pasty, lanky and only can talk about Hentai.

the manlet advantage is that they can get ripped easier than lanklets and are often turbo af, if you are manlet but don't have confidence and don't try to improve yourself, you're fucked

This sick cunt is correct. I know many attractive lads that score as much as me at 6 ft. It's genuinely about how you present yourself. It doesn't matter how attractive you are if you don't do anything with it.

hmm maybe this is nature's way of maintaining balance in the height of offspring
sucks cause i want a little smol fuck doll but then our kids would likely be midgets

that's not how it works, chad get's the best petite bitches

This fucking faggot. You’re 5’7 and you’re gloating about benching 225? Bitch I’m a manlet too and I’m repping 225 like I should because our arms are short. When you hit 350 then you can talk shit.

>tfw 6'3
>I tell manlets I'm 6'0 to make them even more insecure

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>bench 225
>calls himself an absolute unit
Lmao, fuck out of here. Manlets should all be rounded up and executed at once. We need eliminate that freak disorder.

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Everyone would be midgets if women didn't have that meanness written into their genes. As fucked up as it is, it serves a purpose.

im taller than my friend who is 5'4 (white guy), and he gets more pussy then me, maybe it's just luck but he has a great personality is outgoing and likes to make girls smile, he's not afraid. Where as there are 6 ft friends of mine who are nervous asf.

Can you bench more than your own body weight ? If not, go fuck yourself.

>that webm

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You’d have a tough time bucko. I’m a steely-eyed machine at 5’10. Chances are I’ll live longer than you, am a better athlete than you, and have more military experience than you.

the awesome thing about petite girls (white girls) is that they have great bodies and curves if they keep in shape.