Will the DNC steal all the Nazis?

Will the DNC steal all the Nazis?
Jow Forums just can't compete with the Left on hating the Jews.

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They only care about Israel being an apartheid state- I want them wiped off the face of the Earth, muzzies too.

>Henry kissinger 2022.jpg

>tfw you cant find the right divide and conquer scheme

They pretend to hate the Jews while doing their bidding.


Nu-left is unironically going to defund Israel and pull military support.

we should make a Muslima/Nazi alliance to smite our true enemy

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That moment you realize the left becomes the right and the right becomes the left.

Based SJW muslims

forgot the part about building greater-iz through loosening diplomatic limitations in the host nations.
>trusting commies
>trusting leafs

we need to push a new conspiracy theory that she and all of her female relatives, especially children/minors, are circumcised

we need to constantly push her to prove otherwise and denounce the practice

then we need her to get proof just like obama with his birth certificate and pocahontas with the dna test

No bumps


>Nu-left is unironically going to defund Israel and pull military support.
They're still a minority in the Democratic party. Maybe after the Old Guard retires or get primary'd they will be able to muster the political will to do it.

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They can be nazis but they can never be national socialists.

>Jow Forums just can't compete with the Left on hating the Jews
The left doesn't hate jews you stupid faggot. The only reason they hate Israel is because the Palestinians are shitskins

>we need to push a new conspiracy theory that she and all of her female relatives, especially children/minors, are circumcised
>we need to constantly push her to prove otherwise
Fuck off pedo kike.

>The only reason they hate Israel is because the Palestinians are shitskins
Whiter than you Moshe.

>tfw these two bitches have done more to fight the kikes than any self declared right wing nazi
Jow Forums BTFO

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muslims practice circumcision, retard

>2 nigger bitches under a faux assumption will steal 45,000,000 votes
Clown world indeed

i'm talking female circumcision, you know, the kind where they cut off little girl's vaginas and sew the hole shut......

good goy

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What the DNC is stealing for itself is an internal split which will render their House majority worthless, as the old guard can't work with these progressive upstarts.

Imagine being Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer and reading this article. You'd be ready to call for the drones.

Sure, but they will fund muslims instead. We never win.


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>Jow Forums just can't compete with the Left on hating the Jews.
fuck yourself, JIDF

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The far left has always been way more based and redpilled than the far right...

There's a finger in my butt

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why are our jewish masters allowing this to happen?

If the shills had any sense they'd be shilling the sandnigger on the right instead of spic roastie. Her face makes me violently angry.

How do the jews benefit from this? Or are you just dog whistling?

Mashallah. Islam is truly the greatest. As a proud Aryan nationalist socialist I reverted to it. You guys should too

>That moment you're trying so hard to larp as right-wing but fail because you're a Jew.

Lol, always leaving out the part where pretty much every lefty whom hates Isreal, also gets money from Jews, and paints white people as evil.

is that a mozzie-bro/MIT handler at the rear of OPs image. figures

these whamxn have the fellow traveller glow (an ideological infection)

>Being demonized by the left for being white
>Paying billions of dollars in taxpayers money because of the right's devotion to the Zionist state
One is hurting your ego the other is hurting your pockets. So which one do you consider worse, nigger?

Genus = Homo

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Reminder that she is zionist controlled opposition to whip up boomercons into supporting more AIPAC influence.

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no thank you

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100 years ago it was 90% Arab... and about 20% of those Arabs were Christians despite the efforts of the (((Young Turk Donmeh leadership))).

I figure they're the natives, muzzie or not.

Nazis always WERE left wing socialists you uneducated fuck.

jannies are niggers

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>Jow Forums just can't compete with the Left on hating the Jews.

OP I'm aware you're a retard, but I hate to bring it up but the vast majority of Jews in the left are secular Jews. They don't care much about Israel, but still see themselves as Jews thus somehow very special. You have to remember, the worst enemy of a Jew is another Jew. They're so backstabby that they'll immediately backstab their kin to get ahead.

This was the first post in this thread btw.

>left wing

kys communist

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sounds like it's time for us to exacerbate kike mudslime tension in the left wing of the Democrats


we can get some mileage out of this

>Nu-pol gets triggered by this

the left is dividing into far left and normal left parties - they need some accelerant thrown on the trend though cause it looks like it has 5 more years to go - we should make that 5 months

>I hate to bring it up but the vast majority of Jews in the left are secular Jews. They don't care much about Israel
fuck off you filthy kike everyone knows leftist kikes support their filthy sandbox of a country as much as right wing kikes

>PSA: anyone trying to differentiate between ''left wing'' and ''right wing'' jews is a filthy kike trying to deceive you into supporting one or the other. It's a typical divide and conquer tactic

Face it, Charles Manson wasn't a Nazi.

You're not fooling anyone shareblue


>he trusted jews

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38 billion $ given to Israel cancelled.

wow you almost convinced me leftist jews don't care about israel... almost.

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Press x to etc.

I kinda like the anti jew stuff coming up latelty. ALl this money to Isreal for what?

(they manufacture intel chips). Oh, I see.

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Right wing Americans are 100% controlled by kikes

Insha Allah!

All th left has to do to gain all of Jow Forums is agree to kill jews and their kdis. Do this, and drop the hwite hate and you will gain everythign powers taht be.

I think more holocaust training is required in the US. The antisemitism is off the charts

Those fucking antisemites need more Holocaust classes. Americans leftists are LITERALLY Hitler. I'm literally shaking right now.

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the creation of the state of israel was an act of social justice to give the jews a safe space after thousands of years of persecution and nearly being genocided int he holocaust


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what a fucking decade

>Sure, but they will fund muslims instead. We never win.

Your Israel and Saudi dicksucking governments are doing that allready since half a century. All the secular arabic states went to shit, because you niggers could not stop your shill government from doing these twos bidding for a fucking second.

I love how this adopted faggot, Andrew Breitbart was larping as a kike even though his mother was a degenerate whore who had this bastard out of wedlock. OMEGALUL

the left has been cucking for Palestine for years
it is the ultimate victim state, small, fragile, barely able to keep itself alive.
It is perfect for sympathysluts

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