Satanic national socialism

I was just wondering what people's thoughts on the ideology of Satanic Nazism is?

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>socialism reveals its true form

doesn't exist

beta and bluepilled

What do you do? Cut up minority children for satan? What even is this Jew shit?

Oh for God's sake, fuck off with this garbage.

Wouldn't even make any sense. Some parts of the LaVeyan Satanism beliefs such as animal rights are already woven in pretty strongly to national socialism.

Other than that, the beliefs are pretty contradictory to each other

Reverse blood libel

retarded shit made up by edgy emo rocker degenerates

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"The entire moral basis of National Socialism is Christian"

-Adolf Hitler

Satanism is against social norms and is degenerate. Hitler said christianity was the basis for the entire morality of the third reich

Advanced combination of black metal circle jerking and autistic edgyness, and quite cringy if you're older than 16.


satanism is jewish so there is no such thing as satanic nazis.

This. Do not let the JIDF shills get to you. INTPs, use your intuition.

I thought that's what nazism already was?

you do realize that hitler did this solely to gain the support of christians right? christian beliefs directly undermines the beliefs of nazis, not to mention the fact that jesus was a jew.

the nazi party supported state wide atheism because christianity diverted peoples faith away from the leader which did not bode well with hitler.

finally hitler in his youth rejected christianity as a whole or catholicism, one or the other, but my point stands; national socialism and christianity have no common ground, and simply are opposing forces.

TLDR; the tenets that guide christian belief do not align with national socialist ideology

dont believe me? look it up

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>INTPs, use your intuition.
Oh, I have. How do you think I ended up in Jow Forums in the first place?

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>Do not let the JIDF shills get to you
INTP's can't be gotten to, you mush be talkin bout things you don't understand

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Based buddyposter

based and SIEGEpilled

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Fuck off with your question about edgelordism, OP. As long as you're attracted by these losers, you won't achieve anything in your life.

A bunch of faggotz smoking weed sodomizing each other.

Since you posted Myatt, you're clearly a Noctulian fag. Let's debate why sodomy is bad, shall we?

because poop is gross, duh

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efficient, empowering, evolutionary, illuminating, invigorating, inspiring
Hail Satan

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Thanks for saving me the trouble of reading siege. Almost got memed into checking it out.

There's so much shit in the WN community right now. It's wasn't like this a few years ago. zoomers were a mistake.

Show your fag , flag

The Soldiers Oath to Adolf Hitler

"I swear: I will be faithful and obedient to the leader of the German Empire and people, Adolf Hitler, to observe the law, and to conscientiously fulfill my official duties, so help me God."

Why was Hitler so keen on adding God in everything? Calls himself a Christian in Mein Kampf and mocks neo-paganism as insignificant and for cowards, calls Atheism a phenomena that is to be eliminated, invokes God as sole creator of the German race, ban neo-pagan groups, enforces the Hitler Youth to become members of a Church, and the Hitler Youth's handbook has God and Christ in it.