Can we all agree that "white" doesn't exist and is just slang for an American mutt?

Can we all agree that "white" doesn't exist and is just slang for an American mutt?
Germans, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Icelanders aren't "white", they're Germanic.
Italians, Spaniards, Greeks and Occitans aren't "white" they're Mediterranean.
Irish, Scots, Welshmen and Bretons aren't "white" they're Celtic.
The only people who are geninely """white""" are pale Americans who are a mixture of 2 or more of the above stated groups with probably a bit of mystery meat mixed in.

On a side note, something that bewilders me is the "American Effect" in which someone who can be of the purest European ancestry instantly looks and sounds like a mutt when they come over.
Take Donald Trump for example, love him or hate him. I can't quite remember if it was his parents or his grandparents who immigrated here from Europe but basically he's as pure of a European as you can get, his maternal side being Scots-English and his paternal being German. That being said, sometimes at certain angles he genuinely looks like the amerimutt meme. Compare him to a picture of an average Scotsman from Scotland or a German from Germany and they look nothing alike, it's like just flying across the water changed his DNA somehow.

Attached: angryy.png (1200x1200, 54K)

Yes, when you ask a Frenchman what he is, he says he's French, not white. When you ask an American what he is, he says white. This is because even American whites are mutts, they're 5% of every European country that are all distinctly different from one another. A nation of mutts, within a nation of mutts. It's like diversity inception.

There are old books from the early 1900s written in Europe about the white Slave traffic. Hitler mentions the white race in mein kampf. You are jewish

You are also Jewish. I believe both you and OP are israelis using american VPNs

>everything i don't like is jewish
I just remembered why I never post on Jow Forums anymore.

Really depends on where you're from. Here in New England we're all either English or Scottish and have been so for 300 years since we get so little immigration. In the south though you can bet a good sum of money that the standard white guy is some mix of Germanic and Mediterranean.

>There are old books from the early 1900s written in Europe about the white Slave traffic
[citation needed]
>Hitler mentions the white race in mein kampf
[citation needed]

I understand Jow Forums is full of retards but if you want to have any semblance of an argument you have to actually provide proof instead of just saying "well this exists so you're wrong".

I just proved to you it’s not a slang for american mutt, and yes you should probably not post here considering your jewish heritage

>Hitler mentions the white race in mein kampf.
Hitler was influenced by American culture. He liked American eugenics programs for instance.

I am not putting together a research project for you dude but since I memorized the mein kampf quote you’re in luck

>it was the jews who first brought the negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate.

>I just proved to you
>saying something exists without actually providing proof is proof
If you're going to shill at least try.

>I am not putting together a research project for you dude
If you're not willing to provide actual evidence to support your argument don't even try to make an argument.

>I memorized the mein kampf quote you’re in luck

Google that exact quote you dumbass hook nosed hebe

I have better things to do than do a research project for an anti white hook nosed demon creature, like fuck my beautiful girlfriend who is 18 years old. Night faggot

Well yes. Nobody outside US really says that. You guys have weird fetish to try and piggyback on other cultures since for many of you saying "i'm american" seem to be like a curseword; you always hear: "i'm irish/italian/german/whatever" or nonsense like that even though said person was born in USA, speaks only english (sometimes not that well) and have no clue about nations they try to claim as their own.

I really want to believe that this kid is shilling but knowing what I do about Jow Forums I have the sinking feeling he's not.
Back to Jow Forums it is.

I fucking hate you. I really do. What you represent is most idiotic load of crap someone can spout. It is ruining any form of white resistance we have left. I.e. Divide and conquer tactics

Yes, Americans have a mixture of European genes. So what, that doesn’t make them white? You know how retarded you sound?

Attached: 8C624C1D-8F0D-4171-A3EC-16BD9AEF1288.jpg (427x430, 44K)

I’m literally getting my dick sucked right now it’s Friday night. You just want to be spoon fed and I’m not gonna do it for you. If it’s that hard to copy that Mein Kampf quote into google and see the exact phrase on every link that pops up, you should probably kys boomer kike. Why don’t you get a fucking life it’s the fucking weekend and you want to spend it posting aggressively anti white threads like this. Fucking dirty jew

Why do Eurofags think they're all ethnically pure?

First of all
So your opinion means literally nothing.

Secondly the whole point of this post which went over your dumb mutt head is that grouping all Europeans together as one is harmful. Germanic culture differs greatly from Mediterranean culture. Slavic culture differs greatly from Celtic culture. Genetically we are all very similar but culturally we are all unique. Dumb American mutts like yourself trying to squeeze such mass diversity into a tiny label is hurting, not helping. By grouping wildly different things together you are hurting the true diversity that makes American great.

I'm sorry your Celtic mom had sex with a Slavic man and made you, a "white" mutt but that is no reason to try to destroy European culture.

>that makes American great.
Meant to say "that makes Europe great". Typed too fast.

Your flag is American. I’d suggest using a different vpn, hypocritical cunt.

>Genetically we are all very similar but culturally we are all unique.
So there’s distinctions between Asian countries yet we call those groups of people “Asians”. Nobody is trying to destroy your cultural traits or genetic heritage besides the Jew and your own politicians. So believing a few terms Americans and Europeans use to label each other will hurt our movement in the end is ridiculous, especially when that connotation is a resistance to cultural Marxism. Stop being a pussy

divide and conquer thread. ignore it. the word's been used for centuries by europeans and americans alike. it's in our constitution.