Were the Visigoths mullattos?

Attached: Visigoths.jpg (300x534, 52K)

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How the fuck if they came from Ukraine, Crimea area of black sea?

Attached: Carson.jpg (300x450, 18K)

One of the has black curly hair and dark skin. The others at the bottom of the statue look to have some Asian and Negro admixture as well.

I see, where is that pic from/piece of art from?
How old? I never seen that, but I see what your saying although to me it's still white.


Obviously not. The Sahara desert was a damn good natural barrier at keeping blacks on their side of Africa.

What’s the story with the Vandals, is their any evidence of their genetic heritage being left behind in Tunisia??

It's from England, well before the 1950s.

>Dark skin

Attached: 1546134820100.jpg (638x1000, 61K)

I don't think they had a major impact. Especially after the Banu Hilal fucked up North Africa permanently.

>some frog painted something in the 1800s
>this has genetic implications

Good trash unit civ

That picture is gay as fuck

Maybe, maybe not, they became just a mix of different tribes

Is hard to tell a definitive appearance

everything they painted 1800's was gay

Allright you fucks, I got the sauce on this, check it. It's not her.

>UMass (Rachel) All Pics - Album

Attached: 1541202694365.png (399x322, 42K)

It's still better than the degenerate, lazy Jewish modern art we have today that's only allowed in art galleries to depress people.

I seem to remember a similar scene in Iraq as of late.

Oh fuck, wrong thread, hahaha

i dont even count that as art. those are excuse to launder money

You dumb motherfucker

Edward Gibbon wrote that one cas still occasionally spot light skinned local dweller with blonde hair in Tunisia, most likely of Visigoth heritage. But that wss centuries ago when he wrote that and apparently in was already rare in that time