The 2nd American Civil War began today

Fellow White Democrat introduces bill to abolish the electoral college.

It begins

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bills are introduced all the fucking time, this will never get anywhere

This bill amounts to nothing less than treason. The authors need to be hanged.

It can't pass the Senate. Even if it could pass the Senate, the President would veto it. Even if the President didn't veto it, SCOTUS would laugh it out of their courtroom in a second if it actually passed.
>Chances of actually being used in an election: 0.0%
>Thread Status: Retarded AF

>republicans control the senate

Democrats can’t pass shit. This is all theatrics to make their base excited.

Its not a Bill, its a proposed Constitutional Amendment. They also proposed an amendment limiting Presidential pardons so a President can't pardon himself or his family members.
>needs 67% vote in the House and Senate, then needs to be ratified by 75% of the State Legislatures (38/50 states)

>The Dems will never make gay marriage legal
>The Dems will never abolish the electoral college

Good luck achieving that lmao.

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Amendments to the Constitution must be approved by a majority of state legislatures. No way that will happen.

It's never going to pass. 2/3 of both houses needs to approve, and 3/4 states. It's an amendment. It ain't happening.

It was a 5 - 4 Supreme Court decision but problem for you is that the Supreme Court will become more conservative in the future.

I'm confused why you think this is a bad thing? the electoral college is literally un-democratic in it's conception. prove me wrong?

Because when you’re not allowed to prove a person is legally able to vote at the booths, and democrats flood the polls, it should not be based on popularity. Only one party plays by the rules. Democrats have no moral conscience and will do anything to obtain power at the polls which is why this is being proposed in the first place

It does not begin until massive gunfire and bloodshed.

All of this e posturing is just cheap sweat talk

the bill wont pass the senate so who cares. its just grand standing

how would you not be able to prove that a person is legally able to vote? that's why we register to vote and why you need forms of ID when voting

why should it not be based on popularity? isn't that the definition of democracy?

Who is this guy? I always see him posted


No gay marriage wasn't in the Constitution.

>based on popularity
The founders wanted to protect against this

Why would democrats argue against voter ID laws ? They call it racist. It is known fraud happens at the booths regularly. I mean shit Russia hacked or election for God’s sake, dead guys are up for election, dead people vote, illegals vote

just a nice lookin friendly old man

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can you show me proof for voter ID fraud?

control of an organization or group by the majority of its members.

backwoods hick

Drumpf will be impeached and jailed

Tbqh, it couldn't happen soon enough.
It will cure people of any illusion that there ever were two parties and people will learn the futility of politics.

Tennessee, what the fuck? YOU of all states are pushing for this? This is YOUR Congressman.

>why shouldnt cuckafagia and jewyork control the entire fucking country

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laws that are changed without proper timing unfairly target lower income members of society who don't have a stable place of residence (they rent instead of being able to afford buying a house). They often times are not given appropriate timing and notification because of shotty book keeping on the governments part or because of mail-forwarding after moving. Citizens are being denied the right to vote. Still, show me any proof of voter fraud from illegal immigrants and i will agree we need stricter voter laws

You're right, it is undemocratic. By fucking design.


They officially developing 3rd world shithole here. Amazing.

>(((Steve Cohen)))
Every time

lets cut straight to the point here kiddo
why should people loyal to a foreign nation get to hold power and make laws here, at all?

So you agree there are people who vote illegally and you don’t think should not be stopped because “unfair”

>> but let’s also get rid of the electoral college

Where your loyalties lie? lmao you sound ridiculous. are you going to impose tests to finds out who everyone is loyal to?

sounds fucking great
polygraphs for every single person running for congress. nice idea bro

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We are a representative republic, not a democracy. Educate yourself ya tard.

huh? no.... where did i say there were people voting illegally? legal citizens are being turned away from the ballots on election day... there's just less people voting

Lol “Democracy” is not even defined on having a system based entirely on the popular vote. Why do you think we have gerrymandering lines drawn, stat representatives, varying level of courts. Fuck off shill

That man does not look human.

There are literally studies that show illegal votes have been cast. By dead people and illegals alike. You are putting your fucking head in the sand.

lmao just for congress? i thought you needed to know "loyalties" when you vote. polygraphs for everyone who registers to vote, duh. when are you starting them since we have to know where your loyalties lie

This guy deserves a purple heart

>fighting ever
Roll over fatty and hand in your guns. The game is on.

Legal citizens are being turned away?

I understand we are a democratic republic. There is also nothing legally holding the electoral college from voting in the way of their constituents


How long will it take for this to pass/fail in practical terms?

Constitutional Republic.


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yes, it's called voter suppression

see above, fuckwit

Lol my town didn't id anyone...

Glad to see the fight against the EC continue. It's always been a way to screw over the Democratic Party I led. P.S. John Quincy Adams is a butch and Henry Clay is a faggot.

Holy shit. The Democrat clown show is going to be hilarious

Forgot my image.

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i highly doubt that. do you have any proof?

We're a Republic moron
>A republic, if you can keep it.

I'm totally fine with the president not being allowed to pardon himself or family members. Massive conflict of interest and potential abuse of power

Conservatives will never win another election if the electoral college is abolished. We'd become a one-party country overnight, before the left splintered into ultra-liberal, liberal, and communist

I live in a suburb, Jew. It's pretty diverse here.

>There is also nothing legally holding the electoral college from voting in the way of their constituents
Well, there is. The only thing standing in the way of electoral representatives voting properly (consistent with the election result) is the people themselves.
Will there be an uprising if fuckery is abound?
Probably not, but I would hope that if there was blatant corruption, something would be done.

US is not a democracy, it's a republic

do you understand what gerrymandering lines are? LMAO it's literally changing the lines in order to change the percentages of voters from each party. you literally are incriminating yourself as you speak. "i obviously didn't take that money because i have all this stolen money over here dude... come on" LMAO

It isn't. Our visual processing systems can't comprehend what they really look like and recast them as human. Jewish demons live among us.

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Lol no of course they can't. Voter fraud doesn't exist

This is just not true. The republican party would change their platform to appeal to a larger audience.... oh say like the majority of Americans. OH NO! sounds awful :-(

The electoral college will give some states in your federal republic more power than others.
It will alos give the major cities, run by democrats more power as well and will ignore rural parts of your country, where most of the agriculture is.
And that is a disaster waiting to happen because then everyone in the rural area will move to the cities if they want their voices to be heard, and when most of everyone is going to leave,
Who is going to grow crops and raise livestock for food?

Even a dweller from a third world hellhole like this knows this is a dangerously retarded idea.

i guess it's not diverse enough for you not to be racist? lul

if the electoral college is abolished and there is no wall or voter ID laws, there is nothing preventing CA and NY from importing millions of street shitters to choose our overlords.

he represents Memphis aka Africa
he's a literal jew put in congress by the apes of Memphis. he's like some sort of kike master plan prototype

Yes I do. That’s the “democratic” system we live in. What’s your point? Local government needs to be decided by the entire population of the US? You probably are against defining borders, cities, lines. Fuck boundaries gibs me UBI now

once someone is elected what is holding them to doing their job? someone can lie through their teeth in order to get elected and then just do whatever they please. sounds familiar... i've heard of someone doing this recently....

US sengoku jidai when? I want an age of warlords to clean this continent of the sickness

u are big gay

Are these people honestly fucking crazy. What are the common dems thinking about this? Don’t they understand how suicidal this would be. Honestly, all of their fucking smuggy arrogance has made them overly confident to think they could just pass something like this and not be massacared on the streets the very next day.

you should look up the definition of gerrymandering

and the implantation of the electoral college gives some CITIZENS more power than others

Mitt Romney?
Kristen Synema?
am i close?

Hey [[User:Snooganssnoogans]], how's your day?

and then that will create a demand for farmers who will see their salaries go up and attract more people? it's called supply and demand. a lot of people don't care about their votes and just want to make money (the bulk of which happens in the city) so now we can redistribute that wealth from the city back to rural america

Why would this be a bad thing?

What point are you trying to make?

>The electoral college will give some states in your federal republic more power than others.
That isn't even how it works now. The absolute largest states like Texas and California are ignored by both candidates every time because the FPTP system assures that even a several million vote minority share of the vote in each place is worthless in counting towards the eventual winner.

>Who is going to grow crops and raise livestock for food?
Whoever wants to make money doing it?


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It's a lot easier for the jews to rig one big election than thousands of smaller ones

>for farmers who will see their salaries go up
Things that will never happen, illegals are working for less than $5 per hour and there is almost infinite supply of them.

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I hope it passes. Fuck the Republicans, they're complicit in everything that happened to this country, they deserve to lose everything right the fuck now.

I doubt this bill will work since its going to require an actual amendment to the constitution.

>I'm confused why you think this is a bad thing? the electoral college is literally un-democratic in it's conception. prove me wrong?
A direct democracy isn't fair because it doesn't take into account the nature of regions. Cities can't exist on their own. They're unnatural accumulations of humanity. They're hives supplied from the outside. In a direct democracy, they hold dictatorship over anyone and everyone living outside of the cities. The only way to account for this in a direct democracy would be to make urban votes worth less than rural votes. Maybe in the domain of 1 rural vote being worth 4 urban votes.

The idea of the electoral college is to stop people from taking all of the money from less population dense areas, and funneling it into the more population dense areas, because you need people living in both to have a functioning economy as big, and diverse as ours. Frankly I think we'd benefit from doing this at a state level as well. Given that most of people's state taxes go to funding social services in the cities. Modern society already sets up population dense areas to have a advantage, they don't really need subsidies from rural areas.

dude seems half-retarded or a troll
pay him no mind