Homeless girl spends the night at my house a few times with me and my mom

>homeless girl spends the night at my house a few times with me and my mom
>tell her she can't come over anymore because she distracts me from my personal work and have a hard enough time focusing as it is
>tell mom this, she gets upset that I'm being an asshole
Was I in the wrong?

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You are a huge fucking asshole.
If she distracts you then just go inside your room to work. You don't need to talk to her.
I've had my load of helping homeless people. A lot of homeless people aren't worth it but the ones that do. I'm glad I've helped them you know?

Is this girl really a bother or are you just so cold?

Even my grandma let a homeless man sleep on her garage when he needed. You don't know how much that simple act helped that man.

Up to you to decide really. Opie
If you were the homeless one I wonder how you would have felt

That’s a really weird fucking reason to tell someone not to come around anymore.

Like, I legit can understand not wanting your house to be a homeless shelter, and even feeling worried when there’s a stranger around at night, but you honestly picked the wrong reason to gripe about it. “Personal work?” What are you some kind of air traffic controller in your living room?

Ignore these turds. You did this girl a favor as it is, and you're entitled to ask her to leave for whatever reason. Would it make sense to use a different excuse for the sake of decorum? Maybe. But it's your place, and it sounds like you've acted out of generosity.

>literally arguing in favor of Indian giving

>Indian giving
Excuse me? It’s my HOUSE dude, lending my roof to someone is not the same as giving it to them. What are you even talking about?

I'm only one sentence in and i can already tell you're going to get raped

Pretty sure it’s your moms house.

Pretty sure you need to shut your goddamned mouth

Same difference bitch nigga I pay rent too. But that or how much I pay isn’t the point here before you even ask. She was my friend and I was just helping her out a few times. Where the hell do you get Indian giving from?

Fuck you

>tfw no homeless girl to take care of

Right back at ya hoe
So lucky

Is she at least hot? Could have potential for some really kinky hate sex. If shes uguu i dont blame you

No the thing is shes not even willing to put out. Chick is mad stuck up even though shes sleeping on randoms couches every other night.

What, you thought that just because she's homeless she's willing to take your loser dick? More willing to bet that's why you're kicking her out, rather than your "personal work". You used a Naruto image in the OP so you're definitely not doing all that well in life.

I did it because she was distracted me and wouldn't give me sex. you're fuckin right asshole

I can understand where you are coming from OP. But you aren't thinking with your brain but your dick. I get why you think you deserve pussy for giving shelter to this girl, but what if she was molested or raped, what of she didn't get the same chance to grow up in a safe home like your mother gave for you. If she hasn't done anything malicious to you don't be an asshole just because youre sexually frustrated

Eh, I'm know I don't deserve it. It might be hard to see through that point now that I mentioned it but I do a lot of computer work at home and she was an honest distraction, I lost hours of productivity just speaking to her.

Other part is there was like 3 other guys she was in contact with at the same time so I'm thinking "what am I even wasting my time for if she has all these other resources?" She had a church to stay at overnights and I tried to get her a job at my moms company but she never followed up with that either. On top of sexual frustration I felt like she wasn't trying as hard as she could to help herself and I didn't want her to get too comfortable with me floor.

You can't put down your foot and say you can't talk right now? But with all that other info maybe she is just a freeloader and is most comfy at your guy's house, how did it even come about that you guys took her in

I saw her at work and talked to her cause she was cute. Got her number we texted all next day. At theend of the day she said "hey I know this is kidna fast but im homeless can I spend the night :):):)" and I was like ah crap but just went ahead and helped her out. I've been dropping hints of interest but when she told me she was juggling like 3. 4 other dudes I was like aw hell naw.

It might have been worth compromising my work ethic if something more came out of the relationship but it never did.

Sounds like a huge THOT if she isnt even trying to work. Its one thing to help her out, but dont enable freeloading ever. Especially if your dick isnt even getting wet. Think with your penis this time, if she doesnt fuck put her up. You are basically a beta cuck.

>Other part is there was like 3 other guys she was in contact with at the same time so I'm thinking "what am I even wasting my time for if she has all these other resources?" She had a church to stay at overnights and I tried to get her a job at my moms company but she never followed up with that either. On top of sexual frustration I felt like she wasn't trying as hard as she could to help herself and I didn't want her to get too comfortable with me floor.

IMO disregarding the sexual dimension, this information completely vindicates OP.
If the girl had no other options, perhaps it would be different. But as it is, the relative good created by this act is diminished by the presence of other options for her, such that it does not outweigh the bad [denoted by the amount of inconvenience applied to OP's livelihood], which he has outlined.

Especially the part about the church. Community support is one of the practical functions of churches; it is entirely appropriate and even good that she uses it. The church's place in society gets strengthened, and the positive stable influence of the place should move her towards getting her life together.

>inb4 christfag
I'm an agnostic that is rational about the utility of religions like reformed Christianity and Sikhism to civilizations

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