
What’s the deal with Jews and Kosher food? Is their food healthier than ours?

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it doesn't have all the chemicals and ingredients that make goyim docile and easy to command

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No, fucking all sorts of shit is kosher including goyim chow. You'll be shocked if you go through your food looking for kosher symbols. It's basically subsidies funneled to jewish organizations for the fuck of it. You pay extra money so a rabbi can oversee your food.

No , it's simply food that you have to pay the rabbi to approve

It’s a way for Jews to keep their money among Jews to make themselves more wealthy

Its just a convoluted racket scheme to extort money. Go through your pantry and look over the labels closely, I guarantee that almost everything you've got is kosher approved. For every one of these tiny little stamps the company producing the food item had to fork over money.

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It's a kike tax for sticker. Basically jews jewing jews.

well no shit potato chips and ice tea are kosher but doritos and mt dew aren't for some (((reason))).

Pay more money to let a rabbi watch someone slice an animals throat, letting it bleed out to die in horror as oppose to one shot to the head.

Samething for halal bullshit. Bleeding out animals while some ass hole on an intercom sings prayers to their kid diddling God.

Its just a hidden tax, typical rat jew behavior

So Pol eats strictly kosher then? The faking chosen take regular vicious disconcerting beat downs here! Nice upside down broken cross sadist, see what I mean?

Yep. The symbols are deceptive. Why do goys have to pay extra to keep a rabbi in shekels?

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Kosher is actually the other way around, the death is supposed to be as close to instantaneous as possible or you do it while the animal is unconscious. However I doubt there is a single Jew alive who actually gives a single shit about the real meaning or intent of their religious law, I mean they come up with stuff like this:

>drain all the blood and prohibit underclasses from consuming blood
Where do you think the blood goes?

>What’s the deal with Jews and Kosher food?
just a way to make themselves feel superior to the goyim, stems from the ravings of madmen and desert economics (pigs need shade and lots of water)
>Is their food healthier than ours?
only more expensive

Not a parody video? Kosher switch.. lol. what a bunch of OCD nerds.

I don't know, but I've got some kosher salt and it's weird and flaky. What's the difference between it and regular salt? Is it blessed by a rabbi? Will it give me some jew curse if my gentile lips touch it?

you should always pre-order kosher food on a flight when you book a ticket. this way you'll get a email telling you to miss the flight if it's going to get blown up or go missing.

no iodide added, goiters ahoy. The flakes make it better for certain applications where surface area is important such as coating baked goods such as pretzels and Alton Brown prefers it for some weird reason

Anti BDS 4d chess troll detected
>just buy kosher and support us my fellow american

thanks, but what about my last question?

rabbis bless kosher ops but only once a year because they are lazy
the biggest curse from a jew is to be a goy and if you're already a goy you will be unaffected but must roll a saving throw against guilt (1d6000000). Their sorcery isn't as strong as they'd like you to believe but gets stronger when other jews (+1d4 using a dreidel per jew) or shabbos goyim (+1d2, shekel flip per) are nearby


Israeli-bro is correct.


>Is their food healthier than ours?
A lot of it, yes. Very little "processed" shit.
Don't buy kosher, spic, or halal meat

If redneck Asians can cater to the Jews, why can't you?

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Kosher just means it's been seasoned with children's blood and/or foreskins.

It's no big deal

Every time you are in a grocery store with kosher food, go the canned food aisle grab some spam or deviled ham cans and put them on the shelf with the heeb approved foods

God's chosen people my ass. They cannot even enjoy that extreme nacho flavor.

>What’s the deal with Jews
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up 0.25% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

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Kosher salt isn't iodized, and therefore lacks the health benefits innate in iodine

>>What’s the deal with Jews
I read this in Seinfeld's voice
"I mean they go to countries where they aren't wanted, cause a fuss and get mad when they get tossed out! Oy vey, you'd think they'd learn, am I right?"