" The reboot of Carmen Sandiego will feature a strong women of color who "liberates" museum arfiticats stolen through...

" The reboot of Carmen Sandiego will feature a strong women of color who "liberates" museum arfiticats stolen through colonialism and returns them to their original ethnic locations"

I think she'll be a wonderful role model for children... She's not really a "criminal" this time. Shes only breaking rules set by old racists - CJ Keller, show producer

Attached: rs_1024x577-170414120017-1024-gina-rodriguez-carmen-sandiego.jpg (1024x577, 58K)

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Artifacts are in museums to educate the general population about other cultures and their significance, not to mention protect them from thieves. In real life the shit would end up in millionaires private collections.

Lynch the niggers who don't post sources - the Koran

All of this brown women propaganda is giving me an interracial femdom fetish desu senpai. I'm embarrassed to admit that I am guilty of this degenerate behavior

She will be as bodacious as jessica rabbit

But where are the proofs

>goes to shitholes to "return" artifacts
>gets beaten, raped, and killed
>artifacts destroyed, lost or put on black market because shithole cultures won't preserve them the way Westerners do

>theres no real plot this time, its all about racism and liberal stuff.
wew gumshoe

sooo a old game made to trick kids into learning geography that was only ever installed on school computers got a crappy cartoon and i should care why?

oregon trail was better. maybe they will nolan that shit up and carmen dies of dysentery because she drank stagnant water and the whole time they were chasing a trail left by a dead beaner

oregon trail 3: stolen land

Source of quote.

Thanks for the link, faggot.

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The theme song to the show was good

That's because mozart wrote it.

Why all these new cartoons look much worse when compared with older ones. I can stand this new style of animation, looks low effort af.

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They're making new esurance ads?

Guess it wasn't enough that Carmen Sandiego is a woman of color, she's also gotta stick it to the white man!

Fuck, does everything have to be politicized?

listen up gumshoe

they had a tv show too

watch this video clue


If you're not with the status quo you're against the status quo. Can't have more than one narrative or people won't choose marxism.

You mean the song by rockapella?

I doubt that was mozart

So they fucking turned her into Crazy Eyes Cortez’ Sly Cooper fursona

Nope. Bitch even stole her theme song.


Because it is low effort as fuck, no one seems to give a shit about quality anymore.

well carmen sandiego does steal things lol

This is the song that I meant


The most likely of scenarios.

It is low effort, cheap tweenimation can't do traditional character designs justice so they've gone over to this flat look. /co/ is eating it up with a spoon of course because it's different from the calarts style as if that was anything other than a symptom of declining standards.

that's fucking garbage.

> "liberates" museum arfiticats stolen through colonialism and returns them to their original ethnic locations
I kind of get it, but what's the point really?
Is her goal to increase tourism in non-western countries or something?

Explains why the only memorable thing so about this mediocre show was it's opening.

>Be peaceful villager in some backwater country
>One day some lady in a red trenchcoat shows up and says she's returning a sacred urn she took back from evil white people
>Don't really understand anything about 'Colon Eel Isms' but it's a nice urn so the village chief puts it outside his house on a nice woven mat
>Next day village is raided by warlords who want to sell the urn for millions to a private collector
>Entire family is butchered
T-Thanks Carmen.

Will she go to morrocco?