If you're a NEET you're literally killing the white race. Get your fucking life together

If you're a NEET you're literally killing the white race. Get your fucking life together.

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Trump will win and we will get laid.

And what? Slave away for sluts like that? Good riddance to the white race then.

>Slave away for sluts like that?
Who says you have to do that?

What if you want the white race to die?

then... keeping sucking dicks and watching hentai?

there are plenty of non-white countries which are all failures if you would like to move to one of them.

If the fate of the white race is at the hands of what you call loser NEETs then the white race is not worth much.

no im helping to kill of all of humanity niggers and jews included

At this point all that's left for whites is to fade away like all the great civilizations before it

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Shut up mom, you're drunk again

>posts pic of the people who are to blame
>says we are to blame

Oh (((you)))


I own an apertment complex with 15 rooms in total with my uncle. We used to rent our apertments out to 18-24 year old roasties, when they apply they give us the perfect resume, claim to be clean and orderly, and they claim they don't party (We have a no party policy).
We had so much trouble with women this age, and even had one apertment completly smashed up and bloody tampons hanging in bathroom, and she claimed she would accuse of us of beating her and raping her if we contacted police.

I have my life together but I assure you, women are completly out of control and they are also nasty as fuck, its not meant to be this way. Historicly many "neets" lead to rightwing revolutions, or large group of men entering war so their anger and lack of purpose lead to big changes.

When are people going to get that NEETs are mostly the victims of Jewish invented affirmative action. Until you get the class action suits and fraud charges against the Zionist governments and individuals behind it all, you have no business mocking NEETs. There really is no point to go on training and getting an education when Jews are actively working with their puppet politicians to prevent whites from working in the industries and having the jobs they are best qualified for.

yea keep dreaming. Im neet because I will fight for no one (except myself).

white women for black cocks only

You don't have to hate whites to not care about the white race or niggers taking over earth. I took the boomerpill, I don't care about anything that happens after I'm dead.

If the government gives all white men immunity to beat up shitskins, and take their women as sexslaves, take their property, there would be tons of neets going wild on the streets. Neets is the most dangerous unactivated force that exists, all you need is a leader who realizes this and decides to activate you.

Only the fat fucking white trash women

Restore traditional relationship dynamics and social pressures on women, as well as yeeting all the brown people out of America and we can get right on this.

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Sorry bro I'm busy posting race truths on Jow Forums!

COPE faggot skinny white women SLOBBER over black cock. only fat white women get into RELATIONSHIPS with them, but CASUAL sex is dominated by the black bulls.

What if I’m a black neet?

That only seems to work for the Jews, so I hope you’re one of them


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all I'm saying is anything that happens after I'm dead isn't really my problem.

shhh you'll trigger the opfers

>implying Im asking the goverment for permission
>Implying the goverment didnt try to activate me for ww3 already
wew lad

What? How? Do you have a big nose?

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then the government should issue gf s

OP is a kike shill who wants you to get a McJob and stop doing the right thing

The white race will end in my crusty napkins

Work 40 hours a week to get child support money for an ex-wife, or go to jail if you get laid off.
Play vidya all day and have no stress.

lowlife wagecucking shill

He said white nigga.We are not fucking white even if we have some admixture.

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"No all you need to do is...


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nah fuck humanity. im out

this, im just focusing on my body and making sure im in top condition for the race war, no need to be a wagecuck, ill apply for whatever the equivalent of the SS is in our new country
Accelerationism is all that matters

Damn that sucks. I have a condo that I rent out, and the worst that's happened is the last tenant smoked indoors leaving a horrible odor. I use a third party to manage the rental unit and tenants, and they're under strict orders not to allow fatties, niggers, and dogs over 35 lbs.

>be wagie
>finance government with taxes
>gov finances white genocide due to rich jews
>thus wagies work for jews, finance white genocide for them
>literally paying for the cancer that'll kill them
>NEETs are only sensible whites left
>OP is most likely a shill
it's already over desu

Maybe you should insult me again and give me a spiel about bootstraps.

That might work.

>save the white race!

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No I’m not (not a NEET actually but still)

The hard cold truth is that unless you literally become the next Hitler or something you are not going to make a difference.

Heroic delusional aside clearly something structural/environmental is happening to cause so many men to start dropping out simultaneously. Only a structural/environmental change will turn this around

I'm only 5'10" so it's best I just stay out of sight and mind.

how do i get neetbux? HALP

This. I am a lazy NEET with a trust fund and I can feel life slipping away

isnt this pic cp?

Shit will hit the fan before you are dead though

I don't give a shit about my race. You can all die for all I care.

NEET lyfe!

>Dares to complain about something
You are one of main reasons young people have all these problems - they merely have no way to acquire a corner of their own due to parasites like you hoarding all the living space to make them into rent slaves so you can leech their blood doing nothing. When the day comes, your fate will be same as of kikes as you're fully deserve to be proclaimed honorary ones.

This guy gets it

don't do it again ivan, last time was bad enough

You're probs a jew m8

The problem is the white race doesn't deserve to reproduce. At least if I have a mulatto child, he will at least be a man.

White people are becoming the new Asians. Just emasculated cuckolds.

thanks op good post, il get right on that based and white girl pilled

it's always interesting to get a glimpse of a mutts thought processes

Wtf is Jow Forums's problem with people investing in property and renting it out? I own two properties that I paid for outright with cash. I live in one and rent the other one. My tenant needs a place to live but doesn't own their own property, so they pay me rent. What am I supposed to do? Let them stay there for free?

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Why should I work for people that I hate, or for a society that does not respect me? Fuck off. I don't care about "finding love" and other cheesy thing people make up. What I do is none of your business, and your stupid social heriarchy can go to hell.

You are a parasite who grabbed more land that he needs to sustain himself and turned other man into your slave who gives most of what he earns just for the right to live, all using kike (((capitalist))) law to privatize resource that is no par with air and water.
>but doesn't own their own property
Because likes of you made it impossible for him to buy one.
>What am I supposed to do?
You are supposed to be put down after watching your offspring is being put down.

Why should I slave away for shlomo and be miserable while gaining absolutely nothing from it when I can just be a neet living a nice comfy life doing what I want all day?

This might be how it works in Russia but in the West landlords have to abide by certain rules that make sure they don't treat their tenants like shit

>Who says you have to do that?
The US government you imbecile.

Never thought I'd agree with a russian.

They're supposed to, but they don't.

fight him then


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bring two great swords and challenge him to a bout of honor

Capitalism is killing white people. No such thing as personal responsibility. Close the borders, case closed, white race thrives, white race produces, doesn't imports food, people work, people get paid to work.
Give me a break.

Bruh, in a parallel universe things went the right way and there is no degeneracy. There is no reason to pit effort in this one.

neets having kids only begets more neets
last thing these spergs need is responsibility.
computer is natures darwinism.

Does it matter? Result is the same. Rent-seeker being given ability to turn entire families of people into rent serfs just because he managed to acquire more land that he needs in the past (he didnt even fought of its land , or earned it by some extraordinary deed, just bought), while government pigs protecting him. This creature is similar to kike central banker in a way it harvests people while doing nothing and contributing nothing, just on a smaller scale, and acquiring position like of central banker is their final goal. One of past Rothschilds once said that one day entire humanity will pay rent to their family for living on land that belongs to them.

trumpitos are disgusting. It shows you dont care about humanity. At all. God speed shitheads.

What if I'm not white and my country is already overpopulated?

all smokers deserve immediate cancer

Lol dude you're unstable. There is nothing wrong with investing in land and property. And no one is forcing my tenant to live in my condo. There's an entire city full of apartments to rent that they could have chosen from. Too bad you're a bitter poorfag.



fuck off jew

Just let it all burn at this point
Playing by the paradigms rules of get a job, pay a mortgage, don't break the law is not going to help break the anti-white globalist system.

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>t. poorfag

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Maybe it will maybe it wont

You just know these girls sucked nad black dick ten minutes after this photo was taken

Fuck you scholomo, your ilk invited socialism and communism into the very countries that make up the western world, taking billions of currency from the national treasury and sending that shit back to israel while keeping the fucking floodgates open to the 3rd world.
NEETs are needed to drain what few shekels remain in the (((system))) so that said (((system))) gets to fucking crash and burn or in other words, result in societal collapse.
They're are not what the western world deserves but it's what it 'in part' needs right now.

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>implying that isn't what the average Jow Forums poster wants

>third party

why would you let some dumbasses manage something that you are responsible for? you should be personally interviewing every tenant that lives on your property if you have any dignity

I get the final say in who gets to move in, and I'm highly satisfied with the company that manages the rental. The tenants like it, too, because someone is always available to respond to any issues they have. I travel a fair amount, so it's worth it for me.


I'm employed but that doesn't change the fact that I don't know how to talk to women. If you don't get that experience before high school ends, well that's it for you, you're doomed to a life of solitude because every girl will laugh at you internally for acting like a virgin with no game. Then she'll think of an excuse to walk away and you're alone again. Then you think fuck it, I'm just gonna try to be assertive, but then you say something offensive or cringey and you're back to square one once again.

>Grabbed more land than he needs to sustain himself
Alrighty then Sasha Fuckfaceochenko, what exactly is the right amount of land to own? Give us a solid number.

Based and redpilled

nah man, you just do with the masters thought you. its either swim or sink. the world is fucked, end of story.

Says the guy who uses traps as a pic for his retarded thread

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Not a neet but a mgtow





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you know what it means right?
Killing the system is the best way to save white people

just get better clothes, if your face isn't literally fucked you're fine

I run my own business - I'd rather any Jow Forumsak do the same rather than work for a jew
BUT if you dont have the means then its a good start

god i wish

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