just found out my girlfriend is the kind of person who has to make it known she doesn’t believe in a god whenever someone so much as says the word “god”.
What do I do now?
just found out my girlfriend is the kind of person who has to make it known she doesn’t believe in a god whenever someone so much as says the word “god”.
What do I do now?
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Do you believe in God yourself? If not then explain to her how annoying everyone finds it.
Ouch. I dated a girl like that years ago.
You might say something, hopefully convince her that it’s kind of edgy teen levels of cringe, but be prepared to break up with her. If her atheist proselytizing bothers you (and it should), it’s not likely to get better.
Also I read this article like an hour ago. Hilarious that I run into someone having essentially that problem.
Tell her that smart people don't need to educate dumb people and keep her thoughts to herself.
I don’t know, it doesn’t bother me. I believe if there was a god or gods, it’s really more about us living our lives than living for them.
It only bothers me because it’s so predictable. Like yes, we know some people don’t believe in god, but when someone says “I believe God put us here to blah blah blah”, you don’t have to get all euphoric and explain how you don’t believe, just agree or disagree, it’s not an attack on you.
Stop trying to so obviously turn OP into christianity with your biased christian fake news sites. You're more cringy than rampant atheist.
Tell her it's fucking obnoxious. Holy shit, it's not that hard.
The reason we don’t bring up religious beliefs around people is because i think it’s obnoxious, yes. But does anyone really believe that saying something like that to a partner isn’t going to come off as condescending?
Tell her the second paragraph you typed, word for word
Dump her
Or tell her that most every truly functional adult realizes that God was a concept used to inspire goodness rather than having to directly reward it (IE money) and that most humans are functionally aware that there is no big old guy in the sky, dictating when we can and can't fuck and masturbate.
Honestly I don't know what's dumber; someone who truly believes God exists or someone who needs to denounce an omnipotent ruler and creator who threw such a huge fit he flooded the entire planet.
Please, euthanize her or educate her, but don't encourage her.
Remind her that freedom of speech is only valid when people agrees with your far right believes.
There’s really not a way to tell the girl off that isn’t condescending. Even “explaining why it’s a bad idea” is condescending and, to a girl of the right persuasion, sexist and mansplaining.
>God was a concept used to inspire goodness
No. It was a tool for waging war.
Between 4% and 5% of the world is atheist.
Learn to deal with that fact.
Freedom of speech is not freedom from criticism
It was a thing regardless of what you believe oh my God
Way to miss the point just to tip into euphoria for a moment...
Or am I the woosh here?
I invoke Poe's Law
If you’re gonna troll at least use proper grammar.
Political power grab
It's a matter of his girlfriend going out of her way to let people know she doesn't believe in God when it's brought up. That's a generally insufferable trait. If you can't realize that it might be the autism.
Why you think christians are allowed to tell people to join them but atheists aren't?
Atheists are allowed to tell facts to people, make them join them and you have to learn to deal with it.
A means of deconstructing the whole "survival of the fittest" that basically ruled people right up until religion suggested that being decent had some sort of intrinsic reward
It doesn't, but they probably bought that shit about "the thought that counts"
I don't disagree with you.
But it's also insufferable when jew-cock-loving (((christcucks))) keep reminding you about Jesus is our lord and saviour so you have to kind with subhumans blah blah blah.
it’s not the atheism that bothers me.
Another example. I don’t really like mushrooms.
If someone says “This mushroom chicken is my favorite food.”
I will say “Oh, it sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing.”
I will not say “Actually, I don’t like mushrooms and I never have. I don’t believe they even belong on food, and we’d all be better off without them.”
I get your point and I agree with it.
But (((christcucks))) especially mormons and jehova witnesses, do the same, and because of it they end up being really really annoying and antisocial.
Right. I usually see them in pairs acting like shoving magazines into peoples' hands and praising JayZus is true goodness, and much like OPs girlfriend they largely get ignored (in my city anyway). There was a real thing of em back in like 2009-2012 but they all kind of left it alone. I think by-law officers got real cranky about the litter caused by all their pamphlets and magazines getting tossed on the ground.
Just do this OP Tell her she doesn't need to educate others and keep her superior opinion hidden from others.
I'd probably say something like it sounding good except for whatever thing i don't personally like. On the other hand, I'm "atheist" i guess, but i consider myself just non-religious. So, if people are taking about good i don't have any relevant input, so i don't say anything. If asked i just say I'm not very religious.
show her the fedora culture that she's embracing. if she has at least a bit of self-shame, then she'll drop the whole thinking-about-god-stuff thing.
If she doesn't, dump her
And my point is who cares? If she was a christian and insisted someone say “God bless you” every time she sneezed instead of bless you, i’d be equally as annoyed.
This is what I don’t get, why do people feel personally attacked when someone expresses a different opinion than them.
>autism propagating autism
the was i hear it is:
“I believe in God/love this mushroom meal”
me: “That sounds interesting.”
“You should come to church/eat it sometime!”
me: “No thanks, I actually don’t believe in God/like mushrooms”
“Oh, well that’s fine, thanks for at least respecting my opinion instead of dismissing me.”
>why do people feel personally attacked when someone expresses a different opinion than them.
Because christians have literally attacked and killed people and ruin lives of thousands of children every year with their opinions. People want to protect common sense and facts from them.
I don't believe in God either but why do you insist on being such a faggot about it.
>why do people feel personally attacked when someone expresses a different opinion than them.
Because your snowflake beliefs are not above empirical and scientific facts.
Refusal of jews and christians to accept darwinism is making our gene pool shit.