Holy fuck. Liberals are SEETHING in the comments

Holy fuck. Liberals are SEETHING in the comments.


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when are they never seething?
it's been 2 years of continuous liberal seething and I love it

lol the cope



Do liberals sit on twitter 24/7 looking for shit to attack and cry over? Imagine that kind of life. Imagine being on your death bed and you think back to your greatest accomplishment and it’s a twitter reply to a TSA PR person.

Also lol at far-left extremists suddenly being all about upholding the sanctity of the fuicking TSA now.

>call everyone who disagrees with you rapists and murderers and hitler nonstop for 20 years
>"W-what happened to civility?"


Yes. It's very much their platform and their shitty culture.

Well they're not at work that's for sure.

holy fuck, you retards actually believe twitter comments? You guys understand that twitter is a jewish company and most of the 'comments' are bots and israeli shills, right?

The jews are trying to make you think that Trump has no support so they can remove him from power. Twitter is a bunch of jew bullshit. I wish the president wouldnt use it.

It's a mix prob around 30/70 ratio of humans and bots.

i dont think seething is the right word. they are just pointing out that the claims made by the twitter account are horse shit, which they clearly are

I think the point being made is that the operation is still going. Where I work people are out sick sometimes, it doesn’t mean we cut off the phones and close up.

I bet this cunt listens to tax payer funded NPR every day. Imagine being so stupid that you don't even know you're a hypocrite.

Attached: sdlkjfalskvjdlke.png (626x397, 59K)

Wait a minute. Communist agitators at CNN?

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This is the real reason they clamped down on the NPC meme so hard. Those accounts were getting mountains of replies despite being such obvious troll accounts that nobody other than literal bots would not realize what they were.

Dare I say, based DHS?

Does twitter not use captcha? I don't have an acct.

>muh grown ups
>"we gonna impeach this mutha fucka!"

I had to fly the other day and the TSA agent was an extremely cute and young white woman instead of the average fat nigger woman. I hope the shutdown goes on indefinitely if that is the result

>we could have had young, white QTs working everywhere instead of disgusting, fat nigger and spic women if we didn't let them into our country
Feels bad man. We could have been like norway

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>you can see in the video that his mouth doesn't line up with the words he's saying
>this is what Trump Administration officials do when they lie, and not in any way proof that CNN altered the audio

TSA employees who call off work are considered AWOL.